
WSi4 can be integrated in third-party software, e.g. ERP systems.

An integration typically covers one or more of the following topics:

Depending on the integration, one or more of the topics above can be covered. One of the following approaches is typically followed:

  1. WSi4 standalone; manual data transmission to the ERP (III only)

  2. ERP calls WSi4; WSi4 reports back (II + III)

In both cases the parameter transfer (I) can be done in advance (optional).

Naming conventions

Depending on the platform the WSi4 GUI binary name can vary. Typical names are wsi4, wsi4.exe, or wsi4.AppImage. In this description wsi4 is used.

Passing Data to WSi4

Database Table Interface

Database tables can be exchanged manually (e.g. via JSON or CSV files) or semi-automatically via HTTP requests.

Certain tables refer to other tables ("foreign keys"). The structure of all tables and the relationships between tables are listed in the table reference documentation which can be found here.

Typical applications for a parameter exchange are sheet related or tube related tables.

It is possible to populate several tables from a single CSV where the CSV can be considered an inner join of the associated tables. An example would be a combined import of the sheet table and the sheetPrice table.

Example: Sheet table import

A minimal data exchange covers the following tables:

This example does not cover e.g. technology tables that refer to the sheetMaterial table. These references are edited manually after the initial sheet table import.

Custom Bend Deductions

WSi4 provides default-tables for bend-die-groups and bend-deductions.

To use custom tables for bend-die-groups and bend-deductions the following data needs to be provided:

There may be other tables that refer to or are referred by one or more of the tables listed above. See the respective table documentation for a full list of dependencies for each table.

The definitions of bend deduction values depend on the angle.
Bend deduction definition for angles below and above 90°

image/svg+xml D D E E L

Bend deduction value for angles < 90°: L - 2D

Bend deduction value for angles > 90°: L - 2E

Bend deduction values for 90° are mandatory.

As the definition for bend deductions varies for angles below and above 90° there must be a value for each unique tuple (bendMaterialId, upperDieGroupId, lowerDieGroupId, thickness).

If the update of any table leads to an inconsistent database state, no change will be committed. The database state will remain unchanged. The process will exit with a non-zero return code.

Headless Database Synchronization

The database can be updated automatically via wsi4cli. New database tables need to be stored in a directory in JSON (preferred) or CSV (error-prone) format - one file per table.

Each file name must match the associated table’s type (e.g. /path/to/sheetPrice.json). The table type and content description can be found in the Table Reference.

The CSV content is expected to be UTF-8 encoded.

./wsi4cli -w --key <key> [--db-name <db-name>] --module "opt/cli/dbsync.js" -- [--mode <update / upsert / replace>] /path/to/dir
  • -w: Enable database write access for wsi4cli

  • --key <key>: (wsi4cli option) WSi4 license key

  • [--db-name <db-name>]: (wsi4cli option) Database name (required if more than one database is associated with <key>)

  • --mode: (module option) How the new tables should be incorporated (see examples below)

  • path/to/dir Filesystem path to the input directory

wsi4cli options and module options must be separated via --.

All mode options are mutually exclusive.

Example 1

Implicit (default) update mode. Only existing table rows are updated. New table rows are discarded.

The argument separator -- can be ommited.

./wsi4cli --key <key> --db-name <db-name> --module "opt/cli/dbsync.js" -- /path/to/dir
Example 2

Explicit update mode. Only existing table rows are updated. New table rows are discarded.

The argument separator '--' is mandatory.

./wsi4cli --key <key> --db-name <db-name> --module "opt/cli/dbsync.js" -- --mode update /path/to/dir
Example 3

Use update-or-insert (upsert) mode. Existing table rows are updated. New table rows are added. Existing, unaffected table rows are preserved.

The argument separator '--' is mandatory.

./wsi4cli --key <key> --db-name <db-name> --module "opt/cli/dbsync.js" -- --mode upsert /path/to/dir
Example 4

Use replacement mode. Each corresponding existing table is replaced entirely by the new table.

The argument separator '--' is mandatory.

./wsi4cli --key <key> --db-name <db-name> --module "opt/cli/dbsync.js" -- --mode replace /path/to/dir
  • The original database state must be consistent (i.e. no database errors must be present)

  • The submitted directory must exist

  • Each file name must match the associated table’s type name (see Table Reference)

  • All files must be readable

  • All files must conform to the respective JSON or CSV specifications (see Table Reference)

  • Write access must be granted for the provided license key and database name

  • Input files must be UTF-8 encoded

  • If any change leads to new table errors, then no change will be committed. The database state will remain unchanged.

App Input JSON

Input data can be submitted to WSi4 via positional arguments or via a JSON input file:

$ ./wsi4 <path/to/input.step> [...]
$ ./wsi4 --input-json <path/to/json>

The input JSON allows for passing of various data:

  • CAD input (+ extra data, e.g. multiplicity)

  • ERP export configuration

The input JSON can also be read from the standard input (stdin) by setting the path to -.

The reference documentation for the input JSON interface can be found here.


All interfaces of the JSON input are versioned (examples below). The version is mandatory and must be specified by providing the serialization_version property to the first instance of each interface type. Subsequent instances of this property are ignored.


File input via file system

Input data can be submitted via file paths.

  "inputFileEntries": [
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "filePath",
        "content": {
          "path": "/testresources/stepfiles/baugruppe1.step",
          "serialization_version": 0
      "serialization_version": 0
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "filePath",
        "content": {
          "path": "/testresources/dxffiles/01.dxf"
  "serialization_version": 0

WSi4 will then attempt to read the files from the file system. Unreadable input files are considered an error and trigger an exception that aborts the import.

File input via file content

Input data can be submitted by submitting the actual file content. The file content can be plain text or Base64-encoded text for binary data.

  "inputFileEntries": [
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "fileContent",
        "content": {
          "contentType": "plainText",
          "data": "0\nSECTION\n2\nHEADER\n9\n$ACADVER\n1\nAC1009\n0\nENDSEC\n0\nSECTION\n2\nTABLES\n0\nTABLE\n2\nLTYPE\n70\n2\n0\nLTYPE\n2\nCONTINUOUS\n70\n0\n3\nSolid line\n72\n65\n73\n0\n40\n0.0\n0\nLTYPE\n2\nHIDDEN\n70\n0\n3\n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n72\n65\n73\n2\n40\n0.375\n49\n0.25\n49\n-0.125\n0\nENDTAB\n0\nTABLE\n2\nLAYER\n70\n7\n0\nLAYER\n2\nBLACK\n70\n0\n62\n1\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n0\nLAYER\n2\nYELLOW\n70\n0\n62\n2\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n0\nLAYER\n2\nGREEN\n70\n0\n62\n3\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n0\nLAYER\n2\nCYAN\n70\n0\n62\n4\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n0\nLAYER\n2\nBLUE\n70\n0\n62\n5\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n0\nLAYER\n2\nMAGENTA\n70\n0\n62\n6\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n0\nLAYER\n2\nWHITE\n70\n0\n62\n7\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n0\nENDTAB\n0\nENDSEC\n0\nSECTION\n2\nBLOCKS\n0\nENDSEC\n0\nSECTION\n2\nENTITIES\n0\nLINE\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n8\nWHITE\n10\n50.0\n20\n50.0\n30\n0.0\n11\n-50.0\n21\n50.0\n31\n0.0\n0\nLINE\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n8\nWHITE\n10\n-50.0\n20\n50.0\n30\n0.0\n11\n-50.0\n21\n-50.0\n31\n0.0\n0\nLINE\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n8\nWHITE\n10\n-50.0\n20\n-50.0\n30\n0.0\n11\n50.0\n21\n-50.0\n31\n0.0\n0\nLINE\n6\nCONTINUOUS\n8\nWHITE\n10\n50.0\n20\n-50.0\n30\n0.0\n11\n50.0\n21\n50.0\n31\n0.0\n0\nENDSEC\n0\nEOF\n",
          "serialization_version": 0
      "serialization_version": 0
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "fileContent",
        "content": {
          "contentType": "base64",
  "serialization_version": 0

The example shows the file content of a DXF file in plain text.

File input with extra data

For each entry in inputFileEntries additional data can be provided:

  "inputFileEntries": [
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "filePath",
        "content": {
          "path": "/testresources/stepfiles/baugruppe1.step",
          "serialization_version": 0
      "importId": "part-0",
      "articleName": "Part 0",
      "multiplicity": 42,
      "sheetMaterialId": "1.4301",
      "serialization_version": 0
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "filePath",
        "content": {
          "path": "/testresources/dxffiles/05.dxf"
      "importId": "part-1",
      "articleName": "Part 1",
      "sheetId": "part-number-3000"
  "serialization_version": 0
Key Description


Arbitrary ID that will be part of the associated import node in the resulting JSON.

Defaults to an empty string.


Name for the associated article.

Defaults to the STEP product name (if any) or a generated name. The generated name is internationalized and an implementation detail.


Quantity for the article.

Defaults to 1.


ID of the sheet that should be used. In case of an assembly tree the sheet will be tried for each component. The sheet will only be used for compatible components. For 2D input this also defines the sheet thickness.

If used, the sheet ID must reference an entry in WSi4's sheet table.

By default no sheet is used.


ID of the sheet material that should be used. In case of an assembly tree the material will be tried for each component. The material will only be used for compatible component.

If used, the sheet material ID must reference an entry in WSi4's sheetMaterial table.

By default no sheet material is used.


ID of the tube that should be used. In case of an assembly tree the tube will be tried for each component. The tube will only be used for compatible component. For 2D input this also defines the tube thickness.

If used, the tube ID must reference an entry in WSi4's tube table.

By default no tube is used.


ID of the tube material that should be used. In case of an assembly tree the material will be tried for each component. The material will only be used for compatible component.

If used, the tube material ID must reference an entry in WSi4's tubeMaterial table.

By default no tube material is used.


ID of the tube specification that should be used. In case of an assembly tree the specification will be tried for each component. The specification will only be used for compatible component.

If used, the tube specification ID must reference an entry in WSi4's tubeSpecification table.

By default no tube specification is used.


Thickness of parts for 2D input (DXF or GEO). If sheetId is set, then the sheet’s thickness is used instead and sheetThickness is discarded.

Defaults to 1.

Export configuration (file system; BOM JSON)

The resulting JSON output can be passed to the ERP via file system or via HTTP POST request.

  "inputFileEntries": [
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "filePath",
        "content": {
          "path": "/testresources/stepfiles/baugruppe1.step",
          "serialization_version": 0
      "serialization_version": 0
  "erpExportConfig": {
    "type": "bom",
    "content": {
      "bomVersion": "v0",
      "filePath": "/tmp/erp.json",
      "exportFlags": [
      "erpExportModeEnabled": true,
      "serialization_version": 0
  "serialization_version": 1
BOM Export Flags

The available export flags are defined here.

BomExportFlag Description


User-defined attachments; exported for BomComponent or BomWorkStep


Bend drawing document as self-contained HTML; exported for BomWorkStep


DXF file; exported for BomWorkStep


GEO file; exported for BomWorkStep


Rendering of an input geometry; exported for BomComponent


Rendering of a generated 3D geometry; exported for BomWorkStep


STEP of a 3D input geometry; exported for BomComponent


STEP of a generated 3D geometry; exported for BomWorkStep


SVG file; exported for BomWorkStep


Serializations for undirected connected components


Binary GLTF data for 3D input geometry; exported for BomComponent


Binary GLTF data for generated 3D geometry; exported for BomWorkStep

Export configuration (file system; Graph JSON)

The resulting JSON output can be passed to the ERP via file system or via HTTP POST request.

  "inputFileEntries": [
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "filePath",
        "content": {
          "path": "/testresources/stepfiles/baugruppe1.step",
          "serialization_version": 0
      "serialization_version": 0
  "erpExportConfig": {
    "type": "tsGraphRep",
    "content": {
      "filePath": "/tmp/erp.json",
      "resourceTypes": [],
      "erpExportModeEnabled": true,
      "serialization_version": 0
  "serialization_version": 1
  "inputFileEntries": [
      "dataSource": {
        "type": "filePath",
        "content": {
          "path": "/testresources/stepfiles/baugruppe1.step",
          "serialization_version": 0
      "serialization_version": 0
  "erpExportConfig": {
    "filePath": "/tmp/erp.json",
    "resourceTypes": [
    "erpExportModeEnabled": true,
    "serialization_version": 0
  "serialization_version": 0

Setting of the following properties results in an ERP export button in the WSi4 GUI that will trigger an export to the respective location.

Key Description


The export results in a JSON that is written to the provided file location


The export results in a JSON that is sent to the provided URL via an HTTP POST request

The GUI’s behaviour can be changed to a more ERP export centric workflow by setting the property erpExportModeEnabled to true. If enabled, the ERP export is the only way to lead to application termination with exit code 0.

Resource types

It is possible to define the resource types that should be added to the resulting JSON:

ResourceType Description


File attachments associated with nodes


Generated DXF files for nodes associated with sheet metal parts


Generated GEO files for nodes associated with sheet metal parts or tube parts


3D renderings for nodes with associated BREP(s)


Generated STEP for applicable nodes


Imported STEP for applicable nodes


2D rendering for nodes assocaited with sheet metal parts


.wsi4 files for undirected connected components of the graph

An empty list can be used to suppress all resources.


WSi4 version Description


Add support for BOM export (AppInput serialization_version 0 → 1)


Initial implementation

Reading Data from WSi4

There are two main interfaces for structured project export:

  1. BOM JSON - Bill of materials (multi-level; includes work steps)

  2. Graph JSON - DiGraph representation (defined by nodes and arcs)

If possible, the BOM JSON should be used for new integrations due to its simplified structure. Both interfaces types are fully supported. New features are added to both interfaces.


The Bom is a multi-level bill of materials. The central building blocks are BomComponents. Each BomComponent can be considered a regular article of the project and entails a list of BomWorkSteps.

The Bom contains various information for all underlying components, e.g. the structure of each assembly, manufacturing times, material costs, selling prices, material consumptions, dimensions, and masses.

Extra files are created on demand. It is possible to create 3D renderings (PNG), STEP files, 2D CAD files (DXF or GEO), or SVG. All files are embedded in the Bom structure. Each Bom is self-contained and does not refer to any other external file.


Each BomComponent has a descriptor. This descriptor is used to create references between components. The descriptor is only valid within one BOM structure, i.e. descriptors from different BOM structures must not be mixed, even if the BOM structures refer to the same underlying project. The descriptor’s exact characters are an implementation detail and no further assumptions must be based on it.

There are different types of BomComponent s. The type is defined by the details property’s type.

  • Assemblies

  • Sheet metal parts

  • Tube parts

  • Purchase parts

New types are not considered a breaking change.

For sheet metal parts and tube parts the details also contain the material consumption (if any).

A BomComponent entails a list of BomSourceComponents. A BomSourceComponent is a reference to another BomComponent that is required to manufacture an assembly. For single parts the list is empty.

BomComponent UUID

Each BomComponent has a UUID. This UUID is consistent for .wsi4 file round-trips. The UUID can be used to match a BomComponent in different `BOM`s that are based on the same project:

  1. Create BOM (new project); enable .wsi4 file export via BomExportFlag undirectedConnectedComponentGraphs; store UUIDs

  2. Start new instance of wsi4 and pass the list of BomGraphSerializations as input

  3. Create new BOM; the UUIDs are consistent w.r.t. the first BOM

The consistency of UUIDs is only guaranteed if

  • there are no collisions among loaded UUIDs (e.g. by loading the same .wsi4 file more than once)

  • the graph’s structure is maintained (no article deletion; no process type changes for joinings that would require removal of sub-components)

UUID collisions for .wsi4 files loaded into a non-empty project are resolved by creating new UUIDs for the subsequently added graph (as needed).

For each CAD input file new UUIDs are created, i.e. the UUIDs for different `BOM`s based on the same CAD input are different.


Minimal example

The WSi4 project consists of two input files:

  1. STEP file (assembly that consists of two sheet metal parts)

  2. DXF file (single sheet metal part)

The project is exported without any prior editing, so many optional properties are not populated (cf. extended example).

	"creator": "WSi4cli (1.33.0)",
	"version": "v0",
	"projectName": "Flat part",
	"userData": {},
	"components": [
			"componentDescriptor": "c0",
			"uuid": "9b245ce3-8cbb-4c98-8735-8fee9102da3d",
			"name": "Flat part",
			"quantity": 1,
			"isImportComponent": true,
			"sourceComponents": [],
			"targetComponentDescriptors": [],
			"dimensions3": {
				"x": 114.99999999999997,
				"y": 114.99999999999997,
				"z": 2
			"sellingPrices": [],
			"details": {
				"type": "sheetMetalPart",
				"content": {
					"thickness": 2,
					"area2": 10056.82713276347,
					"dimensions2": {
						"x": 114.99999999999997,
						"y": 114.99999999999997
					"millTestReportRequired": false
			"workSteps": [
					"processType": "sheetCutting",
					"generatedFiles": [],
					"attachments": [],
					"details": {
						"type": "sheetCutting",
						"content": {
							"contourLength": 425.68580456141683,
							"contourCount": 2
			"userData": {},
			"generatedFiles": [],
			"attachments": [],
			"importId": ""
			"componentDescriptor": "c2",
			"uuid": "682b7862-a2a1-46f2-89c2-3061155417b5",
			"name": "Baugruppe1",
			"quantity": 1,
			"isImportComponent": true,
			"sourceComponents": [
					"componentDescriptor": "c3",
					"quantity": 1
					"componentDescriptor": "c4",
					"quantity": 1
			"targetComponentDescriptors": [],
			"dimensions3": {
				"x": 202.26983464805835,
				"y": 305.4179946790155,
				"z": 116.75816771365137
			"sellingPrices": [],
			"details": {
				"type": "joining",
				"content": {}
			"workSteps": [
					"processType": "joining",
					"generatedFiles": [],
					"attachments": [],
					"details": {
						"type": "generic",
						"content": {}
					"setupTime": 0,
					"unitTimePerPart": 0,
					"materialCostPerPart": 0,
					"setupCost": 0,
					"unitCostPerPart": 0
			"userData": {},
			"generatedFiles": [],
			"attachments": [],
			"importId": ""
			"componentDescriptor": "c3",
			"uuid": "21e4fda8-a4dd-4878-b05a-42ebdf754d82",
			"name": "Teil3^Baugruppe1",
			"quantity": 1,
			"isImportComponent": false,
			"sourceComponents": [],
			"targetComponentDescriptors": [
			"dimensions3": {
				"x": 98.09115808861327,
				"y": 90.46354871653824,
				"z": 184.75578379481226
			"sellingPrices": [],
			"details": {
				"type": "sheetMetalPart",
				"content": {
					"thickness": 4,
					"area2": 25705.578528991202,
					"dimensions2": {
						"x": 184.75574379481225,
						"y": 181.72188256199775
					"millTestReportRequired": false
			"workSteps": [
					"processType": "sheetCutting",
					"generatedFiles": [],
					"attachments": [],
					"details": {
						"type": "sheetCutting",
						"content": {
							"contourLength": 984.0058819823421,
							"contourCount": 5
					"processType": "dieBending",
					"generatedFiles": [],
					"attachments": [],
					"details": {
						"type": "sheetBending",
						"content": {
							"bendLines": [
									"bendDescriptor": 0,
									"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 4.599999999999994,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 4.599999999999994
			"userData": {},
			"generatedFiles": [],
			"attachments": []
			"componentDescriptor": "c4",
			"uuid": "9108622e-6a5c-4293-9e6f-2dbba954d193",
			"name": "Teil2",
			"quantity": 1,
			"isImportComponent": false,
			"sourceComponents": [],
			"targetComponentDescriptors": [
			"dimensions3": {
				"x": 202.26983464805835,
				"y": 175.84328283896113,
				"z": 102.29527041616605
			"sellingPrices": [],
			"details": {
				"type": "sheetMetalPart",
				"content": {
					"thickness": 6,
					"area2": 67326.23053114976,
					"dimensions2": {
						"x": 443.2988721589767,
						"y": 329.7981859156303
					"millTestReportRequired": false
			"workSteps": [
					"processType": "sheetCutting",
					"generatedFiles": [],
					"attachments": [],
					"details": {
						"type": "sheetCutting",
						"content": {
							"contourLength": 2253.0799431150404,
							"contourCount": 5
					"processType": "dieBending",
					"generatedFiles": [],
					"attachments": [],
					"details": {
						"type": "sheetBending",
						"content": {
							"bendLines": [
									"bendDescriptor": 0,
									"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998
									"bendDescriptor": 1,
									"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998
									"bendDescriptor": 2,
									"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999705,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999705
									"bendDescriptor": 3,
									"bendAngle": -1.0078996598309615,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998977,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998977
									"bendDescriptor": 4,
									"bendAngle": -1.4912289756594594,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998861,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998861
			"userData": {},
			"generatedFiles": [],
			"attachments": []
	"graphSerializations": [],
	"globalSurcharge": 1.3599999999999999,
	"productionOverheadSurcharge": 1.1,
	"materialSurcharge": 1.25
Extended example

The WSi4 project consists of the same STEP input file as the minimal example.

Additionally, the following data is now populated:

  • User-defined part number (BomComponent)

  • User-defined drawing number (BomComponent)

  • User-defined revision number (BomComponent)

  • User-defined article comment (BomComponent)

  • User-defined cost center (BomWorkStep)

  • User-defined work step comment (BomWorkStep)

  • Fixed part rotation (BomWorkStep details)

  • Additional user-defined process deburring (sheet metal parts) (BomWorkStep)

  • Additional user-defined process powder-coating (joining) (BomWorkStep)

A sheet material and sheet is assigned to all sheet metal parts so the material consumption for each sheet metal part is defined.

	"creator": "WSi4cli (1.33.0)",
	"version": "v0",
	"projectName": "user-defined project name",
	"userData": {},
	"components": [
			"componentDescriptor": "c0",
			"uuid": "45dd7ee6-6290-4932-b35b-375ba8bce053",
			"name": "Baugruppe1",
			"quantity": 10,
			"isImportComponent": true,
			"sourceComponents": [
					"componentDescriptor": "c1",
					"quantity": 1
					"componentDescriptor": "c2",
					"quantity": 1
			"targetComponentDescriptors": [],
			"dimensions3": {
				"x": 202.26983464805835,
				"y": 305.4179946790155,
				"z": 116.75816771365137
			"sellingPrices": [
					"scaleValue": 10,
					"unitPrice": 47.65
			"details": {
				"type": "joining",
				"content": {}
			"workSteps": [
					"processType": "joining",
					"generatedFiles": [],
					"attachments": [],
					"details": {
						"type": "generic",
						"content": {}
					"costCenter": "3400",
					"comment": "user-defined-comment-0",
					"setupTime": 0,
					"unitTimePerPart": 0,
					"materialCostPerPart": 0,
					"setupCost": 0,
					"unitCostPerPart": 0
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Graph example

The WSi4 project consists of a STEP input file where the assembly structure is a directed graph, but not a tree.

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					"details": {
						"type": "sheetBending",
						"content": {
							"bendLines": [
									"bendDescriptor": 0,
									"bendAngle": -0.4363323129985827,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 4.000000000000117,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 14.741552511415517
									"bendDescriptor": 1,
									"bendAngle": 1.5707963267948932,
									"constructedInnerRadius": 1.9999999999999956,
									"resultingInnerRadius": 1.9999999999999956
					"setupTime": 576,
					"unitTimePerPart": 24,
					"materialCostPerPart": 0,
					"setupCost": 11.968000000000002,
					"unitCostPerPart": 0.49866666666666676
			"userData": {},
			"generatedFiles": [],
			"attachments": [],
			"mass": 0.6337189031597065
	"graphSerializations": [],
	"globalSurcharge": 1.3599999999999999,
	"productionOverheadSurcharge": 1.1,
	"materialSurcharge": 1.25


The BOM version reflects the major version of the interface. The BOM version changes in case of breaking changes that might require modifications in existing implementations.

Extensions to the existing interface (new properties, new enum types, etc.) are typically considered minor and do not lead to a major version change.

BOM v0
WSi4 version Description


Initial implementation


Add GLTF output file type Add countersinking details Extend coating details


Add HTML job card file type Add internal article number Add internal revision number Drop tube cutting GEO support


Add BomComponent UUID


Add surcharges

Graph JSON

The reference documentation for the interface can be found here.


Minimal example
	"creator": "WSi4cli (1.33.0)",
	"erpInterfaceVersion": "v1",
	"projectName": "",
	"nodes": [
			"processId": "",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v0",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [
			"targetVertexKeys": [],
			"sourceMultiplicities": [
					"vertexKey": "v1",
					"multiplicity": 1
			"importId": "",
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheetCutting",
				"content": {
					"contourLength": 425.68580456141683,
					"contourCount": 2,
					"boundingBox": {
						"lower": {
							"entries": [
						"upper": {
							"entries": [
					"sheetThickness": 2,
					"fixedRotations": []
			"processRep": {
				"type": "sheetCutting",
				"content": {
					"contourLength": 425.68580456141683,
					"contourCount": 2,
					"boundingBox": {
						"lower": {
							"entries": [
						"upper": {
							"entries": [
					"sheetThickness": 2,
					"fixedRotations": []
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "sheet",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v1",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [],
			"targetVertexKeys": [
			"sourceMultiplicities": [],
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheet",
				"content": {
					"sheetIds": [],
					"consumptions": [],
					"sheetThickness": 2
			"processRep": {
				"type": "sheet",
				"content": {
					"sheetIds": [],
					"consumptions": [],
					"sheetThickness": 2
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "joining",
			"costCenter": "",
			"times": {
				"setup": 0,
				"unit": 0
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"costs": {
				"material": 0,
				"setup": 0,
				"unit": 0,
				"manufacturing": 0,
				"selling": 0
			"vertexKey": "v2",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [
			"targetVertexKeys": [],
			"sourceMultiplicities": [
					"vertexKey": "v3",
					"multiplicity": 1
					"vertexKey": "v4",
					"multiplicity": 1
			"importId": "",
			"workStep": {
				"type": "joining",
				"content": {}
			"processRep": {
				"type": "joining"
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "die-bending",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v3",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [
			"targetVertexKeys": [
			"sourceMultiplicities": [
					"vertexKey": "v5",
					"multiplicity": 1
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheetBending",
				"content": {
					"bendLineData": [
							"bendDescriptor": 0,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 4.599999999999994,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 4.599999999999994,
							"innerRadius": 4.599999999999994,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
					"sheetThickness": 4
			"processRep": {
				"type": "dieBending",
				"content": {
					"bendLineData": [
							"bendDescriptor": 0,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 4.599999999999994,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 4.599999999999994,
							"innerRadius": 4.599999999999994,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
					"sheetThickness": 4
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "die-bending",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v4",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [
			"targetVertexKeys": [
			"sourceMultiplicities": [
					"vertexKey": "v7",
					"multiplicity": 1
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheetBending",
				"content": {
					"bendLineData": [
							"bendDescriptor": 0,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 1,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 2,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999705,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999705,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999999705,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 3,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998977,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998977,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999998977,
							"bendAngle": -1.0078996598309615,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 4,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998861,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998861,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999998861,
							"bendAngle": -1.4912289756594594,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
					"sheetThickness": 6
			"processRep": {
				"type": "dieBending",
				"content": {
					"bendLineData": [
							"bendDescriptor": 0,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 1,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999999998,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 2,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999705,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999999705,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999999705,
							"bendAngle": -1.5707963267948966,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 3,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998977,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998977,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999998977,
							"bendAngle": -1.0078996598309615,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
							"bendDescriptor": 4,
							"constructedInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998861,
							"resultingInnerRadius": 0.7999999999998861,
							"innerRadius": 0.7999999999998861,
							"bendAngle": -1.4912289756594594,
							"segments": [
									"content": {
										"from": {
											"entries": [
										"to": {
											"entries": [
									"type": "line"
					"sheetThickness": 6
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v5",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [
			"targetVertexKeys": [
			"sourceMultiplicities": [
					"vertexKey": "v6",
					"multiplicity": 1
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheetCutting",
				"content": {
					"contourLength": 984.0058819823421,
					"contourCount": 5,
					"boundingBox": {
						"lower": {
							"entries": [
						"upper": {
							"entries": [
					"sheetThickness": 4,
					"fixedRotations": []
			"processRep": {
				"type": "sheetCutting",
				"content": {
					"contourLength": 984.0058819823421,
					"contourCount": 5,
					"boundingBox": {
						"lower": {
							"entries": [
						"upper": {
							"entries": [
					"sheetThickness": 4,
					"fixedRotations": []
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "sheet",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v6",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [],
			"targetVertexKeys": [
			"sourceMultiplicities": [],
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheet",
				"content": {
					"sheetIds": [],
					"consumptions": [],
					"sheetThickness": 4
			"processRep": {
				"type": "sheet",
				"content": {
					"sheetIds": [],
					"consumptions": [],
					"sheetThickness": 4
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v7",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [
			"targetVertexKeys": [
			"sourceMultiplicities": [
					"vertexKey": "v8",
					"multiplicity": 1
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheetCutting",
				"content": {
					"contourLength": 2253.0799431150404,
					"contourCount": 5,
					"boundingBox": {
						"lower": {
							"entries": [
						"upper": {
							"entries": [
					"sheetThickness": 6,
					"fixedRotations": []
			"processRep": {
				"type": "sheetCutting",
				"content": {
					"contourLength": 2253.0799431150404,
					"contourCount": 5,
					"boundingBox": {
						"lower": {
							"entries": [
						"upper": {
							"entries": [
					"sheetThickness": 6,
					"fixedRotations": []
			"comment": ""
			"processId": "sheet",
			"costCenter": "",
			"userDefinedScalePrices": [],
			"vertexKey": "v8",
			"sourceVertexKeys": [],
			"targetVertexKeys": [
			"sourceMultiplicities": [],
			"workStep": {
				"type": "sheet",
				"content": {
					"sheetIds": [],
					"consumptions": [],
					"sheetThickness": 6
			"processRep": {
				"type": "sheet",
				"content": {
					"sheetIds": [],
					"consumptions": [],
					"sheetThickness": 6
			"comment": ""
	"articles": [
			"vertexKeys": [
			"name": "Sheet_0",
			"externalPartNumber": "",
			"externalDrawingNumber": "",
			"externalRevisionNumber": "",
			"internalPartNumber": "",
			"internalReferenceNumber": "",
			"comment": "",
			"multiplicity": 1,
			"scaleData": [],
			"attachments": []
			"vertexKeys": [
			"name": "Sheet_1",
			"externalPartNumber": "",
			"externalDrawingNumber": "",
			"externalRevisionNumber": "",
			"internalPartNumber": "",
			"internalReferenceNumber": "",
			"comment": "",
			"multiplicity": 1,
			"scaleData": [],
			"attachments": []
			"vertexKeys": [
			"name": "Sheet_2",
			"externalPartNumber": "",
			"externalDrawingNumber": "",
			"externalRevisionNumber": "",
			"internalPartNumber": "",
			"internalReferenceNumber": "",
			"comment": "",
			"multiplicity": 1,
			"scaleData": [],
			"attachments": []
			"vertexKeys": [
			"name": "Teil2",
			"externalPartNumber": "",
			"externalDrawingNumber": "",
			"externalRevisionNumber": "",
			"internalPartNumber": "",
			"internalReferenceNumber": "",
			"comment": "",
			"multiplicity": 1,
			"scaleData": [],
			"attachments": [],
			"boundingBox3": {
				"lower": {
					"entries": [
				"upper": {
					"entries": [
			"vertexKeys": [
			"name": "Teil3^Baugruppe1",
			"externalPartNumber": "",
			"externalDrawingNumber": "",
			"externalRevisionNumber": "",
			"internalPartNumber": "",
			"internalReferenceNumber": "",
			"comment": "",
			"multiplicity": 1,
			"scaleData": [],
			"attachments": [],
			"boundingBox3": {
				"lower": {
					"entries": [
				"upper": {
					"entries": [
			"vertexKeys": [
			"name": "Flat part",
			"externalPartNumber": "",
			"externalDrawingNumber": "",
			"externalRevisionNumber": "",
			"internalPartNumber": "",
			"internalReferenceNumber": "",
			"comment": "",
			"multiplicity": 1,
			"scaleData": [],
			"attachments": [],
			"boundingBox3": {
				"lower": {
					"entries": [
				"upper": {
					"entries": [
			"vertexKeys": [
			"name": "Baugruppe1",
			"externalPartNumber": "",
			"externalDrawingNumber": "",
			"externalRevisionNumber": "",
			"internalPartNumber": "",
			"internalReferenceNumber": "",
			"comment": "",
			"multiplicity": 1,
			"scaleData": [],
			"attachments": [],
			"boundingBox3": {
				"lower": {
					"entries": [
				"upper": {
					"entries": [
	"resources": {
		"bendDrawingHtmls": {},
		"dxfs": {},
		"dxfsCompressed": {},
		"geos": {},
		"geosCompressed": {},
		"inputSteps": {},
		"inputStepsCompressed": {},
		"outputSteps": {},
		"outputStepsCompressed": {},
		"attachments": {},
		"pngs": {},
		"svgs": {},
		"svgsCompressed": {},
		"subGraphs": []


Opaque objects

Opaque objects are objects used in the API whose content is not supposed to be directly observed or modified by callees. They are only meant to serve as further input to API functions.


User-defined input for custom calculations


Asynchronously computed binary data


Assembly consisting of arbitrarily many Breps at arbitrary positions


An Assembly recursively contains other Assemblys and Breps.


Asynchronously computed Assembly


Asynchronously computed boolean value


Boundary representation of a single part


A Brep represents a three-dimensional object. Breps can be placed into Assemblys.




User-defined input configuration for a variable used in a custom calculation




Draco mesh representation of arbitrarily many Breps


A DracoRepresentation object contains futures that compute geometric representations in Draco format for given Breps. These futures are then utilized in turning Assemblys into Gltf files.


Unique identifier of one node


A GraphNodeId is a unique identifier for one node. It is unique for a whole program instance across different graphs and projects.


Identifier for a group of nodes


A GraphNodeRootId identifies a group of nodes such that one graph contains at most one member of the group. If a node has a certain GraphNodeRootId and is changed by some API function, its GraphNodeRootId remains the same.




Type representing a polygon with arbitrarily many Polygons as holes


An InnerOuterPolygon corresponds to a two dimensional part.


Type representing layered vector graphics


A Layered represents arbitrary two-dimensional contours. These need not form actual parts. A Layered can potentially be turned into an InnerOuterPolygon if it forms one.


Asynchronously computed measurement scenes


Asynchronously computed nest3 result value


Polygon consisting of line and arc segments


A Polygon can not contain holes.


Asynchronously computed polygon value




Asynchronously computed optional profile shadow value


Type representing a two dimensional scene with arbitrary non-bitmap content


A Scene can be converted to various two-dimensional output formats such as DXF or SVG.


Asynchronously computed Scene


Vertex object of a stateless graph


An SlVertex references one node in one stateless graph instance. It is only valid for the associated stateless graph.


Asynchronously computed optional TwoDimRepresentation


Workstep specific two-dimensional representation


A TwoDimRepresentation shows, in a manner specific to the underlying workstep, the available two-dimensional information.


Vertex object of a graph


A Vertex references one node in one graph instance. It becomes invalid as soon as the graph changes.


Interfaces are objects used in the API whose content can be observed and modified in scripts.


Type containing arbitrary values or arrays of values indexed by strings

interface StringIndexedInterface {
	[index: string]: unknown;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isStringIndexedInterface(arg: unknown) : arg is StringIndexedInterface;

This type is meant to be used when the exact type of a value is a runtime choice.


interface AnyBomComponentDetails {
	index: number;
	data: BomComponentDetailsJoining;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyBomComponentDetails(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyBomComponentDetails;


interface AnyBomWorkStepDetails {
	index: number;
	data: BomWorkStepDetailsGeneric;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyBomWorkStepDetails(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyBomWorkStepDetails;


interface AnyCadFeatureDetails {
	index: number;
	data: CadFeatureDetailsCountersink;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyCadFeatureDetails(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyCadFeatureDetails;


interface AnyCalcUserInputValue {
	index: number;
	data: CalcUserInputValueNumber;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyCalcUserInputValue(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyCalcUserInputValue;


Input file data source definition

interface AnyDataSource {
	index: number;
	data: DataSourceFilePath;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyDataSource(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyDataSource;


Input file data and optional properties

interface AnyErpStandardExportConfig {
	index: number;
	data: ErpStandardExportConfigTsGraphRep;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyErpStandardExportConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyErpStandardExportConfig;


interface AnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig {
	index: number;
	data: ErpStandardInterfaceConfigTsGraphRep;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig;


interface AnyNodeIssue {
	index: number;
	data: NodeIssueBendDeductionApplicationFailed;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyNodeIssue(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyNodeIssue;


Widget config

interface AnyPartCreationDialogConfig {
	index: number;
	data: PartCreationDialogConfigRectangularSheetMetalPart;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyPartCreationDialogConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyPartCreationDialogConfig;


Widget result

interface AnyPartCreationDialogResult {
	index: number;
	data: PartCreationDialogResultRectangularSheetMetalPart;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyPartCreationDialogResult(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyPartCreationDialogResult;


interface AnySettingsTableValue {
	index: number;
	data: SettingsTableValueBendFlangeSafetyDistance;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnySettingsTableValue(arg: unknown) : arg is AnySettingsTableValue;


Variant covering all user tables

interface AnyTable {
	index: number;
	data: (SheetMaterial)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAnyTable(arg: unknown) : arg is AnyTable;


Interface for programmatic application input

interface AppInput {
	projectUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	erpExportConfig?: AnyErpStandardExportConfig;
	inputFileEntries?: (InputFileEntry)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAppInput(arg: unknown) : arg is AppInput;


Arc segment

interface ArcSegment {
	from: Point2;
	to: Point2;
	center: Point2;
	ccw: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArcSegment(arg: unknown) : arg is ArcSegment;

Note that a full circle is given if from === to.


Bulk editor cell configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorCellConfig {
	index: number;
	data: ArticleBulkEditorCheckBoxConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorCellConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorCellConfig;


Check box configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorCheckBoxConfig {
	initialValue?: boolean;
	isOptional: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorCheckBoxConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorCheckBoxConfig;


Bulk editor column configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorColumnConfig {
	key: string;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorColumnConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorColumnConfig;


Drop down configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorDropDownConfig {
	initialValue?: string;
	items: (ArticleBulkEditorDropDownItem)[];
	isOptional: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorDropDownConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorDropDownConfig;


Drop down item

interface ArticleBulkEditorDropDownItem {
	id: string;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorDropDownItem(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorDropDownItem;


Label configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorLabelConfig {
	initialValue?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorLabelConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorLabelConfig;


Line edit configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorLineEditConfig {
	initialValue?: string;
	isOptional: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorLineEditConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorLineEditConfig;


Extra article data for bulk editor

interface ArticleBulkEditorRowExtraData {
	quantity: number;
	x?: number;
	y?: number;
	z?: number;
	associatedSemimanProductId?: string;
	associatedSemimanProductName?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorRowExtraData(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorRowExtraData;


Spin box configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorSpinBoxConfig {
	initialValue?: number;
	min: number;
	max: number;
	decimals: number;
	isOptional: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorSpinBoxConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorSpinBoxConfig;


Text edit configuration

interface ArticleBulkEditorTextEditConfig {
	initialValue?: string;
	isOptional: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleBulkEditorTextEditConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleBulkEditorTextEditConfig;


Article extra data entry

interface ArticleExtraDataMapEntry {
	extraDataKey: ArticleExtraData;
	extraDataValue: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleExtraDataMapEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleExtraDataMapEntry;


interface ArticleUpdate {
	vertex: Vertex;
	articleUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleUpdate(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleUpdate;


Maps article UserData entry name to a type

interface ArticleUserData {
	name: string;
	comment: string;
	externalPartNumber: string;
	externalDrawingNumber: string;
	externalRevisionNumber: string;
	internalPartNumber: string;
	internalReferenceNumber: string;
	customUserData: StringIndexedInterface;
	attachments: (Attachment)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isArticleUserData(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleUserData;


Assembly map entry

interface AssemblyMapEntry {
	id: string;
	assembly: Assembly;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAssemblyMapEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is AssemblyMapEntry;


Defines sub-assembly relative to a given root

interface AssemblyPath {
	indices: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAssemblyPath(arg: unknown) : arg is AssemblyPath;


File representation consisting of a name and a Base64 encoded data string

interface Attachment {
	name: string;
	data: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAttachment(arg: unknown) : arg is Attachment;


Automatic mechanical deburring material mapping

Unique members interface
interface AutomaticMechanicalDeburringMaterialUniqueMembers {
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAutomaticMechanicalDeburringMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is AutomaticMechanicalDeburringMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface AutomaticMechanicalDeburringMaterial extends AutomaticMechanicalDeburringMaterialUniqueMembers {
	automaticMechanicalDeburringMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAutomaticMechanicalDeburringMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is AutomaticMechanicalDeburringMaterial;


Automatic mechanical deburring parameters

Unique members interface
interface AutomaticMechanicalDeburringParametersUniqueMembers {
	automaticMechanicalDeburringMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAutomaticMechanicalDeburringParametersUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is AutomaticMechanicalDeburringParametersUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface AutomaticMechanicalDeburringParameters extends AutomaticMechanicalDeburringParametersUniqueMembers {
	maxDimY: number;
	unitTimeBase: number;
	speed: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isAutomaticMechanicalDeburringParameters(arg: unknown) : arg is AutomaticMechanicalDeburringParameters;


Table row defining a bend deduction for a certain parameter set

Unique members interface
interface BendDeductionUniqueMembers {
	sheetBendingMaterialId: string;
	upperDieGroupId: string;
	lowerDieGroupId: string;
	thickness: number;
	bendAngle: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendDeductionUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is BendDeductionUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface BendDeduction extends BendDeductionUniqueMembers {
	innerRadius: number;
	sharpDeduction: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendDeduction(arg: unknown) : arg is BendDeduction;

Table is used to interpolate actual bend deduction for a bend line.


Die affect distance for a bend

interface BendDieAffectDistanceEntry {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	affectDistance: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendDieAffectDistanceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is BendDieAffectDistanceEntry;


Resulting parameters for a single bend-line and the corresponding die-group-selection

interface BendDieChoice {
	baseClass: CamBendDeduction;
	upperDieGroupId: string;
	lowerDieGroupId: string;
	thickness: number;
	type: BendDieChoiceType;
	sharpDeduction: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendDieChoice(arg: unknown) : arg is BendDieChoice;


Define bend line related manufacturing constriants

Unique members interface
interface BendLineConstraintUniqueMembers {
	sheetBendingMaterialId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendLineConstraintUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is BendLineConstraintUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface BendLineConstraint extends BendLineConstraintUniqueMembers {
	maxNetLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendLineConstraint(arg: unknown) : arg is BendLineConstraint;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Data associated with each individual bend line

interface BendLineData {
	constructedInnerRadius: number;
	resultingInnerRadius: number;
	bendAngle: number;
	bendDescriptor: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendLineData(arg: unknown) : arg is BendLineData;


Flange lengths associated with each individual bend line

interface BendLineFlangeLength {
	flangeLengthLhs: number;
	flangeLengthRhs: number;
	bendDescriptor: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendLineFlangeLength(arg: unknown) : arg is BendLineFlangeLength;

For a bend, take its two adjacent plates p0 and p1 on the outside shell of the bend. p0 lies to the left of the bend line, taking its orientation into account, and p1 to the right. They are contained in two planes p0' and p1'. The two planes p0' and p1' intersect in one straight line l.

The flange lengths f0 and f1 are the maximal distances of any point on p0 and p1 has from l respectively.


A bend line’s segments

interface BendLineSegmentsMapEntry {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	segments: (Segment)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendLineSegmentsMapEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is BendLineSegmentsMapEntry;


Define bend related cost-computation parameters

Unique members interface
interface BendRateParametersUniqueMembers {
	sheetBendingMaterialId: string;
	thickness: number;
	bendLineNetLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendRateParametersUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is BendRateParametersUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface BendRateParameters extends BendRateParametersUniqueMembers {
	hourlyRateFactor: number;
	hourlyRateDelta: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendRateParameters(arg: unknown) : arg is BendRateParameters;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Define times used to calculate a node of type sheet bending

Unique members interface
interface BendTimeUniqueMembers {
	mass: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is BendTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface BendTime extends BendTimeUniqueMembers {
	setupTime: number;
	setupTimePerBend: number;
	unitTime: number;
	unitTimePerBend: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendTime(arg: unknown) : arg is BendTime;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Define bend related time-computation parameters

Unique members interface
interface BendTimeParametersUniqueMembers {
	sheetBendingMaterialId: string;
	thickness: number;
	bendLineNetLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendTimeParametersUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is BendTimeParametersUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface BendTimeParameters extends BendTimeParametersUniqueMembers {
	setupTimeFactor: number;
	setupTimeDelta: number;
	setupTimePerBendFactor: number;
	setupTimePerBendDelta: number;
	unitTimeFactor: number;
	unitTimeDelta: number;
	unitTimePerBendFactor: number;
	unitTimePerBendDelta: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendTimeParameters(arg: unknown) : arg is BendTimeParameters;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Input data for one bend for bending tool editor

interface BendingToolEditorInputEntry {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	angle: number;
	constructedInnerRadius: number;
	bendDieChoices: (BendDieChoice)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBendingToolEditorInputEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is BendingToolEditorInputEntry;


interface Bom {
	version: BomVersion;
	creator: string;
	projectName: string;
	components: (BomComponent)[];
	userData: StringIndexedInterface;
	graphSerializations: (BomGraphSerialization)[];
	globalSurcharge: number;
	productionOverheadSurcharge: number;
	materialSurcharge: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBom(arg: unknown) : arg is Bom;


Annotation that references a 2D geometry

interface BomAnnotation2 {
	point: BomPoint2;
	text: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomAnnotation2(arg: unknown) : arg is BomAnnotation2;


interface BomAttachment {
	name: string;
	base64: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomAttachment(arg: unknown) : arg is BomAttachment;


interface BomBendLine {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	bendAngle: number;
	constructedInnerRadius: number;
	resultingInnerRadius: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomBendLine(arg: unknown) : arg is BomBendLine;


interface BomComponent {
	componentDescriptor: string;
	uuid: string;
	name: string;
	quantity: number;
	isImportComponent: boolean;
	sourceComponents: (BomSourceComponent)[];
	targetComponentDescriptors: (string)[];
	dimensions3: BomDimensions3;
	mass?: number;
	comment?: string;
	importId?: string;
	externalPartNumber?: string;
	externalDrawingNumber?: string;
	externalRevisionNumber?: string;
	internalPartNumber?: string;
	internalReferenceNumber?: string;
	details: AnyBomComponentDetails;
	sellingPrices: (BomScalePrice)[];
	workSteps: (BomWorkStep)[];
	userData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	generatedFiles: (BomGeneratedFile)[];
	attachments: (BomAttachment)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomComponent(arg: unknown) : arg is BomComponent;


interface BomComponentDetailsJoining {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomComponentDetailsJoining(arg: unknown) : arg is BomComponentDetailsJoining;


interface BomComponentDetailsPurchasePart {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomComponentDetailsPurchasePart(arg: unknown) : arg is BomComponentDetailsPurchasePart;


interface BomComponentDetailsSheetMetalPart {
	thickness: number;
	area2: number;
	dimensions2: BomDimensions2;
	sheetMaterialId?: string;
	sheetConsumption?: BomSheetConsumption;
	millTestReportRequired: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomComponentDetailsSheetMetalPart(arg: unknown) : arg is BomComponentDetailsSheetMetalPart;


interface BomComponentDetailsTubePart {
	extrusionLength: number;
	volume: number;
	profileGeometry: BomTubeProfileGeometry;
	tubeMaterialId?: string;
	tubeSpecificationId?: string;
	tubeConsumption?: BomTubeConsumption;
	millTestReportRequired: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomComponentDetailsTubePart(arg: unknown) : arg is BomComponentDetailsTubePart;


interface BomCountersink {
	innerRadius: number;
	outerRadius: number;
	angle: number;
	depth: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomCountersink(arg: unknown) : arg is BomCountersink;


Dimensions of a 2D geometry

interface BomDimensions2 {
	x: number;
	y: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomDimensions2(arg: unknown) : arg is BomDimensions2;


Dimensions of a 3D geometry

interface BomDimensions3 {
	x: number;
	y: number;
	z: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomDimensions3(arg: unknown) : arg is BomDimensions3;


interface BomGeneratedFile {
	type: BomGeneratedFileType;
	plainText?: string;
	base64?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomGeneratedFile(arg: unknown) : arg is BomGeneratedFile;


interface BomGraphSerialization {
	componentDescriptors: (string)[];
	base64: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomGraphSerialization(arg: unknown) : arg is BomGraphSerialization;


Point in 2D coordinate system

interface BomPoint2 {
	x: number;
	y: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomPoint2(arg: unknown) : arg is BomPoint2;


interface BomScalePrice {
	scaleValue: number;
	unitPrice: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomScalePrice(arg: unknown) : arg is BomScalePrice;


interface BomSheetConsumption {
	sheetId: string;
	sheetDimensions: BomDimensions2;
	netConsumptionSheetsPerPart: number;
	grossConsumptionSheetsPerPart: number;
	netConsumptionMassPerPart: number;
	grossConsumptionMassPerPart: number;
	materialCostPerPart: number;
	setupCost: number;
	unitCostPerPart: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomSheetConsumption(arg: unknown) : arg is BomSheetConsumption;


interface BomSourceComponent {
	componentDescriptor: string;
	quantity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomSourceComponent(arg: unknown) : arg is BomSourceComponent;


interface BomTubeConsumption {
	tubeId: string;
	tubeLength: number;
	netConsumptionTubesPerPart: number;
	grossConsumptionTubesPerPart: number;
	netConsumptionMassPerPart: number;
	grossConsumptionMassPerPart: number;
	materialCostPerPart: number;
	setupCost: number;
	unitCostPerPart: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomTubeConsumption(arg: unknown) : arg is BomTubeConsumption;


interface BomTubeProfileGeometry {
	index: number;
	data: BomTubeProfileGeometryCircular;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomTubeProfileGeometry(arg: unknown) : arg is BomTubeProfileGeometry;


interface BomTubeProfileGeometryCircular {
	thickness: number;
	diameter: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomTubeProfileGeometryCircular(arg: unknown) : arg is BomTubeProfileGeometryCircular;


interface BomTubeProfileGeometryRectangular {
	thickness: number;
	dimensions2: BomDimensions2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomTubeProfileGeometryRectangular(arg: unknown) : arg is BomTubeProfileGeometryRectangular;


interface BomWorkStep {
	processType: ProcessType;
	costCenter?: string;
	comment?: string;
	setupTime?: number;
	unitTimePerPart?: number;
	materialCostPerPart?: number;
	setupCost?: number;
	unitCostPerPart?: number;
	userDefinedManufacturingCosts?: (BomScalePrice)[];
	details: AnyBomWorkStepDetails;
	generatedFiles: (BomGeneratedFile)[];
	attachments: (BomAttachment)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStep(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStep;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsCoating {
	coatingId?: string;
	coatingAreaPerPart: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsCoating(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsCoating;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsCountersinking {
	countersinks: (BomCountersink)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsCountersinking(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsCountersinking;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsGeneric {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsGeneric(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsGeneric;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsMechanicalDeburring {
	doubleSided: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsMechanicalDeburring(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsMechanicalDeburring;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsSheetBending {
	bendLines: (BomBendLine)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsSheetBending(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsSheetBending;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsSheetCutting {
	contourLength: number;
	contourCount: number;
	fixedRotations?: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsSheetCutting(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsSheetCutting;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsSheetTapping {
	annotations: (BomAnnotation2)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsSheetTapping(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsSheetTapping;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsTubeCutting {
	contourLength: number;
	contourCount: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsTubeCutting(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsTubeCutting;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsUserDefinedCountersinking {
	count: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsUserDefinedCountersinking(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsUserDefinedCountersinking;


interface BomWorkStepDetailsUserDefinedThreading {
	count: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBomWorkStepDetailsUserDefinedThreading(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepDetailsUserDefinedThreading;


Axis-aligned 2-dim Box

interface Box2 {
	lower: Point2;
	upper: Point2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBox2(arg: unknown) : arg is Box2;

A Box2 is an axis-aligned 2-dimensional Box. Its content is stored in lower and upper.


Axis-aligned 3-dim Box

interface Box3 {
	lower: Point3;
	upper: Point3;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBox3(arg: unknown) : arg is Box3;

A Box3 is an axis-aligned 3-dimensional Box. Its content is stored in lower and upper.


Bulk import data

interface BulkImportAssemblyData {
	assembly: Assembly;
	multiplicity: number;
	articleName: string;
	extraData: (ArticleExtraDataMapEntry)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBulkImportAssemblyData(arg: unknown) : arg is BulkImportAssemblyData;


Bulk import data

interface BulkImportData {
	index: number;
	data: BulkImportTwoDimData;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBulkImportData(arg: unknown) : arg is BulkImportData;


Bulk import file input data and optional properties

interface BulkImportFileEntry {
	dataSource: AnyDataSource;
	importUuid: string;
	importId?: string;
	multiplicity?: number;
	sheetThickness?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBulkImportFileEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is BulkImportFileEntry;


Bulk import data

interface BulkImportGraphDimData {
	wsi4FileContent: ArrayBuffer;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBulkImportGraphDimData(arg: unknown) : arg is BulkImportGraphDimData;


Bulk import result

interface BulkImportResult {
	data: BulkImportData;
	importUuid: string;
	userImportId?: string;
	inputFilePath?: string;
	sheetMaterialDefinition: SheetMaterialDefinition;
	tubeMaterialDefinition: TubeMaterialDefinition;
	purchasePartMaterialId?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBulkImportResult(arg: unknown) : arg is BulkImportResult;


Bulk import data

interface BulkImportTwoDimData {
	twoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation;
	sheetThickness: number;
	assemblyName: string;
	multiplicity: number;
	extraData: (ArticleExtraDataMapEntry)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isBulkImportTwoDimData(arg: unknown) : arg is BulkImportTwoDimData;


interface CadFeatureDetailsCountersink {
	innerRadius: number;
	outerRadius: number;
	angle: number;
	depth: number;
	surfaceFlag: SheetSurfaceFlag;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCadFeatureDetailsCountersink(arg: unknown) : arg is CadFeatureDetailsCountersink;


interface CadFeatureDetailsThroughHole {
	radius: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCadFeatureDetailsThroughHole(arg: unknown) : arg is CadFeatureDetailsThroughHole;


interface CadFeatureGroup {
	index: number;
	descriptors: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCadFeatureGroup(arg: unknown) : arg is CadFeatureGroup;


Config for DocumentGraphCreator

interface CadImportConfig {
	sheetUpperSideStrategy?: SheetUpperSideStrategy;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCadImportConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is CadImportConfig;


interface CalcUserInputValueEnumeration {
	displayName: string;
	enumName: string;
	value: number;
	unit: string;
	isDefault: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCalcUserInputValueEnumeration(arg: unknown) : arg is CalcUserInputValueEnumeration;


interface CalcUserInputValueNumber {
	displayName: string;
	value: number;
	unit: string;
	isDefault: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCalcUserInputValueNumber(arg: unknown) : arg is CalcUserInputValueNumber;


Bend deduction computed for a specific bend line

interface CamBendDeduction {
	roundDeduction: number;
	innerRadius: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamBendDeduction(arg: unknown) : arg is CamBendDeduction;

A CamBendDeduction is computed for a specific bend-line and die-group-combination and is applied to e. g. sheet cutting parts.


Transform command

interface CamCommand {
	index: number;
	data: CamCommandSetColor;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamCommand(arg: unknown) : arg is CamCommand;


Apply CAD features

interface CamCommandApplyCadFeatures {
	descriptors: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamCommandApplyCadFeatures(arg: unknown) : arg is CamCommandApplyCadFeatures;


Set coating color

interface CamCommandSetCoatingColor {
	coatingMode: CamCoatingMode;
	color: Vector4;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamCommandSetCoatingColor(arg: unknown) : arg is CamCommandSetCoatingColor;


Set geometry entity color(s)

interface CamCommandSetColor {
	entities: (GeometryEntity)[];
	color: Vector3;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamCommandSetColor(arg: unknown) : arg is CamCommandSetColor;


A CamNestedPart contains the root id of the vertex the InnerOuterPolygon belongs to, and the CoordinateSystem2 on the sheet

interface CamNestedPart {
	innerOuterPolygon: InnerOuterPolygon;
	coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamNestedPart(arg: unknown) : arg is CamNestedPart;


A CamNesting contains array of CamSheets

interface CamNesting {
	sheets: (CamSheet)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamNesting(arg: unknown) : arg is CamNesting;


Private API

interface CamNestorConfig {
	timeout: CamNestorTimeout;
	numRelevantNestings: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamNestorConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is CamNestorConfig;


Private API

interface CamNestorTimeout {
	valueMs?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamNestorTimeout(arg: unknown) : arg is CamNestorTimeout;


A CamSheet contains information about sheet, multiplicity and CamNestedParts on sheet

interface CamSheet {
	dimX: number;
	dimY: number;
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamSheet(arg: unknown) : arg is CamSheet;


Result of a tube nesting computation

interface CamTubeNestingResult {
	inputLength: number;
	nestings: (CamTubeNestingResultNesting)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamTubeNestingResult(arg: unknown) : arg is CamTubeNestingResult;


Partial result of a tube nesting computation

interface CamTubeNestingResultNesting {
	transformations: (CoordinateSystem3)[];
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamTubeNestingResultNesting(arg: unknown) : arg is CamTubeNestingResultNesting;


Defines a scene view

interface Camera3 {
	eye: Point3;
	center: Point3;
	up: Vector3;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCamera3(arg: unknown) : arg is Camera3;


3-dim camera orientation

interface CameraOrientation3 {
	center: Vector3;
	direction: Vector3;
	up: Vector3;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCameraOrientation3(arg: unknown) : arg is CameraOrientation3;

A CameraOrirentation3 is defined by an origin Vector3 and an rotation matrix.



Unique members interface
interface CoatingUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCoatingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is CoatingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Coating extends CoatingUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	color: string;
	density: number;
	costPerMass: number;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCoating(arg: unknown) : arg is Coating;


Maps a coating to a process

Unique members interface
interface CoatingProcessMappingUniqueMembers {
	coatingId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCoatingProcessMappingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is CoatingProcessMappingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface CoatingProcessMapping extends CoatingProcessMappingUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCoatingProcessMapping(arg: unknown) : arg is CoatingProcessMapping;


Properties of a database connection

interface ConnectionProperties {
	databaseType: DatabaseType;
	name: string;
	hostName: string;
	port: number;
	databaseName: string;
	userName: string;
	password: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isConnectionProperties(arg: unknown) : arg is ConnectionProperties;

ConnectionProperties contain all the information that is used to connect to a database.


Table is inconsistent

interface ConsistencyTableError {
	affectedRowType: TableType;
	details: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isConsistencyTableError(arg: unknown) : arg is ConsistencyTableError;



Unique members interface
interface ConsumableUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isConsumableUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ConsumableUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Consumable extends ConsumableUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	unit: string;
	costsPerUnit: number;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isConsumable(arg: unknown) : arg is Consumable;


interface ConsumableConsumption {
	consumableId: string;
	consumedUnits: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isConsumableConsumption(arg: unknown) : arg is ConsumableConsumption;


2D coordinate system

interface CoordinateSystem2 {
	origin: Vector2;
	unitaryMatrix: Matrix2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCoordinateSystem2(arg: unknown) : arg is CoordinateSystem2;

A CoordinateSystem2 is defined by its origin and a unitary rotation matrix.


3D coordinate system

interface CoordinateSystem3 {
	origin: Vector3;
	unitaryMatrix: Matrix3;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCoordinateSystem3(arg: unknown) : arg is CoordinateSystem3;

A CoordinateSystem3 is defined by its origin and a unitary rotation matrix.


Unique members interface
interface CountersinkingConstraintsUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	angle: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCountersinkingConstraintsUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is CountersinkingConstraintsUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface CountersinkingConstraints extends CountersinkingConstraintsUniqueMembers {
	minInnerDiameter: number;
	maxOuterDiameter: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCountersinkingConstraints(arg: unknown) : arg is CountersinkingConstraints;


interface CustomCalculationResult {
	displayName: string;
	unit: string;
	errorMessage: string;
	value: undefined|string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isCustomCalculationResult(arg: unknown) : arg is CustomCalculationResult;


Data source that holds the file content

interface DataSourceFileContent {
	contentType: FileContentType;
	data: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDataSourceFileContent(arg: unknown) : arg is DataSourceFileContent;


Data source that references a file on the file system

interface DataSourceFilePath {
	path: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDataSourceFilePath(arg: unknown) : arg is DataSourceFilePath;


interface DefaultCalcJson {
	displayName: string;
	json: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDefaultCalcJson(arg: unknown) : arg is DefaultCalcJson;


Set of valid combinations of bendDescriptor and BendDieChoice for a bend

interface DieChoiceAlternativesEntry {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	bendDieChoices: (BendDieChoice)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDieChoiceAlternativesEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is DieChoiceAlternativesEntry;


Combination of bendDescriptor and BendDieChoice

interface DieChoiceMapEntry {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	bendDieChoice: BendDieChoice;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDieChoiceMapEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is DieChoiceMapEntry;


Die group priority

Unique members interface
interface DieGroupPriorityUniqueMembers {
	upperDieGroupId: string;
	lowerDieGroupId: string;
	sheetBendingMaterialId: string;
	sheetThickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDieGroupPriorityUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is DieGroupPriorityUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface DieGroupPriority extends DieGroupPriorityUniqueMembers {
	priority: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDieGroupPriority(arg: unknown) : arg is DieGroupPriority;


Constraints for the internal die group selector

interface DieSelectorQuery {
	thickness: number;
	bendAngle: number;
	maxOpeningWidth: number;
	resultingRadiusFactor: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDieSelectorQuery(arg: unknown) : arg is DieSelectorQuery;


Process specific dimension constraints

Unique members interface
interface DimensionConstraintsUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDimensionConstraintsUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is DimensionConstraintsUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface DimensionConstraints extends DimensionConstraintsUniqueMembers {
	minX: number;
	minY: number;
	minZ: number;
	maxX: number;
	maxY: number;
	maxZ: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDimensionConstraints(arg: unknown) : arg is DimensionConstraints;


Image element

interface DocXImage {
	placeholder: string;
	content: ArrayBuffer;
	type: DocXImageType;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocXImage(arg: unknown) : arg is DocXImage;


Cell of a docx table row

interface DocXTableCell {
	index: number;
	data: DocXText;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocXTableCell(arg: unknown) : arg is DocXTableCell;


Tables element

interface DocXTables {
	tables: (((DocXTableCell)[])[])[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocXTables(arg: unknown) : arg is DocXTables;


Text element

interface DocXText {
	placeholder: string;
	text: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocXText(arg: unknown) : arg is DocXText;


Barcode placed in a document

interface DocumentBarcode {
	width: number;
	text: string;
	alignment: DocumentAlignment;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentBarcode(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentBarcode;


Format properties of a document

interface DocumentFormat {
	orientation: DocumentOrientation;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentFormat(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentFormat;


Heading of a document

interface DocumentHeading {
	level: number;
	text: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentHeading(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentHeading;


Image placed in a document

interface DocumentImage {
	width: number;
	type: DocumentImageType;
	uuid: string;
	data: ArrayBuffer;
	alignment: DocumentAlignment;
	richTextFixedRatio?: number;
	richTextFixedImageWidth?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentImage(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentImage;


Part of a document row

interface DocumentItem {
	index: number;
	data: DocumentParagraph;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentItem(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentItem;


Page break

interface DocumentPageBreak {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentPageBreak(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentPageBreak;


Paragraph of a document

interface DocumentParagraph {
	width: number;
	text: string;
	alignment: DocumentAlignment;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentParagraph(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentParagraph;


Separator (e. g. horizontal line)

interface DocumentSeparator {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentSeparator(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentSeparator;


Table placed in a document

interface DocumentTable {
	width: number;
	columnWidths: (number)[];
	columnHeaders: (DocumentTableCell)[];
	rows: ((DocumentTableCell)[])[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentTable(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentTable;


Cell of a document-Table

interface DocumentTableCell {
	text: string;
	alignment: DocumentAlignment;
	backgroundColor?: string;
	lineHeight?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isDocumentTableCell(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentTableCell;


Configures an export as BOM JSON

interface ErpStandardExportConfigBom {
	bomVersion: BomVersion;
	serverUrl?: string;
	filePath?: string;
	articleNameMaxLength?: number;
	erpExportModeEnabled?: boolean;
	exportFlags?: BomExportFlags;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isErpStandardExportConfigBom(arg: unknown) : arg is ErpStandardExportConfigBom;


Configures an export as TsGraphRep JSON

interface ErpStandardExportConfigTsGraphRep {
	serverUrl?: string;
	filePath?: string;
	articleNameMaxLength?: number;
	erpExportModeEnabled?: boolean;
	resourceTypes?: TsGraphRepResourceTypes;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isErpStandardExportConfigTsGraphRep(arg: unknown) : arg is ErpStandardExportConfigTsGraphRep;


interface ErpStandardInterfaceConfigBom {
	bomVersion: BomVersion;
	exportFlags: BomExportFlags;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isErpStandardInterfaceConfigBom(arg: unknown) : arg is ErpStandardInterfaceConfigBom;


interface ErpStandardInterfaceConfigTsGraphRep {
	graphRepVersion: TsGraphRepVersion;
	resourceTypes: TsGraphRepResourceTypes;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isErpStandardInterfaceConfigTsGraphRep(arg: unknown) : arg is ErpStandardInterfaceConfigTsGraphRep;


Form row configuration

interface FormRowConfig {
	key: string;
	name: string;
	config: FormWidgetConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormRowConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormRowConfig;


Check box configuration

interface FormWidgetCheckBoxConfig {
	initialValue: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetCheckBoxConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetCheckBoxConfig;


Form widget configuration

interface FormWidgetConfig {
	index: number;
	data: FormWidgetCheckBoxConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetConfig;


Drop down configuration

interface FormWidgetDropDownConfig {
	initialValue: string;
	entries: (FormWidgetDropDownEntry)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetDropDownConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetDropDownConfig;


Drop down entry

interface FormWidgetDropDownEntry {
	id: string;
	text: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetDropDownEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetDropDownEntry;


Label configuration

interface FormWidgetLabelConfig {
	initialValue: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetLabelConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetLabelConfig;


Line edit configuration

interface FormWidgetLineEditConfig {
	initialValue: string;
	validatorRegex?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetLineEditConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetLineEditConfig;


Spin box configuration

interface FormWidgetSpinBoxConfig {
	initialValue: number;
	min: number;
	max: number;
	decimals: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetSpinBoxConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetSpinBoxConfig;


Text edit configuration

interface FormWidgetTextEditConfig {
	initialValue: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isFormWidgetTextEditConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetTextEditConfig;


interface GeometryEntity {
	assemblyPath: AssemblyPath;
	descriptor: GeometryEntityDescriptor;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGeometryEntity(arg: unknown) : arg is GeometryEntity;


interface GeometryEntityDescriptor {
	index: number;
	data: GeometryEntityDescriptorContentEdge;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGeometryEntityDescriptor(arg: unknown) : arg is GeometryEntityDescriptor;


interface GeometryEntityDescriptorContentEdge {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGeometryEntityDescriptorContentEdge(arg: unknown) : arg is GeometryEntityDescriptorContentEdge;


interface GeometryEntityDescriptorContentFace {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGeometryEntityDescriptorContentFace(arg: unknown) : arg is GeometryEntityDescriptorContentFace;


Vendor-specific data associated that can be associated with a node in a generated Gltf representation

interface GltfNodeVendorData {
	assembly: Assembly;
	data: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGltfNodeVendorData(arg: unknown) : arg is GltfNodeVendorData;


Input to create a PreDocumentGraph from

interface GraphCreatorInput {
	index: number;
	data: GraphCreatorInputStep;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphCreatorInput(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphCreatorInput;

Experimental API


Extrusion input

interface GraphCreatorInputExtrusion {
	importUuid: string;
	userImportId: string;
	innerOuterPolygon: InnerOuterPolygon;
	depth: number;
	assemblyName: string;
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphCreatorInputExtrusion(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphCreatorInputExtrusion;

Experimental API


Assembly input

interface GraphCreatorInputFinalizedAssembly {
	importUuid: string;
	userImportId: string;
	assembly: Assembly;
	multiplicity: number;
	inputFilePath?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphCreatorInputFinalizedAssembly(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphCreatorInputFinalizedAssembly;

Experimental API


STEP file content

interface GraphCreatorInputStep {
	importUuid: string;
	userImportId: string;
	data: ArrayBuffer;
	multiplicity: number;
	inputFilePath?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphCreatorInputStep(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphCreatorInputStep;

Experimental API


2D input

interface GraphCreatorInputTwoDimRep {
	importUuid: string;
	userImportId: string;
	twoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation;
	thickness: number;
	assemblyName: string;
	multiplicity: number;
	inputFilePath?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphCreatorInputTwoDimRep(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphCreatorInputTwoDimRep;

Experimental API


interface GraphDeserializationResult {
	status: AddResultStatus;
	graph?: DocumentGraph;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphDeserializationResult(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphDeserializationResult;


Additional input data for loaded graphs

interface GraphImportAttributes {
	importUuid: string;
	userImportId?: string;
	inputFilePath?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphImportAttributes(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphImportAttributes;


interface GraphUpdateConfig {
	sheetNestorTimeout: CamNestorTimeout;
	sheetNestingMode: NestingMode;
	tubeNestingMode: NestingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isGraphUpdateConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphUpdateConfig;


Interface for DocumentGraphHandler

interface HandlerPackaging {
	package: Box3;
	maxWeight: number;
	masses: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isHandlerPackaging(arg: unknown) : arg is HandlerPackaging;

Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.


Interface for DocumentGraphHandler

interface HandlerPostProcessCreateSources {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isHandlerPostProcessCreateSources(arg: unknown) : arg is HandlerPostProcessCreateSources;

Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.


Interface for DocumentGraphHandler

interface HandlerPostProcessSheetBending {
	upperDieAffectDistances: (number)[];
	lowerDieAffectDistances: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isHandlerPostProcessSheetBending(arg: unknown) : arg is HandlerPostProcessSheetBending;

Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.


Interface for DocumentGraphHandler

interface HandlerPreProcessCreateWorkStep {
	processTable: (Process)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isHandlerPreProcessCreateWorkStep(arg: unknown) : arg is HandlerPreProcessCreateWorkStep;

Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.


Result of an HTTP request

interface HttpReply {
	errorCode: number;
	data: ArrayBuffer;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isHttpReply(arg: unknown) : arg is HttpReply;

errorCode corresponds to QNetworkReply::NetworkError. See


Filter for the initial sheet for an sheet metal part article

interface InitialSheetFilter {
	sheetId?: string;
	sheetMaterialId?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isInitialSheetFilter(arg: unknown) : arg is InitialSheetFilter;


Filter for the initial tube for a tube article

interface InitialTubeFilter {
	tubeId?: string;
	tubeMaterialId?: string;
	tubeSpecificationId?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isInitialTubeFilter(arg: unknown) : arg is InitialTubeFilter;


Input file data and optional properties

interface InputFileEntry {
	dataSource: AnyDataSource;
	importId?: string;
	multiplicity?: number;
	articleName?: string;
	sheetThickness?: number;
	sheetId?: string;
	sheetMaterialId?: string;
	tubeId?: string;
	tubeMaterialId?: string;
	tubeSpecificationId?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isInputFileEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is InputFileEntry;


Table cell value is invalid

interface InvalidValueTableError {
	affectedRowType: TableType;
	affectedRowIndex: number;
	affectedColumnIndex: number;
	details: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isInvalidValueTableError(arg: unknown) : arg is InvalidValueTableError;


Joining sequence of a node

interface Joining {
	joiningSteps: (JoiningStep)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isJoining(arg: unknown) : arg is Joining;


Step of joining sequence

interface JoiningStep {
	entries: (JoiningStepEntry)[];
	cameraOrientation?: CameraOrientation3;
	comment: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isJoiningStep(arg: unknown) : arg is JoiningStep;


Entry of step of joining sequence

interface JoiningStepEntry {
	assembly: Assembly;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isJoiningStepEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is JoiningStepEntry;


A key value pair

interface KeyValue {
	key: string;
	value: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isKeyValue(arg: unknown) : arg is KeyValue;


Defines laser sheet cuttin gas type

Unique members interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingGasUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingGasUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingGasUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingGas extends LaserSheetCuttingGasUniqueMembers {
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingGas(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingGas;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Maximum sheet thickness constraint for a parameter combination

Unique members interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingMaxThicknessUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingMaterialId: string;
	laserSheetCuttingGasId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingMaxThicknessUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingMaxThicknessUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingMaxThickness extends LaserSheetCuttingMaxThicknessUniqueMembers {
	maxThickness: number;
	minThickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingMaxThickness(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingMaxThickness;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Minumum area for contours to be considered cuttable

Unique members interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingMinAreaUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingMaterialId: string;
	laserSheetCuttingGasId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingMinAreaUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingMinAreaUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingMinArea extends LaserSheetCuttingMinAreaUniqueMembers {
	area: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingMinArea(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingMinArea;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Defines laser sheet cutting pierce time

Unique members interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingMaterialId: string;
	laserSheetCuttingGasId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingPierceTime extends LaserSheetCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingPierceTime(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingPierceTime;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Calculation parameters for nodes of type laser sheet cutting

Unique members interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingRateUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingMaterialId: string;
	laserSheetCuttingGasId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingRateUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingRateUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingRate extends LaserSheetCuttingRateUniqueMembers {
	rate: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingRate(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingRate;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Defines laser sheet cutting speed

Unique members interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingMaterialId: string;
	laserSheetCuttingGasId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LaserSheetCuttingSpeed extends LaserSheetCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers {
	speed: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLaserSheetCuttingSpeed(arg: unknown) : arg is LaserSheetCuttingSpeed;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Layer of a Layered

interface Layer {
	descriptor: number;
	number: number;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLayer(arg: unknown) : arg is Layer;


Extra data possibly associated with input leading to a Layered

interface LayeredExtraData {
	thickness: number;
	name: string;
	material: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLayeredExtraData(arg: unknown) : arg is LayeredExtraData;


Line segment

interface LineSegment {
	from: Point2;
	to: Point2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLineSegment(arg: unknown) : arg is LineSegment;



Unique members interface
interface LowerDieUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLowerDieUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LowerDieUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LowerDie extends LowerDieUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	lowerDieGroupId: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLowerDie(arg: unknown) : arg is LowerDie;


Defines lower die-bending die group

Unique members interface
interface LowerDieGroupUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLowerDieGroupUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LowerDieGroupUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LowerDieGroup extends LowerDieGroupUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	exportIdentifier: string;
	openingWidth: number;
	angle: number;
	radius: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLowerDieGroup(arg: unknown) : arg is LowerDieGroup;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.



Unique members interface
interface LowerDieUnitUniqueMembers {
	lowerDieId: string;
	dimX: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLowerDieUnitUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is LowerDieUnitUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface LowerDieUnit extends LowerDieUnitUniqueMembers {
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isLowerDieUnit(arg: unknown) : arg is LowerDieUnit;


interface ManufacturingCostComponents {
	setupCost: number;
	unitCost: number;
	materialCost: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isManufacturingCostComponents(arg: unknown) : arg is ManufacturingCostComponents;


Unique members interface
interface MaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isMaterialGroupUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is MaterialGroupUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface MaterialGroup extends MaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isMaterialGroup(arg: unknown) : arg is MaterialGroup;


Column-major 2x2 Matrix

interface Matrix2 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isMatrix2(arg: unknown) : arg is Matrix2;

A Matrix2 is a square matrix of size 2x2. Its content is stored as a flat array of length 4 in column-major format.


Column-major 3x3 Matrix

interface Matrix3 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isMatrix3(arg: unknown) : arg is Matrix3;

A Matrix3 is a square matrix of size 3x3. Its content is stored as a flat array of length 9 in column-major format.


Column-major 4x4 Matrix

interface Matrix4 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isMatrix4(arg: unknown) : arg is Matrix4;

A Matrix4 is a square matrix of size 4x4. Its content is stored as a flat array of length 16 in column-major format.


A Scene combined with three-dimensional coordinate information

interface MeasurementScene {
	scene: Scene;
	camera: Camera3;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isMeasurementScene(arg: unknown) : arg is MeasurementScene;

This object is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.


Instance of a part in a 2D nesting

interface Nest2PartInstance {
	descriptor: number;
	transformation: CoordinateSystem2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNest2PartInstance(arg: unknown) : arg is Nest2PartInstance;


Information about the box to nest into in 3D nesting

interface Nest3InputBin {
	box: Box3;
	maxWeight: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNest3InputBin(arg: unknown) : arg is Nest3InputBin;


All information needed of part that is to be nested in 3D nesting

interface Nest3Part {
	assembly: Assembly;
	multiplicity: number;
	mass: number;
	profileShadow: ProfileShadowFuture;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNest3Part(arg: unknown) : arg is Nest3Part;


One result box of 3D nesting

interface Nest3ResultBox {
	assembly: Assembly;
	weight: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNest3ResultBox(arg: unknown) : arg is Nest3ResultBox;


interface Nesting {
	targetMap: (Vertex)[];
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNesting(arg: unknown) : arg is Nesting;


Parameters to apply to a newly created node

interface NewNodeParams {
	processType: ProcessType;
	processId: string;
	nodeUserData: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNewNodeParams(arg: unknown) : arg is NewNodeParams;

Currently only nodes of type userDefined and transform can be created.


interface NodeIssueBendDeductionApplicationFailed {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendDeductionApplicationFailed(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendDeductionApplicationFailed;


interface NodeIssueBendDeductionThicknessDeviation {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendDeductionThicknessDeviation(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendDeductionThicknessDeviation;


interface NodeIssueBendDieChoiceFailed {
	flangeLengthIssues: (NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedFlangeLengthIssue)[];
	bendLineGrossLengthIssues: (NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedBendLineGrossLengthIssue)[];
	radiusIssues: (NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedRadiusIssue)[];
	parameterIssues: (NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedParameterIssue)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendDieChoiceFailed(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendDieChoiceFailed;


interface NodeIssueBendFlangeTooShort {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	flangeLength0: number;
	flangeLength1: number;
	requiredOpeningWidth: number;
	actualOpeningWidth: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendFlangeTooShort(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendFlangeTooShort;


interface NodeIssueBendLineGrossLengthConstraintViolated {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	actualGrossLength: number;
	maxAllowedGrossLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendLineGrossLengthConstraintViolated(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendLineGrossLengthConstraintViolated;


interface NodeIssueBendLineNetLengthConstraintViolated {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	actualNetLength: number;
	maxAllowedNetLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendLineNetLengthConstraintViolated(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendLineNetLengthConstraintViolated;


interface NodeIssueBendRadiusDeviation {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	constructedInnerRadius: number;
	resultingInnerRadius: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendRadiusDeviation(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendRadiusDeviation;


interface NodeIssueBendZoneAffectsContour {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueBendZoneAffectsContour(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueBendZoneAffectsContour;


interface NodeIssueCadFeatureUnhandled {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueCadFeatureUnhandled(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueCadFeatureUnhandled;


interface NodeIssueClassificationEnforceable {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueClassificationEnforceable(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueClassificationEnforceable;


interface NodeIssueContourSizeConstraintViolated {
	expectedMinimalContourArea: number;
	violatingContourAreas: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueContourSizeConstraintViolated(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueContourSizeConstraintViolated;


interface NodeIssueCountersinkingConstraintsViolated {
	groupedIssues: (NodeIssueCountersinkingConstraintsViolatedGroupedIssue)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueCountersinkingConstraintsViolated(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueCountersinkingConstraintsViolated;


interface NodeIssueCountersinkingConstraintsViolatedGroupedIssue {
	groupIndex: number;
	actualAngle?: number;
	allowedAngles?: (number)[];
	actualInnerDiameter?: number;
	minInnerDiameter?: number;
	actualOuterDiameter?: number;
	maxOuterDiameter?: number;
	actualDepth?: number;
	maxDepth?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueCountersinkingConstraintsViolatedGroupedIssue(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueCountersinkingConstraintsViolatedGroupedIssue;


interface NodeIssueDatumInvalid {
	nodeDatumType: NodeDatumType;
	value: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueDatumInvalid(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueDatumInvalid;


interface NodeIssueDatumMissing {
	nodeDatumType: NodeDatumType;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueDatumMissing(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueDatumMissing;


interface NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedBendLineGrossLengthIssue {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	actualGrossLength: number;
	maxGrossLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueDieChoiceFailedBendLineGrossLengthIssue(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedBendLineGrossLengthIssue;


interface NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedFlangeLengthIssue {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	actualLength: number;
	minLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueDieChoiceFailedFlangeLengthIssue(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedFlangeLengthIssue;


interface NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedParameterIssue {
	bendDescriptor: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueDieChoiceFailedParameterIssue(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedParameterIssue;


interface NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedRadiusIssue {
	bendDescriptor: number;
	constructedInnerRadius: number;
	closestResultingInnerRadius: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueDieChoiceFailedRadiusIssue(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueDieChoiceFailedRadiusIssue;


interface NodeIssueDimensionConstraintViolated {
	actualDimensions: [ (number), (number), (number), ];
	violatedLowerConstraints?: [ (number), (number), (number), ];
	violatedUpperConstraints?: [ (number), (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueDimensionConstraintViolated(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueDimensionConstraintViolated;


interface NodeIssueFeatureNotLicensed {
	feature: Feature;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueFeatureNotLicensed(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueFeatureNotLicensed;


interface NodeIssueMassConstraintViolated {
	actualMass: number;
	minMass: number;
	maxMass: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueMassConstraintViolated(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueMassConstraintViolated;


interface NodeIssueMaterialIncompatible {
	incompatibleSheetMaterialIds: (string)[];
	incompatibleTubeMaterialIds: (string)[];
	incompatiblePurchasePartMaterialIds: (string)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueMaterialIncompatible(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueMaterialIncompatible;


interface NodeIssueNestingFailed {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueNestingFailed(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueNestingFailed;


interface NodeIssueNestingTwoDimRepresentationInvalid {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueNestingTwoDimRepresentationInvalid(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueNestingTwoDimRepresentationInvalid;


interface NodeIssueSheetNotAvailable {
	thickness?: number;
	sheetMaterialId?: string;
	dimX?: number;
	dimY?: number;
	outOfStock: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueSheetNotAvailable(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueSheetNotAvailable;


interface NodeIssueSheetThicknessConstraintViolated {
	minThickness: number;
	maxThickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueSheetThicknessConstraintViolated(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueSheetThicknessConstraintViolated;


interface NodeIssueTubeNotAvailable {
	tubeMaterialId?: string;
	tubeSpecificationId?: string;
	tubeProfileIds: (string)[];
	inputLength?: number;
	outOfStock: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueTubeNotAvailable(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueTubeNotAvailable;


interface NodeIssueTubeProfileNotSupported {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueTubeProfileNotSupported(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueTubeProfileNotSupported;


interface NodeIssueTubeUnfoldingInconsistent {
	expectedPerimeter: number;
	actualPerimeter: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueTubeUnfoldingInconsistent(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueTubeUnfoldingInconsistent;


interface NodeIssueUnclassifiedGeometryPartiallyUnclassified {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueUnclassifiedGeometryPartiallyUnclassified(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueUnclassifiedGeometryPartiallyUnclassified;


interface NodeIssueUnexpected {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueUnexpected(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueUnexpected;


interface NodeIssueUnfoldingFailed {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueUnfoldingFailed(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueUnfoldingFailed;


interface NodeIssueUnfoldingNotSimple {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeIssueUnfoldingNotSimple(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueUnfoldingNotSimple;


interface NodeUpdate {
	index: number;
	data: NodeUpdateUndefined;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdate(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdate;


interface NodeUpdateJoining {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateJoining(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateJoining;


interface NodeUpdatePackaging {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdatePackaging(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdatePackaging;


interface NodeUpdateSheet {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateSheet(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateSheet;


interface NodeUpdateSheetBending {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	dieChoiceMap?: (DieChoiceMapEntry)[];
	toggleUpperSide?: boolean;
	correctBends?: boolean;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateSheetBending(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateSheetBending;


interface NodeUpdateSheetCutting {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	sheetThickness?: number;
	toggleUpperSide?: boolean;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];
	doUpdateNestingMode?: boolean;
	nestingMode?: NestingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateSheetCutting(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateSheetCutting;


interface NodeUpdateTransform {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateTransform(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateTransform;


interface NodeUpdateTube {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateTube(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateTube;


interface NodeUpdateTubeCutting {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];
	doUpdateNestingMode?: boolean;
	nestingMode?: NestingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateTubeCutting(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateTubeCutting;


interface NodeUpdateUndefined {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateUndefined(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateUndefined;


interface NodeUpdateUserDefined {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateUserDefined(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateUserDefined;


interface NodeUpdateUserDefinedBase {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUpdateUserDefinedBase(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUpdateUserDefinedBase;


Maps node UserData entry name to a type

interface NodeUserDataBase {
	attachments: (Attachment)[];
	bendLineEngravingMode: BendLineEngravingMode;
	coatingId: string;
	comment: string;
	deburrDoubleSided: boolean;
	fixedRotations: (number)[];
	numCountersinks: number;
	numThreads: number;
	purchasePartMaterialId: string;
	sheetFilterSheetIds: (string)[];
	sheetSpec: string;
	sheetMaterialId: string;
	sheetTappingData: (SheetTappingDataEntry)[];
	testReportRequired: boolean;
	tubeFilterTubeIds: (string)[];
	tubeMaterialId: string;
	tubeSpecificationId: string;
	userDefinedMaterialCostsPerPiece: number;
	userDefinedScalePrices: (UserDefinedScalePrice)[];
	userDefinedSetupTime: number;
	userDefinedUnitTimePerPiece: number;
	screwThreadEngravingEnabled: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isNodeUserDataBase(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUserDataBase;


Defines a packaging

Unique members interface
interface PackagingUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPackagingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is PackagingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Packaging extends PackagingUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	dimX: number;
	dimY: number;
	dimZ: number;
	maxWeight: number;
	price: number;
	tr: number;
	tep: number;
	tea: number;
	packagingWeight: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPackaging(arg: unknown) : arg is Packaging;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Widget config

interface PartCreationDialogConfigLProfile {
	sheets: (Sheet)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogConfigLProfile(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogConfigLProfile;


Widget config

interface PartCreationDialogConfigRectangularSheetMetalPart {
	sheets: (Sheet)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogConfigRectangularSheetMetalPart(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogConfigRectangularSheetMetalPart;


Widget config

interface PartCreationDialogConfigTubePart {
	tubes: (Tube)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogConfigTubePart(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogConfigTubePart;


Widget config

interface PartCreationDialogConfigUProfile {
	sheets: (Sheet)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogConfigUProfile(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogConfigUProfile;


Widget result

interface PartCreationDialogResultLProfile {
	thickness: number;
	innerRadius: number;
	flangeLengthX: number;
	flangeLengthY: number;
	extrusionDepth: number;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogResultLProfile(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogResultLProfile;


Widget result

interface PartCreationDialogResultRectangularSheetMetalPart {
	thickness: number;
	width: number;
	height: number;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogResultRectangularSheetMetalPart(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogResultRectangularSheetMetalPart;


Widget result

interface PartCreationDialogResultTubePart {
	tubeIdentifier: string;
	dimX: number;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogResultTubePart(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogResultTubePart;


Widget result

interface PartCreationDialogResultUProfile {
	thickness: number;
	innerRadius: number;
	width: number;
	height: number;
	extrusionDepth: number;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPartCreationDialogResultUProfile(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogResultUProfile;


2-dim vector

interface Point2 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPoint2(arg: unknown) : arg is Point2;

A Point2 is defined by an array of length 2 representing its x and y coordinates


3-dim vector

interface Point3 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPoint3(arg: unknown) : arg is Point3;

A Point3 is defined by an array of length 3 representing its x, y, and z coordinates


Private API

interface PrivateArticleCalcDataResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	approxSemimanufacturedShare?: number;
	manufacturingPriceExclSurcharges?: number;
	manufacturingPriceInclSurcharges?: number;
	recursiveManufacturingPriceExclSurcharges?: number;
	recursiveManufacturingPriceInclSurcharges?: number;
	sellingPrice?: number;
	recursiveSellingPrice?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateArticleCalcDataResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateArticleCalcDataResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateArticleDenominations {
	name?: string;
	externalPartNumber?: string;
	externalDrawingNumber?: string;
	externalRevisionNumber?: string;
	internalPartNumber?: string;
	internalReferenceNumber?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateArticleDenominations(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateArticleDenominations;


Private API

interface PrivateArticleRepresentation {
	name: string;
	externalPartNumber: string;
	externalDrawingNumber: string;
	externalRevisionNumber: string;
	internalPartNumber: string;
	internalReferenceNumber: string;
	comment: string;
	multiplicity: number;
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	rootId: GraphNodeRootId;
	nodeIds: (GraphNodeId)[];
	inputFilePath: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateArticleRepresentation(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateArticleRepresentation;


Private API

interface PrivateArticleSignatureNodeResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	material: string;
	hasThreadableCoreHole?: boolean;
	mass?: number;
	sheetThickness?: number;
	tubeProfile?: TubeProfileGeometry;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateArticleSignatureNodeResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateArticleSignatureNodeResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateArticleTextResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	details: string;
	detailsDocument: ((DocumentItem)[])[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateArticleTextResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateArticleTextResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateAssemblyResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	assembly: Assembly;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateAssemblyResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateAssemblyResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateBinaryResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	data: ArrayBuffer;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateBinaryResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateBinaryResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateGraphData {
	projectName: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateGraphData(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateGraphData;


Private API

interface PrivateGuiData {
	index: number;
	data: PrivateGuiDataGraphRep;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateGuiData(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateGuiData;


Private API

interface PrivateGuiDataGraphRep {
	nodes: (PrivateNodeRepresentation)[];
	articles: (PrivateArticleRepresentation)[];
	resources: PrivateResources;
	data: PrivateGraphData;
	sourceMults: (PrivateSourceMultEntry)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateGuiDataGraphRep(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateGuiDataGraphRep;


Private API

interface PrivateMainWindowErpConfig {
	standardExportToThirdPartyEnabled: boolean;
	standardExportToFileEnabled: boolean;
	erpExportModeEnabled: boolean;
	articleNameMaxLength?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateMainWindowErpConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateMainWindowErpConfig;


Private API

interface PrivateMainWindowScriptAction {
	name: string;
	modulePath: string;
	functionName: string;
	shortcut?: string;
	icon?: string;
	menuType?: PrivateMainWindowMenuType;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateMainWindowScriptAction(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateMainWindowScriptAction;


Private API

interface PrivateMainWindowScriptConfig {
	scripts: (PrivateMainWindowScriptAction)[];
	erpConfig: PrivateMainWindowErpConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateMainWindowScriptConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateMainWindowScriptConfig;


Private API

interface PrivateMeasurementScenesResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	data: (MeasurementScene)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateMeasurementScenesResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateMeasurementScenesResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateNodeCalcDataResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	materialCosts?: number;
	setupTime?: number;
	unitTime?: number;
	manufacturingPriceExclSurcharges?: number;
	manufacturingPriceInclSurcharges?: number;
	sellingPrice?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateNodeCalcDataResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateNodeCalcDataResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateNodeIssueResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	issues: (AnyNodeIssue)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateNodeIssueResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateNodeIssueResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateNodeRepresentation {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	rootId: GraphNodeRootId;
	sourceNodeIds: (GraphNodeId)[];
	targetNodeIds: (GraphNodeId)[];
	workStepType: WorkStepType;
	processType: ProcessType;
	processId: string;
	processName: string;
	comment: string;
	hasTwoDimInput: boolean;
	hasCalcOverride: boolean;
	hasCalcUserInput: boolean;
	hasTwoDimRepresentation: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateNodeRepresentation(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateNodeRepresentation;


Private API

interface PrivateNodeTextResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	brief: string;
	details: string;
	toolTip: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateNodeTextResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateNodeTextResourceEntry;


Interface for DocumentGraphHandler

interface PrivatePostProcessingResultCreateSourcesSheetCutting {
	source: Vertex;
	deducedDataOfSource: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivatePostProcessingResultCreateSourcesSheetCutting(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivatePostProcessingResultCreateSourcesSheetCutting;

Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.


Interface for DocumentGraphHandler

interface PrivatePostProcessingResultCreateWorkStep {
	processType: ProcessType;
	processId: string;
	nodeUserData: StringIndexedInterface;
	articleUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivatePostProcessingResultCreateWorkStep(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivatePostProcessingResultCreateWorkStep;

Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.


Private API

interface PrivateProblematicGeometryResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	hasProblematicGeometries: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateProblematicGeometryResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateProblematicGeometryResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateProjectResources {
	costAnalysisDocument: ((DocumentItem)[])[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateProjectResources(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateProjectResources;


Private API

interface PrivateResources {
	pngs: (PrivateBinaryResourceEntry)[];
	inputAssemblies: (PrivateAssemblyResourceEntry)[];
	outputAssemblies: (PrivateAssemblyResourceEntry)[];
	defaultScenes: (PrivateSceneResourceEntry)[];
	bendZoneScenes: (PrivateSceneResourceEntry)[];
	lowerDieAffectZoneScenes: (PrivateSceneResourceEntry)[];
	technicalDrawingScenes: (PrivateMeasurementScenesResourceEntry)[];
	tubeOutlineScenes: (PrivateSceneResourceEntry)[];
	nodeIssues: (PrivateNodeIssueResourceEntry)[];
	nodeTexts: (PrivateNodeTextResourceEntry)[];
	articleTexts: (PrivateArticleTextResourceEntry)[];
	articleCalcData: (PrivateArticleCalcDataResourceEntry)[];
	articleSignatureNodeData: (PrivateArticleSignatureNodeResourceEntry)[];
	nodeCalcData: (PrivateNodeCalcDataResourceEntry)[];
	nodeProblematicGeometryData: (PrivateProblematicGeometryResourceEntry)[];
	projectResources: PrivateProjectResources;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateResources(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateResources;


Private API

interface PrivateSceneResourceEntry {
	nodeId: GraphNodeId;
	data: Scene;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateSceneResourceEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateSceneResourceEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateSheetTablesEditorInitData {
	sheetMaterials: (SheetMaterial)[];
	sheetMaterialDensities: (SheetMaterialDensity)[];
	sheetMaterialScrapValues: (SheetMaterialScrapValue)[];
	sheets: (Sheet)[];
	sheetPrices: (SheetPrice)[];
	sheetStocks: (SheetStock)[];
	sheetModuli: (SheetModulus)[];
	sheetPriorities: (SheetPriority)[];
	sheetCuttingMaterials: (SheetCuttingMaterial)[];
	sheetBendingMaterials: (SheetBendingMaterial)[];
	sheetCuttingMaterialMappings: (SheetCuttingMaterialMapping)[];
	sheetBendingMaterialMappings: (SheetBendingMaterialMapping)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateSheetTablesEditorInitData(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateSheetTablesEditorInitData;


Private API

interface PrivateSourceMultEntry {
	sourceArticleNodeId: GraphNodeId;
	targetArticleNodeId: GraphNodeId;
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateSourceMultEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateSourceMultEntry;


Private API

interface PrivateTableDialogInit {
	tables: (AnyTable)[];
	forked: boolean;
	forkPending: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateTableDialogInit(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateTableDialogInit;


Private API

interface PrivateTubeTablesEditorInitData {
	tubeMaterials: (TubeMaterial)[];
	tubeMaterialDensities: (TubeMaterialDensity)[];
	tubeProfiles: (TubeProfile)[];
	tubeSpecifications: (TubeSpecification)[];
	tubes: (Tube)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPrivateTubeTablesEditorInitData(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateTubeTablesEditorInitData;


Defines a process that can be assigned to a node

Unique members interface
interface ProcessUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Process extends ProcessUniqueMembers {
	parentIdentifier: string;
	type: ProcessType;
	name: string;
	costCenter: string;
	priority: number;
	active: boolean;
	childrenActive: boolean;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcess(arg: unknown) : arg is Process;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Purchase part material constraint for a process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessConstraintsPurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	purchasePartMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConstraintsPurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConstraintsPurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessConstraintsPurchasePartMaterial extends ProcessConstraintsPurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers {
	isAllowed: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConstraintsPurchasePartMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConstraintsPurchasePartMaterial;


Sheet material constraint for a process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessConstraintsSheetMaterialUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConstraintsSheetMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConstraintsSheetMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessConstraintsSheetMaterial extends ProcessConstraintsSheetMaterialUniqueMembers {
	isAllowed: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConstraintsSheetMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConstraintsSheetMaterial;


Tube material constraint for a process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessConstraintsTubeMaterialUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	tubeMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConstraintsTubeMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConstraintsTubeMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessConstraintsTubeMaterial extends ProcessConstraintsTubeMaterialUniqueMembers {
	isAllowed: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConstraintsTubeMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConstraintsTubeMaterial;


Consumable rate per process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	consumableId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessConsumableRate extends ProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers {
	unitsPerHour: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessConsumableRate(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessConsumableRate;


Custom process calculation

Unique members interface
interface ProcessCustomCalculationUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessCustomCalculationUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessCustomCalculationUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessCustomCalculation extends ProcessCustomCalculationUniqueMembers {
	json: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessCustomCalculation(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessCustomCalculation;


Handling time for a process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessHandlingTimeUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	mass: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessHandlingTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessHandlingTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessHandlingTime extends ProcessHandlingTimeUniqueMembers {
	setupTimeDelta: number;
	unitTimeDelta: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessHandlingTime(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessHandlingTime;


Idle period for a process [h]

Unique members interface
interface ProcessIdlePeriodUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessIdlePeriodUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessIdlePeriodUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessIdlePeriod extends ProcessIdlePeriodUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessIdlePeriod(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessIdlePeriod;


Unique members interface
interface ProcessMassConstraintUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessMassConstraintUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessMassConstraintUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessMassConstraint extends ProcessMassConstraintUniqueMembers {
	minMass: number;
	maxMass: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessMassConstraint(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessMassConstraint;


interface ProcessPortfolioItem {
	processId: string;
	processType: ProcessType;
	requiredNodeContext: NodeContext;
	compatibleSheetMaterialIds: (string)[];
	compatibleSheetSpecs: (string)[];
	compatibleTubeMaterialIds: (string)[];
	compatiblePurchasePartMaterialIds: (string)[];
	minMass?: number;
	maxMass?: number;
	minDimX?: number;
	minDimY?: number;
	minDimZ?: number;
	maxDimX?: number;
	maxDimY?: number;
	maxDimZ?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessPortfolioItem(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessPortfolioItem;


interface ProcessQuery {
	workStepTypes?: WorkStepTypes;
	processTypes?: ProcessTypes;
	nodeContext?: NodeContext;
	componentDimX?: number;
	componentDimY?: number;
	componentDimZ?: number;
	componentMass?: number;
	underlyingSheetMaterialIds?: (string)[];
	underlyingTubeMaterialIds?: (string)[];
	underlyingPurchasePartMaterialIds?: (string)[];
	underlyingSheetSpecs?: (string)[];
	cadFeatureDetails?: (AnyCadFeatureDetails)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessQuery(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessQuery;


interface ProcessQueryResult {
	processId: string;
	processType: ProcessType;
	issues: ProcessQueryIssues;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessQueryResult(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessQueryResult;


Assigns a rate to a process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessRateUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessRateUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessRateUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessRate extends ProcessRateUniqueMembers {
	rate: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessRate(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessRate;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Fallback setup time for a process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessSetupTimeFallbackUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessSetupTimeFallbackUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessSetupTimeFallbackUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessSetupTimeFallback extends ProcessSetupTimeFallbackUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessSetupTimeFallback(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessSetupTimeFallback;

If the setup time for a process cannot be computed and there is no user-defined value available, the value from this table is used (if any). Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Fallback unit time for a process

Unique members interface
interface ProcessUnitTimeFallbackUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessUnitTimeFallbackUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessUnitTimeFallbackUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ProcessUnitTimeFallback extends ProcessUnitTimeFallbackUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProcessUnitTimeFallback(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessUnitTimeFallback;

If the unit time for a process cannot be computed and there is no user-defined value available, the value from this table is used (if any). Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Shadow and camera of bend profile

interface ProfileShadow {
	coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem3;
	shadow: InnerOuterPolygon;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProfileShadow(arg: unknown) : arg is ProfileShadow;


Program version

interface ProgramVersion {
	major: number;
	minor: number;
	patch: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isProgramVersion(arg: unknown) : arg is ProgramVersion;


Material for purchase parts

Unique members interface
interface PurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is PurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface PurchasePartMaterial extends PurchasePartMaterialUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	density: number;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPurchasePartMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is PurchasePartMaterial;


Unique members interface
interface PurchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	purchasePartMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPurchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is PurchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface PurchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroup extends PurchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	materialGroupId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isPurchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroup(arg: unknown) : arg is PurchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroup;


Referred table entry is missing

interface ReferredEntryMissingTableError {
	affectedRowType: TableType;
	affectedRowIndex: number;
	affectedColumnIndex: number;
	relatedRowType: TableType;
	relatedColumnIndex: number;
	referredId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isReferredEntryMissingTableError(arg: unknown) : arg is ReferredEntryMissingTableError;


Referring table entry is missing

interface ReferringEntryMissingTableError {
	affectedRowType: TableType;
	affectedColumnIndex: number;
	relatedRowType: TableType;
	relatedRowIndex: number;
	relatedColumnIndex: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isReferringEntryMissingTableError(arg: unknown) : arg is ReferringEntryMissingTableError;


Settings for rendering a Scene

interface RenderSceneSettings {
	resolution?: Resolution;
	viewPort?: Box2;
	sheetMaterialId?: string;
	thickness?: number;
	geoName?: string;
	scaleToFit?: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isRenderSceneSettings(arg: unknown) : arg is RenderSceneSettings;


Resolution of picture

interface Resolution {
	width: number;
	height: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isResolution(arg: unknown) : arg is Resolution;


Configuration for Scene creation

interface SceneConfig {
	elements?: SceneElements;
	fontSize?: number;
	textItems?: (SceneTextItem)[];
	fixedRotation?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSceneConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is SceneConfig;


Label to add to a Scene

interface SceneLabel {
	position: Point2;
	text: string;
	fontSize: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSceneLabel(arg: unknown) : arg is SceneLabel;


Bend-specific parameters for one bend line

interface SceneObjectData {
	zValue: number;
	bendAngle: number;
	innerRadius: number;
	upperDieGroup: string;
	lowerDieGroup: string;
	sharpDeduction: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSceneObjectData(arg: unknown) : arg is SceneObjectData;

Used to write additional bend-related information to e. g. DXF files.


Scene wide additional meta data

interface SceneSceneData {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSceneSceneData(arg: unknown) : arg is SceneSceneData;

Used to export additional attributes in file formats that support it.


Style for scene objects

interface SceneStyle {
	strokeWidth?: number;
	strokeColor?: Color;
	fillColor?: Vector4;
	strokeStyle?: StrokeStyle;
	zValue?: number;
	fontSize?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSceneStyle(arg: unknown) : arg is SceneStyle;


Custom text element to add to a scene

interface SceneTextItem {
	text: string;
	pos: Point2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSceneTextItem(arg: unknown) : arg is SceneTextItem;


Screw thread definition

Unique members interface
interface ScrewThreadUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isScrewThreadUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is ScrewThreadUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface ScrewThread extends ScrewThreadUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	coreHoleDiameter: number;
	minDepth: number;
	symmetricTolerance: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isScrewThread(arg: unknown) : arg is ScrewThread;


Variant covering all segments

interface Segment {
	index: number;
	data: LineSegment;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSegment(arg: unknown) : arg is Segment;


Account-wide settings

Unique members interface
interface SettingUniqueMembers {
	key: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Setting extends SettingUniqueMembers {
	value: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSetting(arg: unknown) : arg is Setting;


Maps a settings table key to a type

interface Settings {
	bendFlangeSafetyDistance: number;
	dieBendingSetupTimeDistributionEnabled: boolean;
	dieChoiceRadiusFactorSoftLimit: number;
	dieChoiceRadiusFactorHardLimit: number;
	erpStandardInterfaceConfig: AnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig;
	laserSheetCuttingAMax: number;
	laserSheetCuttingVMax: number;
	manualMechanicalDeburringSpeed: number;
	sheetNestingDistance: number;
	sheetScrapAreaThreshold: number;
	sheetTestReportCosts: number;
	sheetUpperSideStrategy: SheetUpperSideStrategy;
	tubeClampingLength: number;
	tubeNestingDistance: number;
	sheetTestReportEnabled: boolean;
	sheetCuttingFixedRotationsEnabled: boolean;
	tableMigrationVersion: number;
	sheetNestingMode: NestingMode;
	tubeNestingMode: NestingMode;
	csvLocale: string;
	thirdPartyErpInterfaceConfig: string;
	completionTimeMode: CompletionTimeMode;
	customArticleUserDataConfigJson: string;
	bendLineEngravingMode: BendLineEngravingMode;
	bendLineEngravingLength: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettings(arg: unknown) : arg is Settings;


interface SettingsTableValueBendFlangeSafetyDistance {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueBendFlangeSafetyDistance(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueBendFlangeSafetyDistance;


interface SettingsTableValueBendLineEngravingLength {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueBendLineEngravingLength(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueBendLineEngravingLength;


interface SettingsTableValueCompletionTimeMode {
	value: CompletionTimeMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueCompletionTimeMode(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueCompletionTimeMode;


interface SettingsTableValueCsvLocale {
	value: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueCsvLocale(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueCsvLocale;


interface SettingsTableValueCustomArticleUserDataConfigJson {
	value: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueCustomArticleUserDataConfigJson(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueCustomArticleUserDataConfigJson;


interface SettingsTableValueDefaultBendLineEngravingMode {
	value: BendLineEngravingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueDefaultBendLineEngravingMode(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueDefaultBendLineEngravingMode;


interface SettingsTableValueDieBendingSetupTimeDistributionEnabled {
	value: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueDieBendingSetupTimeDistributionEnabled(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueDieBendingSetupTimeDistributionEnabled;


interface SettingsTableValueDieChoiceRadiusFactorHardLimit {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueDieChoiceRadiusFactorHardLimit(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueDieChoiceRadiusFactorHardLimit;


interface SettingsTableValueDieChoiceRadiusFactorSoftLimit {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueDieChoiceRadiusFactorSoftLimit(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueDieChoiceRadiusFactorSoftLimit;


interface SettingsTableValueErpStandardInterfaceConfig {
	value: AnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueErpStandardInterfaceConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueErpStandardInterfaceConfig;


interface SettingsTableValueLaserSheetCuttingAMax {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueLaserSheetCuttingAMax(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueLaserSheetCuttingAMax;


interface SettingsTableValueLaserSheetCuttingVMax {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueLaserSheetCuttingVMax(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueLaserSheetCuttingVMax;


interface SettingsTableValueManualMechanicalDeburringSpeed {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueManualMechanicalDeburringSpeed(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueManualMechanicalDeburringSpeed;


interface SettingsTableValueSheetCuttingFixedRotationsEnabled {
	value: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueSheetCuttingFixedRotationsEnabled(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueSheetCuttingFixedRotationsEnabled;


interface SettingsTableValueSheetNestingDistance {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueSheetNestingDistance(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueSheetNestingDistance;


interface SettingsTableValueSheetNestingMode {
	value: NestingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueSheetNestingMode(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueSheetNestingMode;


interface SettingsTableValueSheetScrapAreaThreshold {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueSheetScrapAreaThreshold(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueSheetScrapAreaThreshold;


interface SettingsTableValueSheetTestReportCosts {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueSheetTestReportCosts(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueSheetTestReportCosts;


interface SettingsTableValueSheetTestReportEnabled {
	value: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueSheetTestReportEnabled(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueSheetTestReportEnabled;


interface SettingsTableValueSheetUpperSideStrategy {
	value: SheetUpperSideStrategy;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueSheetUpperSideStrategy(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueSheetUpperSideStrategy;


interface SettingsTableValueTableMigrationVersion {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueTableMigrationVersion(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueTableMigrationVersion;


interface SettingsTableValueThirdPartyErpInterfaceConfig {
	value: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueThirdPartyErpInterfaceConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueThirdPartyErpInterfaceConfig;


interface SettingsTableValueTubeClampingLength {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueTubeClampingLength(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueTubeClampingLength;


interface SettingsTableValueTubeNestingDistance {
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueTubeNestingDistance(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueTubeNestingDistance;


interface SettingsTableValueTubeNestingMode {
	value: NestingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSettingsTableValueTubeNestingMode(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableValueTubeNestingMode;


Defines a sheet that can be used to nest sheet metal parts on

Unique members interface
interface SheetUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Sheet extends SheetUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	sheetMaterialId: string;
	dimX: number;
	dimY: number;
	thickness: number;
	specification: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheet(arg: unknown) : arg is Sheet;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Sheet bending material

Unique members interface
interface SheetBendingMaterialUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetBendingMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetBendingMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetBendingMaterial extends SheetBendingMaterialUniqueMembers {
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetBendingMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetBendingMaterial;


Assigns bend specific material to sheet material

Unique members interface
interface SheetBendingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers {
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetBendingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetBendingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetBendingMaterialMapping extends SheetBendingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers {
	sheetBendingMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetBendingMaterialMapping(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetBendingMaterialMapping;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


interface SheetCuttingCalcParams {
	sheetMaterialId: string;
	bendLineEngravingMode: BendLineEngravingMode;
	machineVMax: number;
	machineAMax: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingCalcParams(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingCalcParams;


Sheet cutting material

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingMaterialUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingMaterial extends SheetCuttingMaterialUniqueMembers {
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingMaterial;


Assigns laser sheet cutting specific material to sheet material

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers {
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingMaterialMapping extends SheetCuttingMaterialMappingUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingMaterialMapping(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingMaterialMapping;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Sheet cutting motion parameters

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingMotionParametersUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingProcessId: string;
	thickness: number;
	contourArea: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingMotionParametersUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingMotionParametersUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingMotionParameters extends SheetCuttingMotionParametersUniqueMembers {
	speed: number;
	acceleration: number;
	pierceTime: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingMotionParameters(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingMotionParameters;


Sheet cutting process

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingProcessUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcessUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcessUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingProcess extends SheetCuttingProcessUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcess(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcess;


Consumable rate per sheet cutting process

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingProcessId: string;
	consumableId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingProcessConsumableRate extends SheetCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers {
	unitsPerHour: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcessConsumableRate(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcessConsumableRate;


Maps a process and a sheetMaterial to a sheetCuttingProcess

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingProcessMapping extends SheetCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingProcessId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcessMapping(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcessMapping;


Mapps a sheet cutting process to a legacy laser sheet cutting gas

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGasUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingProcessId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGasUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGasUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGas extends SheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGasUniqueMembers {
	laserSheetCuttingGasId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGas(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGas;


Sheet cutting thickness constraints

Unique members interface
interface SheetCuttingThicknessConstraintsUniqueMembers {
	sheetCuttingProcessId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingThicknessConstraintsUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingThicknessConstraintsUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetCuttingThicknessConstraints extends SheetCuttingThicknessConstraintsUniqueMembers {
	minThickness: number;
	maxThickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetCuttingThicknessConstraints(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetCuttingThicknessConstraints;


Unique members interface
interface SheetIdlePeriodUniqueMembers {
	sheetId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetIdlePeriodUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetIdlePeriodUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetIdlePeriod extends SheetIdlePeriodUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetIdlePeriod(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetIdlePeriod;


Defines material that can be assigned to a sheet metal part

Unique members interface
interface SheetMaterialUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetMaterial extends SheetMaterialUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterial;

This table is referenced by tables defining work-step-specific materials. Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Sheet material definition for article

interface SheetMaterialDefinition {
	identifier: string;
	definitionType: SheetMaterialDefinitionType;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialDefinition(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialDefinition;


Assigns density to sheet material

Unique members interface
interface SheetMaterialDensityUniqueMembers {
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialDensityUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialDensityUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetMaterialDensity extends SheetMaterialDensityUniqueMembers {
	density: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialDensity(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialDensity;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


interface SheetMaterialEditorCuttingProcess {
	processId: string;
	processName: string;
	processPriority: number;
	compatibleSheetMaterialIds: (string)[];
	minDimX?: number;
	minDimY?: number;
	minDimZ?: number;
	maxDimX?: number;
	maxDimY?: number;
	maxDimZ?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialEditorCuttingProcess(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialEditorCuttingProcess;


interface SheetMaterialEditorPart {
	articleName: string;
	inputFilePath: string;
	sheetThickness: number;
	previewFuture?: ArrayBufferFuture;
	grossDimensions: (Vector2)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialEditorPart(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialEditorPart;


interface SheetMaterialEditorPartData {
	sheetSpec?: string;
	sheetMaterialId?: string;
	sheetFilterSheetId?: string;
	processIdSheetCutting?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialEditorPartData(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialEditorPartData;


Defines export aliases for sheet materials

Unique members interface
interface SheetMaterialExportAliasUniqueMembers {
	sheetMaterialId: string;
	fileType: CadMaterialFileType;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialExportAliasUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialExportAliasUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetMaterialExportAlias extends SheetMaterialExportAliasUniqueMembers {
	name0: string;
	name1: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialExportAlias(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialExportAlias;


Sheet material scrap value

Unique members interface
interface SheetMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers {
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetMaterialScrapValue extends SheetMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers {
	scrapValue: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialScrapValue(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialScrapValue;


Unique members interface
interface SheetMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	sheetMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetMaterialToMaterialGroup extends SheetMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	materialGroupId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetMaterialToMaterialGroup(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialToMaterialGroup;


Assigns minimal usable fraction of a sheet’s width to a sheet

Unique members interface
interface SheetModulusUniqueMembers {
	sheetId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetModulusUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetModulusUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetModulus extends SheetModulusUniqueMembers {
	xModulus: number;
	yModulus: number;
	applyToAll: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetModulus(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetModulus;

Value must be in the range [0, 1]. Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Assigns a price to a sheet

Unique members interface
interface SheetPriceUniqueMembers {
	sheetId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetPriceUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetPriceUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetPrice extends SheetPriceUniqueMembers {
	pricePerSheet: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetPrice(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetPrice;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Sheet priority

Unique members interface
interface SheetPriorityUniqueMembers {
	sheetId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetPriorityUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetPriorityUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetPriority extends SheetPriorityUniqueMembers {
	priority: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetPriority(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetPriority;


interface SheetSelectionFilter {
	sheetFilterSheetIds?: (string)[];
	sheetMaterialId?: string;
	sheetSpec?: string;
	thickness?: number;
	grossPartDims?: (Vector2)[];
	sheetDims?: Vector2;
	stockRequired?: boolean;
	validSpecRequired?: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetSelectionFilter(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetSelectionFilter;


Unique members interface
interface SheetSetupTimeUniqueMembers {
	sheetId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetSetupTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetSetupTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetSetupTime extends SheetSetupTimeUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetSetupTime(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetSetupTime;


Stock data for one sheet

Unique members interface
interface SheetStockUniqueMembers {
	sheetId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetStockUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetStockUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetStock extends SheetStockUniqueMembers {
	count: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetStock(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetStock;


Maps UserData entry name to a type

interface SheetTappingDataEntry {
	cadFeatureDescriptor: number;
	screwThreadId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetTappingDataEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetTappingDataEntry;


Corresponds to a core hole where tapping for at least one screw thread type can be applied

interface SheetTappingEditorCandidate {
	id: string;
	name: string;
	values: (SheetTappingEditorCandidateValue)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetTappingEditorCandidate(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetTappingEditorCandidate;


Screw thread alternative

interface SheetTappingEditorCandidateValue {
	id: string;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetTappingEditorCandidateValue(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetTappingEditorCandidateValue;


Consists of user selection

interface SheetTappingEditorSelectionEntry {
	candidateId: string;
	valueId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetTappingEditorSelectionEntry(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetTappingEditorSelectionEntry;


Unique members interface
interface SheetUnitTimeUniqueMembers {
	sheetId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetUnitTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetUnitTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface SheetUnitTime extends SheetUnitTimeUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSheetUnitTime(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetUnitTime;


interface SlArticleUpdate {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	articleUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlArticleUpdate(arg: unknown) : arg is SlArticleUpdate;


interface SlNodeUpdate {
	index: number;
	data: SlNodeUpdateUndefined;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdate(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdate;


interface SlNodeUpdateJoining {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateJoining(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateJoining;


interface SlNodeUpdatePackaging {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdatePackaging(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdatePackaging;


interface SlNodeUpdateSheet {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateSheet(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateSheet;


interface SlNodeUpdateSheetBending {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	dieChoiceMap?: (DieChoiceMapEntry)[];
	toggleUpperSide?: boolean;
	correctBends?: boolean;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateSheetBending(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateSheetBending;


interface SlNodeUpdateSheetCutting {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	sheetThickness?: number;
	toggleUpperSide?: boolean;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];
	doUpdateNestingMode?: boolean;
	nestingMode?: NestingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateSheetCutting(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateSheetCutting;


interface SlNodeUpdateTransform {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateTransform(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateTransform;


interface SlNodeUpdateTube {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateTube(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateTube;


interface SlNodeUpdateTubeCutting {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];
	doUpdateNestingMode?: boolean;
	nestingMode?: NestingMode;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateTubeCutting(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateTubeCutting;


interface SlNodeUpdateUndefined {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateUndefined(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateUndefined;


interface SlNodeUpdateUserDefined {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateUserDefined(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateUserDefined;


interface SlNodeUpdateUserDefinedBase {
	vertex: SlVertex;
	processType?: ProcessType;
	processId?: string;
	nodeUserData?: StringIndexedInterface;
	calcUserInputs?: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSlNodeUpdateUserDefinedBase(arg: unknown) : arg is SlNodeUpdateUserDefinedBase;


Defines surcharge used to calculate the selling price for a project

Unique members interface
interface SurchargeUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	type: string;
	value: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSurchargeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is SurchargeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Surcharge extends SurchargeUniqueMembers {
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isSurcharge(arg: unknown) : arg is Surcharge;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.


Variant covering all table errors

interface TableError {
	index: number;
	data: ReferringEntryMissingTableError;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTableError(arg: unknown) : arg is TableError;


Tapping time parameters

Unique members interface
interface TappingTimeParametersUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	screwThreadId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTappingTimeParametersUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TappingTimeParametersUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TappingTimeParameters extends TappingTimeParametersUniqueMembers {
	unitTimePerMm: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTappingTimeParameters(arg: unknown) : arg is TappingTimeParameters;


Calculation parameters for a node of type transport

Unique members interface
interface TransportationCostsUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTransportationCostsUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TransportationCostsUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TransportationCosts extends TransportationCostsUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	packagingId: string;
	fixedCosts: number;
	minCosts: number;
	kmKgFactor: number;
	kmFactor: number;
	minDistance: number;
	maxDistance: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTransportationCosts(arg: unknown) : arg is TransportationCosts;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.



Unique members interface
interface TubeUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface Tube extends TubeUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	tubeMaterialId: string;
	tubeProfileId: string;
	tubeSpecificationId: string;
	dimX: number;
	modulusActualNesting: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTube(arg: unknown) : arg is Tube;


interface TubeCuttingCalcParams {
	tubeMaterialId: string;
	machineVMax: number;
	machineAMax: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingCalcParams(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingCalcParams;


Tube cutting pierce time

Unique members interface
interface TubeCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers {
	tubeCuttingProcessId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeCuttingPierceTime extends TubeCuttingPierceTimeUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingPierceTime(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingPierceTime;


Tube cutting process

Unique members interface
interface TubeCuttingProcessUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingProcessUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingProcessUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeCuttingProcess extends TubeCuttingProcessUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingProcess(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingProcess;


Consumable rate per tube cutting process

Unique members interface
interface TubeCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers {
	tubeCuttingProcessId: string;
	consumableId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeCuttingProcessConsumableRate extends TubeCuttingProcessConsumableRateUniqueMembers {
	unitsPerHour: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingProcessConsumableRate(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingProcessConsumableRate;


Tube cutting process mapping

Unique members interface
interface TubeCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers {
	processId: string;
	tubeMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeCuttingProcessMapping extends TubeCuttingProcessMappingUniqueMembers {
	tubeCuttingProcessId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingProcessMapping(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingProcessMapping;


Tube cutting speed

Unique members interface
interface TubeCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers {
	tubeCuttingProcessId: string;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeCuttingSpeed extends TubeCuttingSpeedUniqueMembers {
	speed: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeCuttingSpeed(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeCuttingSpeed;


Unique members interface
interface TubeIdlePeriodUniqueMembers {
	tubeId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeIdlePeriodUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeIdlePeriodUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeIdlePeriod extends TubeIdlePeriodUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeIdlePeriod(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeIdlePeriod;


Tube specific material

Unique members interface
interface TubeMaterialUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeMaterial extends TubeMaterialUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterial(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterial;


Tube material definition for article

interface TubeMaterialDefinition {
	specification?: string;
	materialId?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialDefinition(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialDefinition;


Tube specific material density

Unique members interface
interface TubeMaterialDensityUniqueMembers {
	tubeMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialDensityUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialDensityUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeMaterialDensity extends TubeMaterialDensityUniqueMembers {
	density: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialDensity(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialDensity;


Tube material scrap value

Unique members interface
interface TubeMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers {
	tubeMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeMaterialScrapValue extends TubeMaterialScrapValueUniqueMembers {
	scrapValue: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialScrapValue(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialScrapValue;


Unique members interface
interface TubeMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	tubeMaterialId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeMaterialToMaterialGroup extends TubeMaterialToMaterialGroupUniqueMembers {
	materialGroupId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeMaterialToMaterialGroup(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeMaterialToMaterialGroup;


Tube price

Unique members interface
interface TubePriceUniqueMembers {
	tubeId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubePriceUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubePriceUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubePrice extends TubePriceUniqueMembers {
	pricePerTube: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubePrice(arg: unknown) : arg is TubePrice;


Unique members interface
interface TubePriorityUniqueMembers {
	tubeId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubePriorityUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubePriorityUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubePriority extends TubePriorityUniqueMembers {
	priority: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubePriority(arg: unknown) : arg is TubePriority;


Tube profile

Unique members interface
interface TubeProfileUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeProfileUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeProfileUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeProfile extends TubeProfileUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	description: string;
	geometryJson: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeProfile(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeProfile;


interface TubeProfileGeometry {
	index: number;
	data: TubeProfileGeometryRectangular;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeProfileGeometry(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeProfileGeometry;


interface TubeProfileGeometryCircular {
	outerRadius: number;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeProfileGeometryCircular(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeProfileGeometryCircular;


interface TubeProfileGeometryRectangular {
	dimY: number;
	dimZ: number;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeProfileGeometryRectangular(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeProfileGeometryRectangular;


interface TubeSelectionFilter {
	tubeMaterialId?: string;
	tubeSpecificationId?: string;
	profileGeometry?: TubeProfileGeometry;
	minDimX?: number;
	maxDimX?: number;
	tubeFilterTubeIds?: (string)[];
	stockRequired?: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeSelectionFilter(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeSelectionFilter;


Unique members interface
interface TubeSetupTimeUniqueMembers {
	tubeId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeSetupTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeSetupTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeSetupTime extends TubeSetupTimeUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeSetupTime(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeSetupTime;


Tube specification

Unique members interface
interface TubeSpecificationUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeSpecificationUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeSpecificationUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeSpecification extends TubeSpecificationUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeSpecification(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeSpecification;


Tube stock

Unique members interface
interface TubeStockUniqueMembers {
	tubeId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeStockUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeStockUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeStock extends TubeStockUniqueMembers {
	count: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeStock(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeStock;


Unique members interface
interface TubeUnitTimeUniqueMembers {
	tubeId: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeUnitTimeUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeUnitTimeUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface TubeUnitTime extends TubeUnitTimeUniqueMembers {
	time: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTubeUnitTime(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeUnitTime;


Result of a 2D data import

interface TwoDimImportResult {
	index: number;
	data: TwoDimImportResultPartInvalid;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTwoDimImportResult(arg: unknown) : arg is TwoDimImportResult;


Segments do not form a valid engraving

interface TwoDimImportResultEngravingInvalid {
	problematicPoint: Point2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTwoDimImportResultEngravingInvalid(arg: unknown) : arg is TwoDimImportResultEngravingInvalid;


Segments do not form a valid part

interface TwoDimImportResultPartInvalid {
	problematicPoint?: Point2;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTwoDimImportResultPartInvalid(arg: unknown) : arg is TwoDimImportResultPartInvalid;


The resulting TwoDimRepresentation

interface TwoDimImportResultSuccess {
	twoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isTwoDimImportResultSuccess(arg: unknown) : arg is TwoDimImportResultSuccess;


Joining representation as required for ui API

interface UiJoiningRepresentation {
	joiningSteps: (UiJoiningStepRepresentation)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUiJoiningRepresentation(arg: unknown) : arg is UiJoiningRepresentation;


JoiningStepEntry representation as required for ui API

interface UiJoiningStepEntryRepresentation {
	assembly: string;
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUiJoiningStepEntryRepresentation(arg: unknown) : arg is UiJoiningStepEntryRepresentation;


JoiningStep representation as required for ui API

interface UiJoiningStepRepresentation {
	entries: (UiJoiningStepEntryRepresentation)[];
	cameraOrientation?: CameraOrientation3;
	comment: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUiJoiningStepRepresentation(arg: unknown) : arg is UiJoiningStepRepresentation;


Two rows of the same table have the same value for each unique member

interface UniqueMemberCollisionTableError {
	affectedRowType: TableType;
	affectedRowIndex: number;
	affectedColumnIndex: number;
	relatedRowIndex: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUniqueMemberCollisionTableError(arg: unknown) : arg is UniqueMemberCollisionTableError;



Unique members interface
interface UpperDieUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUpperDieUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is UpperDieUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface UpperDie extends UpperDieUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	upperDieGroupId: string;
	description: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUpperDie(arg: unknown) : arg is UpperDie;


Defines upper die-bending die group

Unique members interface
interface UpperDieGroupUniqueMembers {
	identifier: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUpperDieGroupUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is UpperDieGroupUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface UpperDieGroup extends UpperDieGroupUniqueMembers {
	name: string;
	exportIdentifier: string;
	radius: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUpperDieGroup(arg: unknown) : arg is UpperDieGroup;

Please also note the documentation for the respective table.



Unique members interface
interface UpperDieUnitUniqueMembers {
	upperDieId: string;
	dimX: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUpperDieUnitUniqueMembers(arg: unknown) : arg is UpperDieUnitUniqueMembers;
Regular interface
interface UpperDieUnit extends UpperDieUnitUniqueMembers {
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUpperDieUnit(arg: unknown) : arg is UpperDieUnit;


interface UserDataConfig {
	entries: (UserDatumConfig)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDataConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDataConfig;


interface UserDatumBooleanConfig {
	id: string;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDatumBooleanConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDatumBooleanConfig;


interface UserDatumConfig {
	index: number;
	data: UserDatumStringConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDatumConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDatumConfig;


interface UserDatumEnumConfig {
	id: string;
	name: string;
	items: (UserDatumEnumConfigItem)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDatumEnumConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDatumEnumConfig;


interface UserDatumEnumConfigItem {
	id: string;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDatumEnumConfigItem(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDatumEnumConfigItem;


interface UserDatumNumberConfig {
	id: string;
	name: string;
	min: number;
	max: number;
	decimals: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDatumNumberConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDatumNumberConfig;


interface UserDatumStringConfig {
	id: string;
	name: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDatumStringConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDatumStringConfig;


Scale value and corresponding price

interface UserDefinedScalePrice {
	scaleValue: number;
	price: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isUserDefinedScalePrice(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDefinedScalePrice;

Prices repesent the total price for the respective multiplicity.


2-dim vector

interface Vector2 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVector2(arg: unknown) : arg is Vector2;

A Vector2 is defined by an array of length 2 representing its x and y coordinates


3-dim vector

interface Vector3 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVector3(arg: unknown) : arg is Vector3;

A Vector3 is defined by an array of length 3 representing its x, y, and z coordinates


4-dim vector

interface Vector4 {
	entries: [ (number), (number), (number), (number), ];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVector4(arg: unknown) : arg is Vector4;

A Vector4 is defined by an array of length 4


Parameters to change a graph nodes multiplicity

interface VertexWithMultiplicity {
	vertex: Vertex;
	multiplicity: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVertexWithMultiplicity(arg: unknown) : arg is VertexWithMultiplicity;


Parameters to change a graph nodes process type

interface VertexWithProcessTypeData {
	vertex: Vertex;
	processId: string;
	forced: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVertexWithProcessTypeData(arg: unknown) : arg is VertexWithProcessTypeData;


Parameters to change a graph node’s sheet thickness

interface VertexWithSheetThickness {
	vertex: Vertex;
	sheetThickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVertexWithSheetThickness(arg: unknown) : arg is VertexWithSheetThickness;


Parameters to change a graph nodes UserData

interface VertexWithUserData {
	vertex: Vertex;
	userData: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVertexWithUserData(arg: unknown) : arg is VertexWithUserData;


Parameters to change a graph node’s WorkStepType

interface VertexWithWorkStepType {
	vertex: Vertex;
	workStepType: WorkStepType;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isVertexWithWorkStepType(arg: unknown) : arg is VertexWithWorkStepType;


Widget configuration

interface WidgetConfig {
	index: number;
	data: WidgetConfigAssemblyView;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfig(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfig;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigAssemblyView {
	assembly: Assembly;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigAssemblyView(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigAssemblyView;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigAttachmentEditor {
	initialValue: WidgetResultAttachmentEditor;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigAttachmentEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigAttachmentEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigBendingToolEditor {
	input: (BendingToolEditorInputEntry)[];
	initialValue: WidgetResultBendingToolEditor;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigBendingToolEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigBendingToolEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigBulkEditor {
	columnConfigs: (ArticleBulkEditorColumnConfig)[];
	rowConfigs: ((ArticleBulkEditorCellConfig)[])[];
	articleExtraData: (ArticleBulkEditorRowExtraData)[];
	widgetState?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigBulkEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigBulkEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigBulkImportDialog {
	inputFileEntries: (BulkImportFileEntry)[];
	sheets: (Sheet)[];
	sheetMaterials: (SheetMaterial)[];
	tubeMaterials: (TubeMaterial)[];
	tubeSpecs: (TubeSpecification)[];
	purchasePartMaterials: (PurchasePartMaterial)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigBulkImportDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigBulkImportDialog;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigCalcParamEditor {
	initialValue: WidgetResultCalcParamEditor;
	materialCostsPerPieceSuggestion?: number;
	setupTimeSuggestion?: number;
	unitTimePerPieceSuggestion?: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigCalcParamEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigCalcParamEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigCalcUserInputDialog {
	configs: (CalcUserInputConfig)[];
	initialValues: ((AnyCalcUserInput)[])[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigCalcUserInputDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigCalcUserInputDialog;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigErpStandardInterfaceConfigDialog {
	initialValue?: AnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigErpStandardInterfaceConfigDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigErpStandardInterfaceConfigDialog;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigFileDialog {
	type: FileDialogType;
	title: string;
	defaultPath: string;
	filter: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigFileDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigFileDialog;

defaultPath and filter can be empty. filter has no effect for FileDialogType::directory.


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigFormEditor {
	rows: (FormRowConfig)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigFormEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigFormEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigJoiningSequenceEditor {
	articleName: string;
	assemblyMap: (AssemblyMapEntry)[];
	initialValue: WidgetResultJoiningSequenceEditor;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigJoiningSequenceEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigJoiningSequenceEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigLayeredImportDialog {
	title: string;
	layered: Layered;
	initialThickness?: number;
	name: string;
	material: string;
	skipIfPossible: boolean;
	thicknessEditable: boolean;
	sheetThicknesses: (number)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigLayeredImportDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigLayeredImportDialog;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigLstCreationDialog {
	programName: string;
	sheetThickness: number;
	sheetTwoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigLstCreationDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigLstCreationDialog;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigMessageBox {
	type: MessageBoxType;
	title: string;
	text: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigMessageBox(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigMessageBox;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigPartCreationDialog {
	config: AnyPartCreationDialogConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigPartCreationDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigPartCreationDialog;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigProcessSelector {
	useMultiSelect: boolean;
	onlyManualSelection: boolean;
	processTable: (Process)[];
	supportedWorkStepTypes: WorkStepTypes;
	initialValue: WidgetResultProcessSelector;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigProcessSelector(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigProcessSelector;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigSheetMaterialEditor {
	sheets: (Sheet)[];
	sheetMaterials: (SheetMaterial)[];
	cuttingProcesses: (SheetMaterialEditorCuttingProcess)[];
	parts: (SheetMaterialEditorPart)[];
	initialValues: (SheetMaterialEditorPartData)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigSheetMaterialEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigSheetMaterialEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigSheetTappingEditor {
	base64Scene: string;
	candidates: (SheetTappingEditorCandidate)[];
	initialValue: WidgetResultSheetTappingEditor;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigSheetTappingEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigSheetTappingEditor;


Widget config

interface WidgetConfigTubeFilterEditor {
	tubes: (Tube)[];
	initialStateHeterogenous: boolean;
	initialValue?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetConfigTubeFilterEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetConfigTubeFilterEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResult {
	index: number;
	data: WidgetResultAssemblyView;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResult(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResult;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultAssemblyView {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultAssemblyView(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultAssemblyView;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultAttachmentEditor {
	attachments: (Attachment)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultAttachmentEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultAttachmentEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultBendingToolEditor {
	dieChoiceMap: (DieChoiceMapEntry)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultBendingToolEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultBendingToolEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultBulkEditor {
	rows?: (StringIndexedInterface)[];
	widgetState: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultBulkEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultBulkEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultBulkImportDialog {
	results: (BulkImportResult)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultBulkImportDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultBulkImportDialog;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultCalcParamEditor {
	materialCostsPerPiece?: number;
	setupTime?: number;
	unitTimePerPiece?: number;
	userDefinedScalePrices: (UserDefinedScalePrice)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultCalcParamEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultCalcParamEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultCalcUserInputDialog {
	values: (AnyCalcUserInput)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultCalcUserInputDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultCalcUserInputDialog;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultErpStandardInterfaceConfigDialog {
	config: AnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultErpStandardInterfaceConfigDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultErpStandardInterfaceConfigDialog;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultFileDialog {
	paths: (string)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultFileDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultFileDialog;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultFormEditor {
	values: StringIndexedInterface;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultFormEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultFormEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultJoiningSequenceEditor {
	joining: UiJoiningRepresentation;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultJoiningSequenceEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultJoiningSequenceEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultLayeredImportDialog {
	twoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation;
	thickness: number;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultLayeredImportDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultLayeredImportDialog;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultLstCreationDialog {

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultLstCreationDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultLstCreationDialog;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultMessageBox {
	accepted: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultMessageBox(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultMessageBox;

Property accepted is only meaningful for type MessageBoxType::question


Widget result

interface WidgetResultPartCreationDialog {
	result: AnyPartCreationDialogResult;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultPartCreationDialog(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultPartCreationDialog;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultProcessSelector {
	processIds: (string)[];
	forced: boolean;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultProcessSelector(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultProcessSelector;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultSheetMaterialEditor {
	updates: (SheetMaterialEditorPartData)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultSheetMaterialEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultSheetMaterialEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultSheetTappingEditor {
	selection: (SheetTappingEditorSelectionEntry)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultSheetTappingEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultSheetTappingEditor;


Widget result

interface WidgetResultTubeFilterEditor {
	tubeId?: string;

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWidgetResultTubeFilterEditor(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetResultTubeFilterEditor;


Resulting pre-graph and the set of vertices that have been changed

interface WorkStepTypeChangeResult {
	success: boolean;
	preGraph: PreDocumentGraph;
	changedVertices: (SlVertex)[];

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts

function isWorkStepTypeChangeResult(arg: unknown) : arg is WorkStepTypeChangeResult;


Enums are string objects that can only hold certain predefined values.


List of possible statuses of adding data to graph

Possible values:

  • success: Successful adding

  • unsupportedFormat: Format of file not supported

  • versionMismatch: Wsi4 file too old

  • inconsistentGraph: Graph in wsi4 file was not consistent

  • undefinedError: Undefined error

  • unsupportedVersion: Version unsupported (probably newer than current version)

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isAddResultStatus(arg: unknown) : arg is AddResultStatus;


Possible values:

  • externalDrawingNumber: externalDrawingNumber

  • externalRevisionNumber: externalRevisionNumber

  • internalArticleNumber: internalArticleNumber

  • internalReferenceNumber: internalReferenceNumber

  • comment: comment

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isArticleExtraData(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleExtraData;


Key of an article UserData entry

Possible values:

  • name: Article name

  • comment: Article specific comment

  • externalPartNumber: External part number (e.g. customer ERP number)

  • externalDrawingNumber: External drawing number (e.g. customer drawing number)

  • externalRevisionNumber: External revision number (e.g. customer revision number)

  • internalPartNumber: Internal part number (e.g. internal ERP number)

  • internalReferenceNumber: Internal reference number (e.g. internal reference number)

  • customUserData: Custom UserData

  • attachments: Attachments

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isArticleUserDataKey(arg: unknown) : arg is ArticleUserDataKey;


List of possible BendDieChoice types

Possible values:

  • database: Database value

  • neutralAxis: Neutral axis

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBendDieChoiceType(arg: unknown) : arg is BendDieChoiceType;


Bend line engraving mode

Possible values:

  • none: No bend line is engraved

  • upwardOnly: Only lines for upward bends are engraved

  • downwardOnly: Only lines for downward bends are engraved

  • all: All bend lines are engraved

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBendLineEngravingMode(arg: unknown) : arg is BendLineEngravingMode;


Types of BOM components


A component is a regular article (i.e. not a semimanufactured article).

Possible values:

  • joining

  • sheetMetalPart

  • tubePart

  • purchasePart

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBomComponentType(arg: unknown) : arg is BomComponentType;


Possible values:

  • bendDrawingHtml

  • dxf

  • geo

  • jobCardHtml

  • pngInputAssembly

  • pngGeneratedAssembly

  • stepInputAssembly

  • stepGeneratedAssembly

  • svg

  • undirectedConnectedComponentGraphs

  • attachments

  • gltfInputAssembly

  • gltfGeneratedAssembly

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBomExportFlag(arg: unknown) : arg is BomExportFlag;


Types of generated attachments

Possible values:

  • dxf: Plain text DXF file content

  • geo: Plain text GEO file content

  • svg: Plain text SVG file content

  • png: Base64-encoded PNG file content

  • step: Plain text STEP file content

  • bendDrawingHtml: Plain text HTML bend drawing (self-contained)

  • gltf: Base64-encoded GLTF file content

  • jobCardHtml: Plain text HTML job card (self-contained)

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBomGeneratedFileType(arg: unknown) : arg is BomGeneratedFileType;


Possible values:

  • circular

  • rectangular

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBomTubeProfileType(arg: unknown) : arg is BomTubeProfileType;


Version of the BOM interface

Possible values:

  • v0: Latest version

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBomVersion(arg: unknown) : arg is BomVersion;


BOM related work step types

Possible values:

  • generic

  • sheetCutting

  • sheetBending

  • tubeCutting

  • coating

  • sheetTapping

  • mechanicalDeburring

  • userDefinedCountersinking

  • userDefinedThreading

  • countersinking

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBomWorkStepType(arg: unknown) : arg is BomWorkStepType;


Possible values:

  • twoDimRep: twoDimImportData

  • finalizedAssembly: finalizedAssemblyImportData

  • importedGraph: graphImportData

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isBulkImportDataType(arg: unknown) : arg is BulkImportDataType;


CAD features

Possible values:

  • countersink: A countersink

  • throughHole: A through hole

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isCadFeatureType(arg: unknown) : arg is CadFeatureType;


CAD file types with material export support

Possible values:

  • dxf: DXF

  • geo: GEO

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isCadMaterialFileType(arg: unknown) : arg is CadMaterialFileType;


Types of user input calc variable

Possible values:

  • number

  • enumeration

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isCalcUserInputType(arg: unknown) : arg is CalcUserInputType;


List of available transform command types

Possible values:

  • allFaces: All faces

  • singlePartUpperSide: Upper side of a single part; the semantics of 'upper' depend on the underlying wscad::Part

  • singlePartLowerSide: Lower side of a single part; the semantics of 'upper' depend on the underlying wscad::Part

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isCamCoatingMode(arg: unknown) : arg is CamCoatingMode;


List of available transform command types

Possible values:

  • setColor: Set color of geometry entities

  • setCoatingColor: Set color for a coating work step

  • applyCadFeatures: Apply CAD features

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isCamCommandType(arg: unknown) : arg is CamCommandType;


CAM Nesting modes

Possible values:

  • Actual: Actual nesting

  • Virtual: Virtual nesting

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isCamNestingMode(arg: unknown) : arg is CamNestingMode;


Colors available for geometric output

Possible values:

  • black: black

  • white: white

  • green: green

  • yellow: yellow

  • cyan: cyan

  • blue: blue

  • magenta: magenta

  • none: none

  • red: red

  • lightgrey: lightgrey

  • lime: lime

  • turquoise: turquoise

  • violet: violet

  • saddlebrown: saddlebrown

  • darkorange: darkorange

  • sienna: sienna

  • closedContour: closedContour

  • closedInnerContour: closedInnerContour

  • closedOuterContour: closedOuterContour

  • openContour: openContour

  • engraving: engraving

  • bendLine: bendLine

  • bendLineUp: bendLineUp

  • bendLineDown: bendLineDown

  • darkGreen: darkGreen

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isColor(arg: unknown) : arg is Color;


Completion time mode

Possible values:

  • maximalPath: For each maximal path the manufacturing times and idle times are accumulated. The most expensive path defines the resulting time.

  • maximalNodeInclManufacturingTime: The node where the sum of manufacturing time and idle time is maximal defines the resulting time.

  • maximalNodeExclManufacturingTime: The node where idle time is maximal defines the resulting time.

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isCompletionTimeMode(arg: unknown) : arg is CompletionTimeMode;


Type of a data source

Possible values:

  • filePath: Data source references a file on the file system

  • fileContent: Data source is the file content

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDataSourceType(arg: unknown) : arg is DataSourceType;


Database permission

Possible values:

  • read: read

  • write: write

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDatabasePermission(arg: unknown) : arg is DatabasePermission;


List of possible database drivers


A DatabaseType classifies different types of database drivers.

Possible values:

  • mssql: MSSQL driver

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDatabaseType(arg: unknown) : arg is DatabaseType;


Supported image types for DocX

Possible values:

  • png: A PNG image

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDocXImageType(arg: unknown) : arg is DocXImageType;


Item type of DocX document replacement

Possible values:

  • text: A text

  • image: An image

  • tables: A table cell with tables in it

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDocXTableCellType(arg: unknown) : arg is DocXTableCellType;


List of possible document content alignment types

Possible values:

  • left: Left alignment

  • center: Center alignment

  • right: Right alignment

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDocumentAlignment(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentAlignment;


List of possible document image types

Possible values:

  • png: Portable Network Graphics

  • svg: Scalable Vector Graphics

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDocumentImageType(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentImageType;


List of possible document item types

Possible values:

  • paragraph: A paragraph

  • heading: A heading

  • table: A table

  • image: An image

  • barcode: A barcode

  • separator: A Separator

  • pageBreak: A page break

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDocumentItemType(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentItemType;


List of possible document orientations

Possible values:

  • portrait: Portrait

  • landscape: Landscape

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isDocumentOrientation(arg: unknown) : arg is DocumentOrientation;


Version of the standard ERP interface

Possible values:

  • tsGraphRep: ts_lib’s JSON graph representation

  • bom: Built-in BOM

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isErpStandardInterfaceType(arg: unknown) : arg is ErpStandardInterfaceType;


List of available features

Possible values:

  • bendMeasurementScene: Generate bend measurement scenes

  • bomExport: Export bill of materials

  • graphRepExport: Export graph representation

  • unlimitedNumExports: Unlimited number of exports

  • httpServiceUnfold: Unfold http service

  • httpServiceNestor: Nestor http service

  • httpServiceAssemblyTree: Assembly tree http service

  • httpServiceClassifier: Classification http service

  • lstExport: Export lsts

  • erpInterfaceItBlech: IT-Blech ERP interface

  • erpInterfaceStandard: Standard ERP interface

  • tubeDetection: Tube detection

  • quotationExport: Export quotation

  • developmentAccount: Development account

  • coatingCalculation: Coating calculation

  • weldingCalculation: Welding calculation

  • machiningCalculation: Machining calculation

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isFeature(arg: unknown) : arg is Feature;


Type of a file content

Possible values:

  • plainText: File content is plain text

  • base64: File content is Base64 encoded binary data

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isFileContentType(arg: unknown) : arg is FileContentType;


List of modes available for file dialog

Possible values:

  • openFile: Query existing file path

  • openFiles: Query existing file paths

  • saveFile: Query existing or non-existing file path

  • directory: Query directory path

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isFileDialogType(arg: unknown) : arg is FileDialogType;


Different types of filesystem objects to query via dialog

Possible values:

  • directory: Select a directory

  • openFile: Select files to open

  • saveFile: Select a filename to save to

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isFileSystemPathType(arg: unknown) : arg is FileSystemPathType;


List of possible file types

Possible values:

  • svg: Scalable Vector Graphics

  • dxf: AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Format

  • step: Step AP214

  • png: Portable Network Graphics

  • geo: Trumpf GEO Format

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isFileType(arg: unknown) : arg is FileType;


List of widgets available for forms

Possible values:

  • checkBox: Check box

  • spinBox: Spin box

  • dropDown: Drop down

  • lineEdit: Line edit

  • textEdit: Text edit

  • label: Static text label

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isFormWidgetType(arg: unknown) : arg is FormWidgetType;


Geometry entity types

Possible values:

  • edge: Edge

  • face: Face

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isGeometryEntityType(arg: unknown) : arg is GeometryEntityType;


Input types for data used to create a PreDocumentGraph


Experimental API

Possible values:

  • step: STEP file content

  • twoDimRep: 2D input

  • extrusion: Extrusion input

  • finalizedAssembly: Assembly (finalized) input

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isGraphCreatorInputType(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphCreatorInputType;


List of possible processing states

Possible values:

  • CreateWorkStep: Create workstep

  • UpdateWorkStep: Update workstep

  • CreateSources: Create sources

  • FillFromSources: Fill from sources

  • AfterFillFromSources: After Fill from sources

  • Finished: Finished

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isGraphNodeProcessingState(arg: unknown) : arg is GraphNodeProcessingState;


List of possible input types


An InputType classifies different types of input. Unlike a FileType, an InputType differentiates the class of input by its logical type and how WSi4 can deal with it.

Possible values:

  • undefined: Undefined input that WSi4 cannot use

  • documentGraph: A complete WSi4 compatible project

  • assembly: A three-dimensional input representing an assembly

  • layered: Two-dimensional input, possibly in different layers

  • twoDimRep: Pre-processed two-dimensional input

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isInputType(arg: unknown) : arg is InputType;


List of available locale types

Possible values:

  • language: Language locale

  • csv: Locale used for exporting csv

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isLocaleType(arg: unknown) : arg is LocaleType;


List of message box types

Possible values:

  • info: Information message box

  • warning: Warning message box

  • error: Error message box

  • question: Question message box

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isMessageBoxType(arg: unknown) : arg is MessageBoxType;


Nesting modes

Possible values:

  • actualMixed: Compatible sheet metal parts are nested on the same sheet with their actual quantities

  • actualIndividual: Each component is nested individually with the actual quantity

  • virtualIndividual: Quantity independent consumption based on a single sheet nesting

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isNestingMode(arg: unknown) : arg is NestingMode;


Properties of a context of a node

Possible values:

  • coatable: Coating can be applied (this requires finished sheetCutting / sheetBending / tubeCutting)

  • countersinkable: There are unhandled countersinks left

  • flat: Node has a flat sheet metal part geometry (i.e. is not bent (yet))

  • hasCuttingContour: Node as a defined cutting contour

  • hasMaterial: Node has a defined material; this can only be true for nodes of a component article (i.e. not joining)

  • hasThickness: Node has a thickness (i.e. is part of a sheet metal part article or a tube part)

  • sheetMetalPart: Node is part of a sheet metal part article

  • tubePart: Node is part of a tube part article

  • joining: Node is part of a joining article

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isNodeContextProperty(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeContextProperty;


Corresponds to certain node properties

Possible values:

  • processId: ID of the underlying Process

  • sheetMaterial: Method of sheet material definition (sheet ID / sheet material ID / sheet specification)

  • tubeMaterialId: ID of the underlying tube material

  • tubeSpecificationId: ID of the underlying tube specification

  • sheetTappingData: The underlying sheet tapping data

  • dieChoiceMap: The underlying die choice

  • coating: Coating related input

  • calcVariableInput: Input for a calculation variable

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isNodeDatumType(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeDatumType;


Types for issues that can occur for a node

Possible values:

  • bendDeductionApplicationFailed

  • cadFeatureUnhandled

  • geometryPartiallyUnclassified

  • nestingFailed

  • tubeUnfoldingInconsistent

  • twoDimRepresentationInvalid

  • unexpected: Fallback for unexpected issues (likely bugs)

  • unfoldingFailed

  • classificationEnforceable

  • datumInvalid

  • datumMissing

  • bendDeductionThicknessDeviation

  • bendDieChoiceFailed

  • bendFlangeTooShort

  • bendLineGrossLengthConstraintViolated

  • bendLineNetLengthConstraintViolated

  • bendRadiusDeviation

  • bendZoneAffectsContour

  • contourSizeConstraintViolated

  • dimensionConstraintViolated

  • featureNotLicensed

  • massConstraintViolated

  • materialIncompatible

  • sheetNotAvailable

  • tubeNotAvailable

  • sheetThicknessConstraintViolated

  • tubeProfileNotSupported

  • unfoldingNotSimple

  • countersinkingConstraintsViolated

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isNodeIssueType(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeIssueType;


Key of a node UserData entry

Possible values:

  • attachments: Attachments

  • bendLineEngravingMode: Bend line engraving mode

  • coatingId: Coating ID

  • comment: Comment

  • deburrDoubleSided: If deburring should be done double sided

  • fixedRotations: Fixed rotations of a sheet metal part’s 2D representation

  • numCountersinks: Number of user-defined countersinkings

  • numThreads: Number of user-defined threads

  • purchasePartMaterialId: ID of a purchase part material

  • sheetFilterSheetIds: IDs of a set of sheets

  • sheetSpec: Standard sheet specification

  • sheetMaterialId: ID of a sheet material

  • sheetTappingData: Sheet tapping data

  • testReportRequired: If a test report is required

  • tubeFilterTubeIds: IDs of a set of tubes

  • tubeMaterialId: ID of a tube material

  • tubeSpecificationId: ID of a tube specification

  • userDefinedMaterialCostsPerPiece: User-defined material costs per piece

  • userDefinedScalePrices: User-defined scale prices

  • userDefinedSetupTime: User-defined setup time

  • userDefinedUnitTimePerPiece: User-defined unit time per piece

  • screwThreadEngravingEnabled: If screw thread names should be engraved next to the holes

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isNodeUserDataKey(arg: unknown) : arg is NodeUserDataKey;


List of part creation dialog types

Possible values:

  • rectangularSheetMetalPart: Rectangular sheet metal part

  • lProfile: L-Profile

  • tube: Tube

  • uProfile: U-Profile

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isPartCreationDialogType(arg: unknown) : arg is PartCreationDialogType;


Private API

Possible values:

  • graphRep

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isPrivateGuiDataType(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateGuiDataType;


Private API

Possible values:

  • fileRun

  • fileExport

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isPrivateMainWindowMenuType(arg: unknown) : arg is PrivateMainWindowMenuType;


Possible values:

  • calculationIncompatible: Calculation requires unavailable variables

  • dimensionConstraintViolated: Dimension constraint violated

  • massConstraintViolated: Mass constraint violated

  • materialIncompatible: Material is incompatible

  • nodeContextIncompatible: Node context is incompatible

  • processNotConfigured: Process not configured

  • countersinkingConstraintViolated: Countersinking constraint violated

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isProcessQueryIssue(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessQueryIssue;


List of possible process types

Possible values:

  • undefined: undefined

  • manufacturing: manufacturing

  • semiManufactured: semiManufactured

  • sheetCutting: sheetCutting

  • laserSheetCutting: laserSheetCutting

  • joining: joining

  • externalPart: externalPart

  • sheet: sheet

  • userDefinedBaseType: userDefinedBaseType

  • assembling: assembling

  • forceFitting: forceFitting

  • joiningByWelding: joiningByWelding

  • joiningByBrazing: joiningByBrazing

  • bonding: bonding

  • autogenousWelding: autogenousWelding

  • arcWelding: arcWelding

  • gasShieldedWelding: gasShieldedWelding

  • migWelding: migWelding

  • magWelding: magWelding

  • tigWelding: tigWelding

  • plasmaWelding: plasmaWelding

  • laserWelding: laserWelding

  • weldingWithPressure: weldingWithPressure

  • resistanceWelding: resistanceWelding

  • studWelding: studWelding

  • forming: forming

  • bendForming: bendForming

  • bendingWithoutTool: bendingWithoutTool

  • dieBending: dieBending

  • sheetMetalFolding: sheetMetalFolding

  • cutting: cutting

  • removalOperation: removalOperation

  • plasmaSheetCutting: plasmaSheetCutting

  • waterJetSheetCutting: waterJetSheetCutting

  • machining: machining

  • milling: milling

  • turning: turning

  • drilling: drilling

  • threading: threading

  • mechanicalDeburring: mechanicalDeburring

  • cleaning: cleaning

  • coating: coating

  • sprayPainting: sprayPainting

  • powderCoating: powderCoating

  • sheetBending: sheetBending

  • transport: transport

  • packaging: packaging

  • automaticMechanicalDeburring: automaticMechanicalDeburring

  • manualMechanicalDeburring: manualMechanicalDeburring

  • userDefinedMachining: userDefinedMachining

  • userDefinedThreading: userDefinedThreading

  • userDefinedCountersinking: userDefinedCountersinking

  • slideGrinding: slideGrinding

  • sheetTapping: sheetTapping

  • userDefinedTube: userDefinedTube

  • tube: tube

  • tubeCutting: tubeCutting

  • countersinking: countersinking

  • hotDipGalvanizing: hotDipGalvanizing

  • electroGalvanizing: electroGalvanizing

  • cathodicDipPainting: cathodicDipPainting

  • anodizing: anodizing

  • nutSpotWelding: nutSpotWelding

  • spotWelding: spotWelding

  • singlePartWelding: singlePartWelding

  • singlePartMigWelding: singlePartMigWelding

  • singlePartMagWelding: singlePartMagWelding

  • singlePartTigWelding: singlePartTigWelding

  • singlePartGasShieldedWelding: singlePartGasShieldedWelding

  • sawing: sawing

  • laserSheetCuttingN2: laserSheetCuttingN2

  • laserSheetCuttingO2: laserSheetCuttingO2

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isProcessType(arg: unknown) : arg is ProcessType;


Elements of a Scene

Possible values:

  • cuttingContours: Cutting contours

  • engravings: Engravings

  • sheetBendingBendLineLabels: Labels for bend lines (sheetBending only)

  • sheetBendingBendLineRadii: Radii for bend lines (sheetBending only; only when labels are enabled too)

  • sheetBendingBendZones: Bend zones (sheetBending only)

  • sheetBendingDieAffectedSegments: Segments potentially affect by bend die (sheetBending only)

  • sheetBendingLowerDieAffectZones: Lower die affect zones (sheetBending only)

  • sheetBendingOverlappingAreas: Overlapping areas of the unfolding (sheetBending only)

  • sheetGuiExtraContent: Extra content (sheet modulus visualization, text labels)

  • tubeCuttingTubeContours: Contours of the unrolled tube (tubeCutting only)

  • tubeCuttingVirtualCuts: Virtual cuts of the unrolled tube (tubeCutting only)

  • violatingContoursColored: Colored contours violating the minimal contour area

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isSceneElement(arg: unknown) : arg is SceneElement;


List of available segment types

Possible values:

  • line: Line segment

  • arc: Arc segment

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isSegmentType(arg: unknown) : arg is SegmentType;


Key of a settings table entry

Possible values:

  • bendFlangeSafetyDistance: Extra flange length for die bending parts

  • dieBendingSetupTimeDistributionEnabled: Whether the distribution of the die bending setup time among compatible nodes is enabled

  • dieChoiceRadiusFactorSoftLimit: Soft limit for the allowed deviation of constructed and resulting radius (if constructed is > resulting)

  • dieChoiceRadiusFactorHardLimit: Hard limit for the allowed deviation of constructed and resulting radius (if constructed is > resulting)

  • erpStandardInterfaceConfig: Configuration for the standard ERP interface

  • laserSheetCuttingAMax: Maximum acceleration for sheet cutting processes [m / s²]

  • laserSheetCuttingVMax: Maximum speed for sheet cutting processes [m / min]

  • manualMechanicalDeburringSpeed: Speed for manual mechanical deburring [m / min]

  • sheetNestingDistance: Nesting distance for sheets

  • sheetScrapAreaThreshold: Inner contour area threshold for scrap computation

  • sheetTestReportCosts: Cost for a sheet test report

  • sheetUpperSideStrategy: Sheet upper side strategy

  • tubeClampingLength: Length of tubes that cannot be used for nesting

  • tubeNestingDistance: Nesting distance for tubes

  • sheetTestReportEnabled: Whether sheet test report option is enabled

  • sheetCuttingFixedRotationsEnabled: Whether fixed rotations can be set for sheet cutting

  • tableMigrationVersion: Table migration version

  • sheetNestingMode: Sheet nesting mode

  • tubeNestingMode: Tube nesting mode

  • csvLocale: Locale used for csv import/export

  • thirdPartyErpInterfaceConfig: Configuration of athe third party erp interface

  • completionTimeMode: Mode to compute completion time

  • customArticleUserDataConfigJson: Article userdata config json

  • bendLineEngravingMode: Default bend line engraving mode

  • bendLineEngravingLength: Bend line engraving length

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isSettingsTableKey(arg: unknown) : arg is SettingsTableKey;


Possible values:

  • none: none

  • sheetMaterial: sheetMaterial

  • sheetSpec: sheetSpec

  • sheet: sheet

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isSheetMaterialDefinitionType(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetMaterialDefinitionType;


Types of sheet sides

Possible values:

  • lower

  • upper

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isSheetSurfaceFlag(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetSurfaceFlag;


Strategy for the selection of the initial upper side

Possible values:

  • preferUpwardBends: Prefer upward bends

  • preferDownwardBends: Prefer downward bends

  • preferConvexity: Prefer convexity

  • preferConcavity: Prefer concavity

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isSheetUpperSideStrategy(arg: unknown) : arg is SheetUpperSideStrategy;


Line styles available for geometric output

Possible values:

  • continuous: continuous

  • dashed: dashed

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isStrokeStyle(arg: unknown) : arg is StrokeStyle;


List of table error types

Possible values:

  • referringEntryMissing: Entry referring to the respective row is missing

  • referredEntryMissing: Entry referred by the respective row is missing

  • valueInvalid: Value for respective table cell is invalid

  • uniqueMemberCollision: Two rows of the same table have the same value for each unique member

  • tableInconsistent: Table consistency issue

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isTableErrorType(arg: unknown) : arg is TableErrorType;


Mode for merging input tables with the database

Possible values:

  • update: Update existing table rows

  • upsert: Update existing table rows or insert new rows

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isTableMergeMode(arg: unknown) : arg is TableMergeMode;


List of table types

Possible values:

  • sheetMaterial: Sheet material

  • sheetMaterialDensity: Material Density

  • sheetCuttingMaterialMapping: Sheet cutting material mapping

  • sheetBendingMaterialMapping: Sheet bending material mapping

  • bendTime: Bend time

  • bendTimeParameters: Bend time parameters

  • bendRateParameters: Bend rate parameters

  • bendLineConstraint: Bend line constraint

  • laserSheetCuttingGas: Laser sheet cutting gas

  • laserSheetCuttingSpeed: Laser sheet cutting speed

  • laserSheetCuttingPierceTime: Laser sheet cutting pierce time

  • laserSheetCuttingRate: Laser sheet cutting rate

  • laserSheetCuttingMinArea: Laser sheet cutting minimum contour area

  • laserSheetCuttingMaxThickness: Laser sheet cutting maximum sheet thickness

  • packaging: Packaging

  • transportationCosts: Transportation costs

  • surcharge: Surcharge

  • process: Process

  • processRate: Process rate

  • processSetupTimeFallback: Process setup time fallback

  • processUnitTimeFallback: Process unit time fallback

  • sheet: Sheet

  • sheetModulus: Sheet modulus

  • sheetPrice: Sheet prices

  • upperDieGroup: Upper die group

  • lowerDieGroup: Lower die group

  • bendDeduction: Bend deduction

  • setting: Account-wide settings

  • automaticMechanicalDeburringMaterial: Automatic mechanical deburring material mapping

  • automaticMechanicalDeburringParameters: Automatic mechanical deburring parameters

  • dimensionConstraints: Process specific dimension constraints

  • screwThread: Screw thread definitions

  • tappingTimeParameters: Tapping time parameters

  • tubeMaterial: Tube specific material

  • tubeMaterialDensity: Tube specific material density

  • tubeProfile: Tube profile

  • tubeSpecification: Tube specification

  • tube: Tube

  • upperDie: Upper die

  • lowerDie: Lower die

  • upperDieUnit: Upper die unit

  • lowerDieUnit: Lower die unit

  • processHandlingTime: Process handling time

  • sheetStock: Sheet stock

  • processIdlePeriod: Process idle period

  • sheetMaterialScrapValue: Sheet material scrap value

  • sheetPriority: Sheet priority

  • dieGroupPriority: Die group priority

  • sheetCuttingMaterial: Sheet cutting material

  • sheetBendingMaterial: Sheet bending material

  • tubeCuttingProcess: Tube cutting process

  • tubeCuttingProcessMapping: Tube cutting process mapping

  • tubeCuttingSpeed: Tube cutting speed

  • tubeCuttingPierceTime: Tube cutting pierce time

  • tubePrice: Tube price

  • tubeStock: Tube stock

  • tubeMaterialScrapValue: Tube material scrap value

  • sheetCuttingProcess: Sheet cutting process

  • sheetCuttingProcessMapping: Tube cutting process mapping

  • sheetCuttingMotionParameters: Sheet cutting motion parameters

  • sheetCuttingProcessToLaserCuttingGas: Sheet cutting process to legacy laser sheet cutting gas mapping

  • purchasePartMaterial: Material of purchase parts

  • processConstraintsSheetMaterial: Sheet material constraint for a process

  • processConstraintsTubeMaterial: Tube material constraint for a process

  • processConstraintsPurchasePartMaterial: Purchase part material constraint for a process

  • consumable: User-defined consumables

  • processConsumableRate: Consumable rate per process

  • sheetCuttingProcessConsumableRate: Consumable rate per sheet cutting process

  • tubeCuttingProcessConsumableRate: Consumable rate per tube cutting process

  • sheetCuttingThicknessConstraints: Sheet cutting thickness constraints

  • processCustomCalculation: Custom process calculation

  • coating: Coating

  • coatingProcessMapping: Maps a coating to a process

  • sheetMaterialExportAlias: Defines export aliases for sheet materials

  • materialGroup: Global material group

  • sheetMaterialToMaterialGroup: Maps sheet materials to material groups

  • tubeMaterialToMaterialGroup: Maps tube materials to material groups

  • purchasePartMaterialToMaterialGroup: Maps purchasePart materials to material groups

  • sheetIdlePeriod: Idle time for a sheet

  • sheetSetupTime: Setup time for a sheet

  • sheetUnitTime: Unit time for a sheet

  • tubeIdlePeriod: Idle time for a tube

  • tubeSetupTime: Setup time for a tube

  • tubeUnitTime: Unit time for a tube

  • tubePriority: Priority for a tube

  • processMassConstraint: Mass constraints for a process

  • countersinkingConstraints: Constraints for countersinks

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isTableType(arg: unknown) : arg is TableType;


Types of resources that can be exported in the ERP interface

Possible values:

  • bendDrawingHtml

  • dxf

  • dxfCompressed

  • geo

  • geoCompressed

  • svg

  • svgCompressed

  • stepInput

  • stepInputCompressed

  • stepGenerated

  • stepGeneratedCompressed

  • attachments

  • png

  • undirectedConnectedComponentGraphs

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isTsGraphRepResourceType(arg: unknown) : arg is TsGraphRepResourceType;


Version of the ts_lib graph representation ERP interface

Possible values:

  • v0

  • v1

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isTsGraphRepVersion(arg: unknown) : arg is TsGraphRepVersion;


List of tube profile geometry types

Possible values:

  • rectangular: Rectangular tube profile geometry

  • circular: Circular tube profile geometry

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isTubeProfileGeometryType(arg: unknown) : arg is TubeProfileGeometryType;


Result for a 2D geometry import

Possible values:

  • partInvalid: Part is invalid

  • engravingInvalid: Engraving is invalid

  • success: Success

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isTwoDimImportResultType(arg: unknown) : arg is TwoDimImportResultType;


Type of a UserData entry

Possible values:

  • string: Entry of type string

  • number: Entry of type double

  • boolean: Entry of type boolean

  • enumeration: Entry of a set of pre-defined items

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isUserDatumType(arg: unknown) : arg is UserDatumType;


List of available widgets

Possible values:

  • assemblyView: Assembly view

  • attachmentEditor: Attachment editor

  • bendingToolEditor: Bending tool editor

  • bulkImportDialog: Bulk file import

  • articleBulkEditor: Tabular widget for bulk-editing

  • calcParamEditor: Calculatory parameter editor

  • calcUserInputDialog: Dialog for user-defined input for custom calculations

  • erpStandardInterfaceConfigDialog: Dialog for configuration of the ERP standard interface

  • fileDialog: File dialog

  • formEditor: Form editor

  • joiningSequenceEditor: Joining sequence editor

  • layeredImportDialog: Layered import dialog

  • messageBox: Message box

  • processSelector: Process selector

  • sheetMaterialEditor: Sheet filter editor

  • sheetTappingEditor: Sheet tapping editor

  • tubeFilterEditor: Tube filter editor

  • partCreationDialog: Part creation dialog

  • lstCreationDialog: LST creation dialog

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isWidgetType(arg: unknown) : arg is WidgetType;


List of possible types of worksteps


A WorkStepType classifies a workstep by the type relevant to algorithmic considerations. For example, the processes laser sheet cutting and plasma sheet cutting would both be of type sheetCutting.

Possible values:

  • undefined: An undefined type

  • sheet: A base workstep of sheet form

  • sheetCutting: Two-dimensional cutting done with a sheet

  • joining: Joining two or more assemblies

  • tubeCutting: Three-dimensional cutting done with a tube

  • sheetBending: Folding is material cut from sheets

  • userDefined: Arbitrary user defined workstep

  • userDefinedBase: Arbitrary user defined base workstep, usually a purchased part

  • packaging: Workstep where one or more assemblies are packaged and thus three-dimensionally nested into predefined containers

  • transform: Generic workstep

  • tube: Semimanufactured tube

Defined in module lib/generated/typeguard.ts:

function isWorkStepType(arg: unknown) : arg is WorkStepType;

API documentation

Top-level functions


Check if a given Feature is enabled

wsi4.isFeatureEnabled(feature: Feature): boolean

Input parameters:

  • feature The Feature to check

Return values:

  • boolean True if feature is enabled


Quit application

wsi4.quit(): void

Return values:


Enable or disable a Feature

wsi4.setFeature(feature: Feature, value: boolean): void

Enabling a Feature is only possible for development accounts!

Input parameters:

  • feature The Feature to enable or disable

  • value The value to set feature to

Return values:


Throw an exception and abort script execution

wsi4.throwError(message: string): never

Input parameters:

  • message String content of exception

Return values:

  • never


Get program version

wsi4.version(): ProgramVersion

Only meaningful in main script engine.

Return values:

  • ProgramVersion Program version


CAD query functions


Get core hole diameter of a through hole or a countersink

wsi4.cad.coreHoleDiameter(descriptor: number, part: CadPart): number

If feature and part are inconsistent, an error is thrown.

Input parameters:

  • descriptor The descriptor

  • part The associated CadPart

Return values:

  • number Core hole radius of a feature


Get CadFeatureDescriptors for a CadPart

wsi4.cad.featureDescriptors(part: CadPart): (number)[]

Note: For now the Feature API is limited to sheet metal parts (i.e. not tubes). For an unsupported part the result will always be empty.

Input parameters:

  • part A CadPart

Return values:

  • (number)[] Descriptors for all features detected in part


Query details for a CAD feature

wsi4.cad.featureDetails(descriptor: number, part: CadPart): AnyCadFeatureDetails

Input parameters:

  • descriptor The descriptor

  • part The associated CadPart

Return values:

  • AnyCadFeatureDetails Details for associated feature


Query type of a feature

wsi4.cad.featureType(descriptor: number, part: CadPart): CadFeatureType

If descriptor and part are inconsistent, an error is thrown.

Input parameters:

  • descriptor The descriptor

  • part The associated CadPart

Return values:

  • CadFeatureType Type of the associated feature


Query details for a CAD feature

wsi4.cad.groupFeatures(descriptors: (number)[], part: CadPart, considerSurfaceFlag: boolean): (CadFeatureGroup)[]

Input parameters:

  • descriptors Feature descriptors that should be grouped

  • part The CadPart

  • considerSurfaceFlag Ture if surface flag should be considered in grouping countersinks

Return values:

  • (CadFeatureGroup)[] Groups of close features


Wall thickness of the Part (if meaningful)

wsi4.cad.thickness(part: CadPart): number

For a sheet metal part, this is the sheet’s thickness. For a tube part, this is the tube’s wall thickness.

Input parameters:

  • part The CadPart

Return values:

  • number Thickness


Private API


Query values of calc user input of a vertex

wsi4.calc.calcUserInputValues(vertex: Vertex): (AnyCalcUserInputValue)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A vertex

Return values:

  • (AnyCalcUserInputValue)[] All calc user input values


Consumable consumptions for a node

wsi4.calc.consumableConsumptions(vertex: Vertex, multiplicity: number): (ConsumableConsumption)[]

For regular nodes this function returns the consumable costs per part. For semimanufactured nodes this function returns the overall consumable costs.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

  • multiplicity Multiplicity the consumables should be computed for

Return values:

  • (ConsumableConsumption)[] The consumable consumptions


Evaluate custom calculation entry points for a node

wsi4.calc.customCalculations(vertex: Vertex): (CustomCalculationResult)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • (CustomCalculationResult)[] Results of custom calculation entry points (if any)


Query default calculation jsons for a process type

wsi4.calc.defaultCalculationJsons(processType: ProcessType): (DefaultCalcJson)[]

Input parameters:

  • processType A process type

Return values:

  • (DefaultCalcJson)[] Default calculation jsons for a process type


Check if processType is meaningful in the provided context)

wsi4.calc.isMeaningfulProcess(processId: string, nodeContextProperties: NodeContext): undefined|boolean

Input parameters:

  • processId The process ID

  • nodeContextProperties Properties of the node context

Return values:

  • undefined If there is no information available for the process

  • boolean True if a node with processId is meaningful in the provided context


Manufacturing cost components for a regular node

wsi4.calc.regularManufacturingCostComponents(regularVertex: Vertex): ManufacturingCostComponents|string

Regular nodes are non-semimanufactured nodes. This does not entail any cost share of an associated semimanufactured. I.e. for sheetCutting nodes this does not entail the sheet cost share. I.e. for tubeCutting nodes this does not entail the tube cost share. The resulting value does not entail any surcharge.

Input parameters:

  • regularVertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • ManufacturingCostComponents The manufacturing cost details [currency / part] (if successful)

  • string Error message if something went wrong


Manufacturing cost preview if a node with processId would be appended to sourceVertex

wsi4.calc.regularManufacturingCostPerPartPreview(sourceVertex: Vertex, processId: string, nodeUserData: StringIndexedInterface, commands: (CamCommand)[]): number|undefined

Currently this is limited to process IDs where the associated ProcessType is userDefined or transform.

Only valid combinations of processId, userData and commands are expected. commands are only meaningful if processId references a Process with associated WST transform. userData must be meaningful for the tested ProcessType.

Input parameters:

  • sourceVertex A Vertex

  • processId Process ID

  • nodeUserData Node UserData (if meaningful)

  • commands Commands (if meaningful)

Return values:

  • number The Manufacturing cost (if available)

  • undefined In case the preview computation is not possible


Unit time (Te) per part for a regular node

wsi4.calc.regularUnitTime(vertex: Vertex): number|string

Regular nodes are non-semimanufactured nodes.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • number The resulting unit time per part (if successful)

  • string Error message if something went wrong


Overall manufacturing cost components for a semimanufactured node

wsi4.calc.semimanufacturedManufacturingCostComponents(semimanufacturedVertex: Vertex): ManufacturingCostComponents|string

The resulting value entails the entire underlying nesting. The resulting value does not entail any surcharge.

Input parameters:

  • semimanufacturedVertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • ManufacturingCostComponents The manufacturing cost details [currency] (if successful)

  • string Error message if something went wrong


Unit time (Te) for a semimanufactured node

wsi4.calc.semimanufacturedUnitTime(vertex: Vertex): number|string

The time entails all associated target node’s multiplicities.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • number The resulting unit time (if successful)

  • string Error message if something went wrong


Setup time (Tr) for a regular node

wsi4.calc.setupTime(vertex: Vertex): number|string

Regular nodes are non-semimanufactured nodes.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • number The resulting setup time (if successful)

  • string Error message if something went wrong


Query configurations for user-input based variables

wsi4.calc.userInputConfigs(vertex: Vertex): (CalcUserInputConfig)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • (CalcUserInputConfig)[] Configurations for user-input based variables


Bend related functions


Contour that is inside of any die’s affect distance (if any) TwoDimRepresentation, bendDieAffectDistances: readonly Readonly<BendDieAffectDistanceEntry>[]): (Segment)[]

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

  • bendDieAffectDistances Bend die affect distance for each bend

Return values:

  • (Segment)[] Contour that is inside of any die’s affect distance (if any)


Computes a map that contains the die affect distance for each bend (DieChoiceMapEntry)[], bendLineDataMap: (BendLineData)[], thickness: number): (BendDieAffectDistanceEntry)[]

Input parameters:

  • dieChoiceMap The die choice map

  • bendLineDataMap The bend line data map

  • thickness The sheet thickness

Return values:

  • (BendDieAffectDistanceEntry)[] Maps a die affect distance to each bend


Check closeness of two BendDieChoices BendDieChoice, rhs: BendDieChoice): boolean

Input parameters:

  • lhs lhs

  • rhs rhs

Return values:

  • boolean True if lhs and rhs are close


Partition a set of die bending vertices so that for each partition the die setup can be shared (Vertex)[]): ((Vertex)[])[]

Dies can only be shared if the global option is enabled and for vertices that are nested on the same sheet.

Input parameters:

  • vertices The vertices to partition

Return values:

  • ((Vertex)[])[] Partitions with compatible die setup


Get bend zones of a TwoDimRepresentation corresponding to a bend node TwoDimRepresentation): (InnerOuterPolygon)[]

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • (InnerOuterPolygon)[] Bend zone Polygons


Compute the maximum opening width of the lower bend die BendLineData, flangeLength: BendLineFlangeLength, extraFlangeLength: number): number

Input parameters:

  • bendLineData The BendLineData

  • flangeLength The BendLineFlangeLength

  • extraFlangeLength Additional flange length to consider

Return values:

  • number The maximum opening width for the lower bend die


Select die group combinations for a single bend DieSelectorQuery, innerRadius: number, sheetBendingMaterialId: string|undefined): (BendDieChoice)[]

Select valid die group combinations based on options and constrained by query so the resulting radius matches the constructed innerRadius as well as possible.

Input parameters:

  • query Constraints for die group selector

  • innerRadius Constructed inner radius of the bend the die groups should be selected for

  • sheetBendingMaterialId Sheet bending material ID (if available)

Return values:

  • (BendDieChoice)[] Array of die-combinations ordered by how well they match the constructed inner radius. The array can be empty if no viable option has been found.


2D nestor


Number of instances of the nesting Scene, twoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation, nestingDescriptor: number, partStyle: SceneStyle): Scene

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error. Note: An ouf-of-bounds nestingDescriptor is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • scene The Scene to add to

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • nestingDescriptor The nesting’s descriptor

  • partStyle Part SceneStyle

Return values:

  • Scene New scene with added nesting


Nesting that corresponds to nestingDescriptor TwoDimRepresentation, nestingDescriptor: number): (Nest2PartInstance)[]

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error. Note: An ouf-of-bounds nestingDescriptor is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • nestingDescriptor The nesting’s descriptor

Return values:

  • (Nest2PartInstance)[] The nesting


Axis aligned bounding box of all nested parts TwoDimRepresentation, nestingDescriptor: number): Box2

Note: The bounding box does not include an outer offset covering the nesting distance. Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error. Note: An ouf-of-bounds nestingDescriptor is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • nestingDescriptor The nesting’s descriptor

Return values:

  • Box2 Bounding box of all nested parts


Descriptor for each nesting TwoDimRepresentation): (number)[]

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • (number)[] Descriptor for each nesting


Number of instances of the nesting TwoDimRepresentation, nestingDescriptor: number): number

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error. Note: An ouf-of-bounds nestingDescriptor is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • nestingDescriptor The nesting’s descriptor

Return values:

  • number Number of instances of the nesting


Part descriptor for an input geometry TwoDimRepresentation, nestingDescriptor: number): Polygon

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error. Note: An ouf-of-bounds nestingDescriptor is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • nestingDescriptor The nesting’s descriptor

Return values:

  • Polygon Target boundary of the associated nesting


Part descriptor for an input geometry (if any) TwoDimRepresentation, iop: InnerOuterPolygon): number|undefined

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • iop The InnerOuterPolygon

Return values:

  • number Part descriptor that corresponds to iop (if available)

  • undefined If iop is not part of the nesting


Part descriptor for an input geometry (if any) TwoDimRepresentation, partTwoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation): number|undefined

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • nestingTwoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • partTwoDimRep The part’s TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • number Part descriptor that corresponds to partTwoDimRep (if available)

  • undefined If partTwoDimRep is not part of the nesting


Descriptor for each input part TwoDimRepresentation): (number)[]

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • (number)[] Descriptor for each input part


InnerOuterPolygon of the associated input part TwoDimRepresentation, partDescriptor: number): InnerOuterPolygon

Note: A twoDimRep without underlying nesting is considered an error. Note: An ouf-of-bounds partDescriptor is considered an error.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The nesting TwoDimRepresentation

  • partDescriptor The part’s descriptor

Return values:

  • InnerOuterPolygon InnerOuterPolygon of the input part


Nesting in 3D related functions


Nest assemblies into bin Nest3InputBin, parts: readonly Readonly<Nest3Part>[], timeout: CamNestorTimeout): Nest3ResultFuture

All prism body assemblies are first nested via 2D and the result is nested with the remaining parts with Binpacking

Input parameters:

  • bin Bin to nest into

  • parts Parts to nest into bin

  • timeout Timeout for prism nesting

Return values:

  • Nest3ResultFuture Future to resulting boxes


CAM related utility functions


Add all InnerOuterPolygons contained in twoDimRep to scene with style style and return the newly created Scene Scene, twoDimRep: TwoDimRepresentation, style: SceneStyle): Scene

Precondition: TwoDimRepresentation does correspond to a sheet metal part.

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene to add to

  • twoDimRep TwoDimRep holding the InnerOuterPolygons to add to scene

  • style Style for the InnerOuterPolygons

Return values:

  • Scene The new Scene containing scene as well as innerOuterPolygons


Compute 2D bouding box of underlying geometry TwoDimRepresentation): Box2

Pre-condition: TwoDimRepresentation does not correspond to a sheet node.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • Box2 Volume of the 2D geometry


Counts all cutting contours that are part of the TwoDimRepresentation TwoDimRepresentation): number

Precondition: TwoDimRepresentation does correspond to a sheet metal part.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • number Number of cutting contours


Computes the length of all cutting contours TwoDimRepresentation): number

Precondition: TwoDimRepresentation does correspond to a sheet metal part.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • number Length of all cutting contours


Get engraving data from a TwoDimRepresentation TwoDimRepresentation): Scene

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • Scene Engraving data as scenes


Get InnerOuterPolygons from a TwoDimRepresentation TwoDimRepresentation): (InnerOuterPolygon)[]

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • (InnerOuterPolygon)[] The extracted InnerOuterPolygons


Get InnerOuterPolygons representing overlapping areas from a TwoDimRepresentation TwoDimRepresentation): (InnerOuterPolygon)[]

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • (InnerOuterPolygon)[] The extracted InnerOuterPolygons


Create TwoDimRepresentation from an InnerOuterPolygon InnerOuterPolygon): TwoDimRepresentation

Input parameters:

  • innerOuterPolygon The InnerOuterPolygon

Return values:

  • TwoDimRepresentation The generated TwoDimRepresentation


Create TwoDimRepresentation from a Layered Layered, cuttingLayers: readonly Readonly<number>[], engravingLayers: readonly Readonly<number>[], tolerance: number, scaleFactor: number): TwoDimImportResult

Input parameters:

  • layered Layered to separate

  • cuttingLayers Layer descriptors that should be considered cutting contours

  • engravingLayers Layer descriptors that should be considered engraving contours

  • tolerance Tolerance for closed contour detection

  • scaleFactor Scale factor for creating TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • TwoDimImportResult Conversion result


Create TwoDimRepresentation from cutting and engraving segments readonly Readonly<Segment>[], engravingSegments: readonly Readonly<Segment>[], tolerance: number, scaleFactor: number): TwoDimImportResult

Input parameters:

  • cuttingSegments Segments to be cut

  • engravingSegments Segments to be engraved

  • tolerance Tolerance for closed contour detection

  • scaleFactor Scale factor for creating TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • TwoDimImportResult Conversion result


Compute 2D volume of underlying geometry TwoDimRepresentation): number

Pre-condition: TwoDimRepresentation does not correspond to a sheet node.

Input parameters:

  • twoDimRep The TwoDimRepresentation

Return values:

  • number Volume of the 2D geometry


Classification of file types


Classify content

wsi4.classifier.classify(data: ArrayBuffer): InputType

This function is used to determine the content type of byte streams like input files.

Input parameters:

  • data Data to classify

Return values:

  • InputType Value of enum InputType


Functions for generating documents


Add row to document

wsi4.documentCreator.addRow(row: (DocumentItem)[]): void

Input parameters:

  • row Document-Items to add

Return values:


Clear current document

wsi4.documentCreator.clear(): void

Return values:


Replace table rows and entries in input docx file by placeholders

wsi4.documentCreator.generateDocX(input: ArrayBuffer, tables: (((DocXTableCell)[])[])[]): ArrayBuffer|undefined

If a placeholder is not found in input, we do not replace it. If placeholders are inside structures not representing a table, we return empty content.

Input parameters:

  • input Docx template where to replace entries

  • tables Tables to replace (rows are replaced with same style)

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Docx file

  • undefined In case of failed docx generation


Generate PDF out of underlying document

wsi4.documentCreator.pdf(): ArrayBuffer

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer PDF file content


Render rows into HTML

wsi4.documentCreator.renderIntoHtml(rows: ((DocumentItem)[])[], format: DocumentFormat): string

The return value combines the resulting HTML content and a container holding the resources of the HTML content. resourcePath defines the location of resources relative to the HTML. E. g. this is the location where the resulting resource map should be written to on file system.

Input parameters:

  • rows Item rows forming the document

  • format Document format properties

Return values:

  • string HTML content and resource data


Create PDF document from rows

wsi4.documentCreator.renderIntoPdf(rows: ((DocumentItem)[])[], format: DocumentFormat): ArrayBuffer

Input parameters:

  • rows Item rows forming the document

  • format Document format properties

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer PDF file content


Query information related to assemblies


Asynchronously create PNG representation of an Assembly

wsi4.geo.assembly.asyncRenderIntoPng(assembly: Assembly, camera: Camera3, resolution: Resolution): ArrayBufferFuture

Input parameters:

  • assembly Assembly PNG file content should be created for

  • camera Defines the view to render

  • resolution Resolution of png

Return values:

  • ArrayBufferFuture Future for PNG output representing assembly


Get an Assembly's underlying Brep

wsi4.geo.assembly.brep(assembly: Assembly): Brep|undefined

Input parameters:

  • assembly Object of type Assembly

Return values:

  • Brep Underlying Brep (if any)

  • undefined If there is no underlying Brep


Compute default camera for given assembly

wsi4.geo.assembly.computeDefaultCamera(assembly: Assembly): Camera3

Input parameters:

  • assembly The Assembly Object

Return values:

  • Camera3 Default camera


Compute path from root to target

wsi4.geo.assembly.computePath(root: Assembly, target: Assembly): AssemblyPath|undefined

Input parameters:

  • root Root Assembly

  • target Target Assembly

Return values:

  • AssemblyPath AssemblyPath from root to target

  • undefined If there is no valid path between root and target


Get an Assembly's coordinate system

wsi4.geo.assembly.coordinateSystem(assembly: Assembly): CoordinateSystem3

Input parameters:

  • assembly An Assembly

Return values:

  • CoordinateSystem3 CoordinateSystem3


Create file content of given type of assembly

wsi4.geo.assembly.createFileContent(assembly: Assembly, fileType: FileType): ArrayBuffer

Note: This function is deprecated. Consider using createStep() and renderIntoPng() respectively.

Input parameters:

  • assembly Assembly Object file content should be created for

  • fileType Defines file type [step, png]

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer File-content for given fileType


Create file content of given type of assembly

wsi4.geo.assembly.createStep(assembly: Assembly): ArrayBuffer

Input parameters:

  • assembly Assembly Object file content should be created for

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer File-content for given fileType


Create Assembly from an InnerOuterPolygon and a defined depth

wsi4.geo.assembly.fromIop(iop: InnerOuterPolygon, depth: number, name: string): Assembly

Input parameters:

  • iop The InnerOuterPolygon

  • depth Extrude depth

  • name Name of the assembly

Return values:

  • Assembly Assembly resulting from extrusion of iop by depth


Create glTF representation of an Assembly

wsi4.geo.assembly.gltf(assembly: Assembly, dracoRepresentation: DracoRepresentation, globalVendorData: StringIndexedInterface, nodeVendorDatas: readonly Readonly<GltfNodeVendorData>[]): ArrayBuffer

This function generates a binary glTF representation (.glb) of an Assembly. The generated output requires the KHR_draco_mesh_compression and KHR_mesh_quantization glTF extensions.

Note that it is legal for dracoRepresentation to not contain Breps that occur (recursively) in assembly. An ideal call avoids this though and generates a complete DracoRepresentation well in advance to maximize parallelization.

Input parameters:

  • assembly Assembly glTF representation should be generated for

  • dracoRepresentation DracoRepresentation created for the Breps recursively contained in assembly

  • globalVendorData Globally accessible vendor-specific data to be included in the generated glTF representation

  • nodeVendorDatas Vendor-specific data to be associated with each node

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer assembly in glTF binary (.glb) representation


Get an Assembly's name Assembly): string

Input parameters:

  • assembly An Assembly

Return values:

  • string Name of assembly


Get an Assemblys underlying sub-Assemblys recursively

wsi4.geo.assembly.recursiveSubAssemblies(assembly: Assembly): (Assembly)[]

Input parameters:

  • assembly Object of type Assembly

Return values:

  • (Assembly)[] Array of all recursively collected Assembly-Objects


Create PNG representation of an Assembly

wsi4.geo.assembly.renderIntoPng(assembly: Assembly, camera: Camera3, resolution: Resolution): ArrayBuffer

Input parameters:

  • assembly Assembly PNG file content should be created for

  • camera Defines the view to render

  • resolution Resolution of png

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer PNG output representing assembly


Resolve path relative to root

wsi4.geo.assembly.resolvePath(root: Assembly, path: AssemblyPath): Assembly|undefined

Input parameters:

  • root Root Assembly

  • path The AssemblyPath

Return values:

  • Assembly Assembly referenced by path

  • undefined If path is invalid


Creates new Assembly and sets the provided CoordinateSystem3d

wsi4.geo.assembly.setCoordinateSystem(assembly: Assembly, coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem3): Assembly

Input parameters:

  • assembly The Assembly

  • coordinateSystem The CoordinateSystem3d

Return values:

  • Assembly New Assembly with updated coorinate system


Set color of geometry entities.

wsi4.geo.assembly.setEntityColors(assembly: Assembly, entities: (GeometryEntity)[], color: Vector3): Assembly

The input Assembly is cloned. The changes are applied to the cloned Assembly. The input Assembly remains unchanged. Note: For now only face colors can be changed. Note: This feature is experimental and the API might be subject to change in the future.

Input parameters:

  • assembly Input Assembly

  • entities The entities

  • color The color

Return values:

  • Assembly New Assembly with updated geometry entity colors


Get an Assemblys underlying sub-Assemblys

wsi4.geo.assembly.subAssemblies(assembly: Assembly): (Assembly)[]

Input parameters:

  • assembly Object of type Assembly

Return values:

  • (Assembly)[] Array of Assembly-Objects


Get an Assembly's world coordinate system

wsi4.geo.assembly.worldCoordinateSystem(assembly: Assembly): CoordinateSystem3

Input parameters:

  • assembly Object of type Assembly

Return values:

  • CoordinateSystem3 World-CoordinateSystem3


Query information related to breps


Compute area for a given Brep and FaceDescriptor

wsi4.geo.brep.area(brep: Brep): number

Throws an error if fd is invalid.

Input parameters:

  • brep The Brep

Return values:

  • number Area of brep


Generate a DracoRepresentation for a given set of Breps

wsi4.geo.brep.dracoRepresentation(breps: (Brep)[]): DracoRepresentation

Since a DracoRepresentation contains futures, it makes sense to call this as early as possible before the return value is used.

Input parameters:

  • breps The Breps for which to generate a DracoRepresentation

Return values:

  • DracoRepresentation Generated DracoRepresentation containing futures for all supplied elements of breps


Query an entity’s color

wsi4.geo.brep.entityColor(brep: Brep, descriptor: GeometryEntityDescriptor): Vector3

Input parameters:

  • brep The root Brep

  • descriptor Descriptor of the entity

Return values:

  • Vector3 Color of the entity


Compute area for a given Brep and FaceDescriptor

wsi4.geo.brep.faceArea(brep: Brep, fd: number): number

Throws an error if fd is invalid.

Input parameters:

  • brep The Brep

  • fd The face descriptor

Return values:

  • number Area of associated face


Collects all GeometryEntitys that correspond to the Brep's faces

wsi4.geo.brep.faces(brep: Brep): (GeometryEntityDescriptor)[]

Input parameters:

  • brep The Brep

Return values:

  • (GeometryEntityDescriptor)[] GeometryEntitys corresponding to all faces of the Brep


Create polygonal representation of a Brep in JSON format

wsi4.geo.brep.toPolyJson(brep: Brep): string

This function is deprecated. Using wsi4.geo.assembly.toGltf is preferred.

Input parameters:

  • brep The Brep

Return values:

  • string Polygonal representation of brep


Geometry related utility functions


Add innerOuterPolygons to scene with style style and return the newly created Scene

wsi4.geo.util.addInnerOuterPolygonsToScene(scene: Scene, innerOuterPolygons: readonly Readonly<InnerOuterPolygon>[], style: SceneStyle): Scene

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene to add to

  • innerOuterPolygons The InnerOuterPolygons to add to scene

  • style Style of innerOuterPolygons

Return values:

  • Scene The new Scene containing scene as well as innerOuterPolygons


Add labels to scene and return the newly created Scene

wsi4.geo.util.addLabelsToScene(scene: Scene, labels: readonly Readonly<SceneLabel>[]): Scene

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene to add to

  • labels The labels to add to scene

Return values:

  • Scene The new Scene containing scene as well as the submitted labels


Render content of selected layers into Scene

wsi4.geo.util.addLayersToScene(scene: Scene, layered: Layered, layerDescriptors: readonly Readonly<number>[], sceneStyle: SceneStyle): Scene

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene to add to

  • layered The Layered

  • layerDescriptors Descriptors of layers to render

  • sceneStyle Style applied to the Scene items

Return values:

  • Scene Scene created from submitted layers


Add polygons to scene with style style and return the newly created Scene

wsi4.geo.util.addPolygonsToScene(scene: Scene, polygons: readonly Readonly<Polygon>[], style: SceneStyle): Scene

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene to add to

  • polygons The Polygons to add to scene

  • style Style of polygons

Return values:

  • Scene The new Scene containing scene as well as innerOuterPolygons


Add segments to scene and return the newly created Scene

wsi4.geo.util.addSegmentsToScene(scene: Scene, segments: readonly Readonly<Segment>[], style: SceneStyle): Scene

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene to add to

  • segments The Segments to add to scene

  • style The style to use for segments

Return values:

  • Scene The new Scene containing scene as well as segments


Interpret childCs in parentCs

wsi4.geo.util.applyCoordinateSystem(parentCs: CoordinateSystem3, childCs: CoordinateSystem3): CoordinateSystem3

Input parameters:

  • parentCs Parent CoordinateSystem

  • childCs Child CoordinateSystem

Return values:

  • CoordinateSystem3 Resulting CoordinateSystem


Get axis-aligned bounding box of a two-dimensional geometric object

wsi4.geo.util.boundingBox2d(geometricObject: Polygon|InnerOuterPolygon|Layered|readonly Readonly<InnerOuterPolygon>[]): Box2

Input parameters:

  • geometricObject Two-dimensional geometric object

Return values:

  • Box2 Axis-aligned bounding box


Get axis-aligned bounding box of three-dimensional geometric object

wsi4.geo.util.boundingBox3d(geometricObject: Assembly): Box3

Input parameters:

  • geometricObject Three-dimensional geometric object

Return values:

  • Box3 Axis-aligned bounding box


Compute centroid

wsi4.geo.util.centroid(polygon: Polygon): Point2

Input parameters:

  • polygon The Polygon

Return values:

  • Point2 Centroid of polygon


Compute circle radius

wsi4.geo.util.circleCenter(polygon: Polygon): Point2

An error is thrown if polygon is not a circle.

Input parameters:

  • polygon The Polygon

Return values:

  • Point2 Center of the circle


Compute circle radius

wsi4.geo.util.circleRadius(polygon: Polygon): number

An error is thrown if polygon is not a circle.

Input parameters:

  • polygon The Polygon

Return values:

  • number Diameter of the circle


Get circumference of geometric object

wsi4.geo.util.circumference(geometricObject: Polygon): number

Input parameters:

  • geometricObject Geometric object

Return values:

  • number Circumference of object


Create new scene that holds the content of all scenes

wsi4.geo.util.combineScenes(scenes: readonly Readonly<Scene>[]): Scene

Input parameters:

  • scenes The scenes to combine

Return values:

  • Scene New scene that consists of all scenes


Create CoordinateSystem at origin with x-axis and y-axis

wsi4.geo.util.createCoordinateSystem(origin: Vector3, xAxis: Vector3, yAxis: Vector3): CoordinateSystem3

z-axis is computed from x-axis and y-axis so the resulting coordinate system is orthonormal. x-axis and y-axis are expected to be linearly independent.

Input parameters:

  • origin CoordinateSystem origin

  • xAxis CoordinateSystem x-axis

  • yAxis CoordinateSystem y-axis

Return values:

  • CoordinateSystem3 Resulting CoordinateSystem


Create InnerOuterPolygon from a list of segments

wsi4.geo.util.createIop(segments: readonly Readonly<Segment>[]): InnerOuterPolygon|undefined

If segments is empty, the result is undefined. If at least one element of segments is invalid, the result is undefined.

Input parameters:

  • segments List of Segments

Return values:

  • InnerOuterPolygon The computed InnerOuterPolygon

  • undefined If segments does not form a valid InnerOuterPolygon


Create Layered from binary representation

wsi4.geo.util.createLayered(inputData: ArrayBuffer): Layered|undefined

Input parameters:

  • inputData Binary input taken, for example, from reading a DXF file

Return values:

  • Layered Layered created from inputData

  • undefined In case of an error


Create LayeredExtraData from binary input data

wsi4.geo.util.createLayeredExtraData(inputData: ArrayBuffer): LayeredExtraData

Input parameters:

  • inputData Binary input taken, for example, from reading a GEO file

Return values:

  • LayeredExtraData The generated LayeredExtraData


Create an empty Scene

wsi4.geo.util.createScene(sceneData: SceneSceneData): Scene

Input parameters:

  • sceneData The scene wide meta data

Return values:

  • Scene Empty Scene object with given meta data


Dump innerOuterPolygon

wsi4.geo.util.dump(innerOuterPolygon: InnerOuterPolygon): void

This function can only be used in debug mode

Input parameters:

  • innerOuterPolygon The InnerOuterPolygon

Return values:


Create an InnerOuterPolygon from a Layered

wsi4.geo.util.extractInnerOuterPolygon(layered: Layered): InnerOuterPolygon|undefined

Input parameters:

  • layered Layered to turn into InnerOuterPolygon

Return values:

  • InnerOuterPolygon The InnerOuterPolygon representing layered

  • undefined In case of an error


Get inner polygons of InnerOuterPolygon

wsi4.geo.util.innerPolygons(iop: InnerOuterPolygon): (Polygon)[]

Input parameters:

  • iop An InnerOuterPolygon

Return values:

  • (Polygon)[] The inner Polygons of iop


Invert coordinateSystem

wsi4.geo.util.invertCoordinateSystem(coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem3): CoordinateSystem3

Note: An error is thrown if the underlying rotation matrix is not invertible.

Input parameters:

  • coordinateSystem The CoordinateSystem

Return values:

  • CoordinateSystem3 Inverted CoordinateSystem


Check if polygon is a circle

wsi4.geo.util.isCircle(polygon: Polygon): boolean

Input parameters:

  • polygon The Polygon

Return values:

  • boolean True if polygon is a circle


Check if two Assemblys are isomorphic

wsi4.geo.util.isIsomorphic(first: Assembly, second: Assembly): boolean

Input parameters:

  • first An Assembly

  • second An Assembly

Return values:

  • boolean True if first and second are isomorphic


Check if layer is empty

wsi4.geo.util.isLayerEmpty(layered: Layered, layerDescriptor: number): boolean

Input parameters:

  • layered The Layered

  • layerDescriptor Descriptor of layer to check

Return values:

  • boolean True if layer belonging to layerDescriptor is empty in layered


Get axis-aligned bounding box of a layer

wsi4.geo.util.layerBoundingBox(layered: Layered, layerDescriptor: number): Box2

Input parameters:

  • layered The Layered of layer

  • layerDescriptor Descriptor of the layer

Return values:

  • Box2 The axis-aligned bounding box fo the layer


Get descriptor for layer with layerNumber (if available)

wsi4.geo.util.layerDescriptorWithNumber(layered: Layered, layerNumber: number): number|undefined

Input parameters:

  • layered The Layered

  • layerNumber Number of the layer

Return values:

  • number Descriptor of the layer with layerNumber (if any)

  • undefined If there is no layer with layerNumber


Extract paths of the respective layer

wsi4.geo.util.layerPaths(layered: Layered, layerDescriptor: number): ((Segment)[])[]

Input parameters:

  • layered Layered to turn into InnerOuterPolygon

  • layerDescriptor Descriptor of the layer

Return values:

  • ((Segment)[])[] The paths contained in the layer


Get descriptors for each layer

wsi4.geo.util.layers(layered: Layered): (Layer)[]

Input parameters:

  • layered The Layered

Return values:

  • (Layer)[] Layers of layered


Render content of selected layers into Scene

wsi4.geo.util.layersToScene(layered: Layered, layerDescriptors: readonly Readonly<number>[], sceneStyle: SceneStyle): Scene

Input parameters:

  • layered The Layered

  • layerDescriptors Descriptors of layers to render

  • sceneStyle Style applied to the Scene items

Return values:

  • Scene Scene created from submitted layers


Get outer polygon of InnerOuterPolygon

wsi4.geo.util.outerPolygon(iop: InnerOuterPolygon): Polygon

Input parameters:

  • iop An InnerOuterPolygon

Return values:

  • Polygon The outer Polygon of iop


Check if a path is partially contained in a polygon

wsi4.geo.util.partiallyContained(path: (Segment)[], polygon: Polygon): boolean

A path is partially contained in a polygon if at least one segment of the path is partially contained in a polygon. A segment is partially contained in a polygon if from or to are contained or it intersects the boundary proper. The path must be a continuous set of segments.

Input parameters:

  • path A path

  • polygon A polygon

Return values:

  • boolean True if path is partially contained in polygon


Compute length of a path

wsi4.geo.util.pathLength(path: readonly Readonly<Segment>[]): number

Input parameters:

  • path The path

Return values:

  • number Length of the path


Check if two sets of paths are isomorphic

wsi4.geo.util.pathsIsomorphic(lhs: ((Segment)[])[], rhs: ((Segment)[])[], tol: number): boolean

Each path must be a continuous set of segments. This function can be expensive.

Input parameters:

  • lhs The first path

  • rhs The second path

  • tol The tolerance

Return values:

  • boolean True if the paths are isomorphic


Extract the Polygon’s segments

wsi4.geo.util.polygonSegments(polygon: Polygon): (Segment)[]

Input parameters:

  • polygon The Polygon

Return values:

  • (Segment)[] Segments contained in the path


Create DXF, SVG, or GEO from a Scene

wsi4.geo.util.renderScene(scene: Scene, fileType: FileType, renderSettings: RenderSceneSettings): ArrayBuffer

The viewBox of the settings is not used for DXF or GEO as of now

Input parameters:

  • scene The Scene to render

  • fileType Target FileType

  • renderSettings Settings for rendering scene

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Rendered Scene


For two unit vectors u and v, this function returns a rotation matrix A such that v = A u.

wsi4.geo.util.rotationMatrix(u: Vector3, v: Vector3): Matrix3

Input parameters:

  • u Original vector

  • v Resulting vector

Return values:

  • Matrix3 RotationMatrix


Get axis-aligned bounding box of Scene

wsi4.geo.util.sceneBoundingBox(scene: Scene): Box2

Input parameters:

  • scene The Scene

Return values:

  • Box2 Axis-aligned bounding box


Extract all scene objects that are segments

wsi4.geo.util.sceneSegments(scene: Scene): (Segment)[]

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene

Return values:

  • (Segment)[] Segments contained in the scene


Extract all segments of the scene that match styleFilter

wsi4.geo.util.sceneSegmentsWithStyle(scene: Scene, styleFilter: SceneStyle): (Segment)[]

Unset properties of styleFilter are not considered.

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene

  • styleFilter The filter

Return values:

  • (Segment)[] Segments contained in the scene with matching style


Serialize Scene

wsi4.geo.util.serializeScene(scene: Scene): ArrayBuffer

Input parameters:

  • scene The scene that should be serialized

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Serialization of scene


Create projective transformation matrix from coordinate system

wsi4.geo.util.toProjectiveTransformationMatrix(coordinateSystem: CoordinateSystem3): Matrix4

Input parameters:

  • coordinateSystem CoordinateSystem the matrix should be computed for

Return values:

  • Matrix4 The projective transformation matrix for coordinateSystem


Apply coordinate system to InnerOuterPolygon

wsi4.geo.util.transformIop(iop: InnerOuterPolygon, transformation: CoordinateSystem2): InnerOuterPolygon

The resulting IOP will be normalized w.r.t. the orientation of each polygon.

Input parameters:

  • iop The InnerOuterPolygon

  • transformation The transformation

Return values:

  • InnerOuterPolygon Canonized InnerOuterPolygon


Solve the Travelling Salesman Problem for a list of points

wsi4.geo.util.tsp(points: readonly Readonly<Point2>[]): (number)[]

Generate a round-trip through all supplied points with minimum travel distance. The implementation is based on an Advanced Random Insertion iterative heuristic algorithm.

Input parameters:

  • points List of Point2ds to traverse

Return values:

  • (number)[] Indices of points indicating the order in which to visit them


Get volume of geometric object

wsi4.geo.util.volume(object: Polygon|InnerOuterPolygon|Assembly): number

Input parameters:

  • object Geometric object

Return values:

  • number Volume of the geometric object


Read operations on the current graph


Get all vertices of an article

wsi4.graph.article(vertex: Vertex): (Vertex)[]

An article is a maximal component of the graph where all but the first and last vertex have exactly one source and one target..

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (Vertex)[] All Vertexs of the article that vertex belongs to


Get all articles

wsi4.graph.articles(): ((Vertex)[])[]

An article is a connected component of the graph such that all its vertices have exactly one source and one target, except for the first and the last, which only have exactly one target and source respectively. This function returns an array of all articles.

Return values:

  • ((Vertex)[])[] Every vertex in every article


Get UUID of current graph

wsi4.graph.currentUuid(): string

UUID changes when docugraph is modified

Return values:

  • string UUID of the current graph


Get current graph

wsi4.graph.get(): DocumentGraph

Return values:

  • DocumentGraph The current DocumentGraph


Check if the associated article can be deleted

wsi4.graph.isDeletableArticle(vertex: Vertex): boolean

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the article

Return values:

  • boolean If the associated article can be deleted


Common node context for a set of vertices

wsi4.graph.nodeContext(vertices: (Vertex)[]): NodeContext

Input parameters:

  • vertices A set ofVertexs

Return values:

  • NodeContext The common context for vertices


Get reachable Vertexs of a given Vertex

wsi4.graph.reachable(vertex: Vertex): (Vertex)[]

A vertex w is reachable from a vertex v if there exists a path from v to w.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (Vertex)[] Vertexs of all reachable nodes of vertex's associated node


Get target Vertexs of vertex

wsi4.graph.reaching(vertex: Vertex): (Vertex)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex ``Vertex the targets should be returned for

Return values:

  • (Vertex)[] Vertexs of all reaching-nodes of vertex's associated node


Compute the approximate share of a base component article that has a semimanufactured source article

wsi4.graph.semimanufacturedSourceShare(vertex: Vertex): number

Calling this function for an article that has no semimanufactured source is an error.

Input parameters:

  • vertex Vertex of a base component article that has a semimanufactured source

Return values:

  • number The approximate share of the associated article


Get serialization of graph

wsi4.graph.serialize(): ArrayBuffer

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Serialized version of current graph


Creates serialization of the subgraph formed by vertex’s article and all reaching vertices.

wsi4.graph.serializeSubgraph(vertex: Vertex, userData: StringIndexedInterface): ArrayBuffer

Pre-condition: vertex’s article must provide an input Assembly. The resulting subgraph’s import node’s multiplicity is set to 1. In case a semimanufactured node reaches beyond the subgraph, it will be replaced by an empty node of the same type in the serialization.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the graph

  • userData UserData for the resulting subgraph

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Serialization of the resulting subgraph


Creates serialization of the subgraph formed by the associated undirected connected component

wsi4.graph.serializeUndirectedConnectedComponent(vertex: Vertex, userData: StringIndexedInterface): ArrayBuffer

The subgraph consists of all Vertexs that are (possibly indirectly) connected with vertex.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the undirected connected component

  • userData UserData for the resulting sub graph

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Serialization of the resulting subgraph


Get multiplicity of sourceVertex in targetVertex

wsi4.graph.sourceMultiplicity(sourceVertex: Vertex, targetVertex: Vertex): number

If sourceVertex is not a source of targetVertex an error is thrown.

Input parameters:

  • sourceVertex A Vertex of the current graph

  • targetVertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • number Vertexs of all reachable nodes of vertex's associated node


Common node context for a set of vertices

wsi4.graph.sourceNodeContext(vertices: (Vertex)[]): NodeContext

Input parameters:

  • vertices A set ofVertexs

Return values:

  • NodeContext The common context for virtual sources of vertices


Get source Vertexs of vertex

wsi4.graph.sources(vertex: Vertex): (Vertex)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (Vertex)[] Vertexs of all source nodes of vertex's associated node


Common node context for a set of vertices

wsi4.graph.targetNodeContext(vertices: (Vertex)[]): NodeContext

Input parameters:

  • vertices A set ofVertexs

Return values:

  • NodeContext The common context for virtual targets of vertices


Get target Vertexs of vertex

wsi4.graph.targets(vertex: Vertex): (Vertex)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (Vertex)[] Vertexs of all target nodes of vertex's associated node


Get vertices of all underlying undirected connected components of the graph

wsi4.graph.undirectedConnectedComponents(): ((Vertex)[])[]

An undirected connected component consists of a set of all vertices that are directly or indirectly connected regardless of the direction.

Return values:

  • ((Vertex)[])[] Every vertex in every sub graph


Get userData of current graph

wsi4.graph.userData(): StringIndexedInterface

Return values:

  • StringIndexedInterface UserData of current graph


Get vertices of current graph

wsi4.graph.vertices(): (Vertex)[]

Return values:

  • (Vertex)[] Vertexs the current graph consists of


Functions for manipulating the current graph


Add a node by appending to an existing node

wsi4.graphManipulator.appendNode(source: Vertex, params: NewNodeParams): Vertex

The NodeUpdate’s type must be userDefined or transform, otherwise an error is thrown. The NodeUpdate’s articleUserData has no effect. If it is impossible to append a node at the submitted position, an error is thrown.

Input parameters:

  • source Source of the new Vertex

  • params Parameters for the new node

Return values:

  • Vertex The created vertex

wsi4.graphManipulator.applyUpdates(nodeUpdates: (NodeUpdate)[], articleUpdates: (ArticleUpdate)[], config: GraphUpdateConfig): void

Input parameters:

  • nodeUpdates Node update data

  • articleUpdates Article update data

  • config Config for the graph updater

Return values:


Change user data of graph

wsi4.graphManipulator.changeGraphUserData(userData: StringIndexedInterface): void

Input parameters:

  • userData New UserData of graph

Return values:


Change multiplicities of associated import nodes

wsi4.graphManipulator.changeImportMultiplicities(vertexData: readonly Readonly<VertexWithMultiplicity>[], sheetNestorTimeout: CamNestorTimeout): void

If any of the submitted nodes is not an import node, an error is thrown. If semimanufactured update info is missing for at least one associated node, an error is thrown.

Input parameters:

  • vertexData An array of data needed to change multiplicities of nodes

  • sheetNestorTimeout Timeout for sheet nestor

Return values:


Set Joining of associated node to joining

wsi4.graphManipulator.changeJoining(vertex: Vertex, joining: Joining): void

This function is only successful if the node has WorkStepType joining.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

  • joining New Joining

Return values:


Change WorkStepTypes for a set of nodes

wsi4.graphManipulator.changeWorkStepTypes(vertexData: readonly Readonly<VertexWithWorkStepType>[]): WorkStepTypeChangeResult

The result needs to be finalized. Typical use-cases are conversions to and from userDefinedBase. This function does not alter the underlying DocumentGraph regardless of the success of the operation .Available WorkStepTypes need to be queried in advance. A WorkStepType that cannot be applied is considered an error. In case changing of a WorkStepType fails unexpectedly (e.g. failed boolean operations) the result will be empty.

Input parameters:

  • vertexData An array of data needed to change WorkStepTypes

Return values:

  • WorkStepTypeChangeResult result


Clear underlying graph

wsi4.graphManipulator.clear(): void

Return values:


Clear the current undo history

wsi4.graphManipulator.clearUndoHistory(): boolean

Return values:

  • boolean true iff UndoHistory was cleared

wsi4.graphManipulator.createUserDefinedBaseNode(processId: string, nodeUserData: StringIndexedInterface, articleUserData: StringIndexedInterface): Vertex

Input parameters:

  • processId ProcessId for the new node

  • nodeUserData Node UserData

  • articleUserData Article UserData

Return values:

  • Vertex Vertex of the new node


Delete articles associated with vertices

wsi4.graphManipulator.deleteArticles(vertices: readonly Readonly<Vertex>[], sheetNestorTimeout: CamNestorTimeout): boolean

If deletion of an article would result in an invalid graph, deletion is aborted.

Input parameters:

  • vertices An array of Vertex of the current graph

  • sheetNestorTimeout Timeout for sheet nestor

Return values:

  • boolean True if all articles have been deleted


Delete nodes associated with vertices

wsi4.graphManipulator.deleteNodes(vertices: readonly Readonly<Vertex>[]): void

Only nodes of type userDefined and transform can be deleted individually. All other non-semimanufactured nodes can only be removed by removing the entire article.

Input parameters:

  • vertices An array of Vertex of the current graph

Return values:


Query the current undo history limit

wsi4.graphManipulator.maxHistorySize(): number

Return values:

  • number Upper limit for redo/undo history


Merge the submitted graph into the current graph

wsi4.graphManipulator.merge(graph: DocumentGraph): void

Input parameters:

  • graph The Graph to merge

Return values:


Add a node by prepending to an existing node

wsi4.graphManipulator.prependNode(target: Vertex, params: NewNodeParams): Vertex

The NodeUpdate’s type must be userDefined or transform, otherwise an error is thrown. If it is impossible to append a node at the submitted position, an error is thrown.

Input parameters:

  • target Target of the new Vertex

  • params Parameters for the new node

Return values:

  • Vertex The created vertex


Redo the last manipulation of graph

wsi4.graphManipulator.redo(): boolean

Return values:

  • boolean true if redo was successful


Replace current graph with submitted graph

wsi4.graphManipulator.set(graph: DocumentGraph): void

Input parameters:

  • graph The Graph to set

Return values:


Set transform commands

wsi4.graphManipulator.setCommands(vertex: Vertex, commands: readonly Readonly<CamCommand>[]): void

Note: Associated node must be of type transform. Note: Existing commands are overwritten.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

  • commands Transform commands

Return values:


Set an upper limit for the undo history. 0 = no limit

wsi4.graphManipulator.setMaxHistorySize(maxSize: number): boolean

Input parameters:

  • maxSize Max size of undo history

Return values:

  • boolean true if successful


Undo the last manipulation of graph

wsi4.graphManipulator.undo(): boolean

Return values:

  • boolean true if undo was successful


Locale dependent utility functions


Convert value from currency / kg to current unit system and get string

wsi4.i18n.currencyPerKgToString(value: number, digits: number): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value (in currency / kg) to convert

  • digits Number of decimal digits to use

Return values:

  • string value converted to type string in current unit system


Convert value from kg to current unit system and get string

wsi4.i18n.kgToString(value: number, digits: number): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value (in kg) to convert

  • digits Number of decimal digits to use

Return values:

  • string value converted to type string in current unit system


Convert value from mm² to current unit system (and adjust if needed to m² or ft²) and get string

wsi4.i18n.mmSquaredToStringAdjusted(value: number, digits: number): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value (in mm²) to convert

  • digits Number of decimal digits to use

Return values:

  • string value converted to type string in current unit system


Convert value from mm to current unit system and get string

wsi4.i18n.mmToString(value: number, digits: number): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value (in mm) to convert

  • digits Number of decimal digits to use

Return values:

  • string value converted to type string in current unit system


Get content of quotation docx matching current locale

wsi4.i18n.quotationDocxTemplate(): ArrayBuffer|undefined

Note: Default locale is en_EN

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Content of quotation docx matching current locale

  • undefined In case of an error


Convert number to string with currency symbol

wsi4.i18n.toCurrencyString(value: number, digits: number): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value to convert

  • digits Number of digits to use

Return values:

  • string String representing value with digits decimal places after decimal point and currency symbol based on locale


Convert number to string

wsi4.i18n.toNumberString(value: number, digits: number): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value to convert

  • digits Number of decimal digits to use

Return values:

  • string value converted to type string


Get translation of key

wsi4.i18n.translate(key: string): string

Input parameters:

  • key Key to look up in translation table

Return values:

  • string String representing translation for key if lookup is successful; key itself if lookup is unsuccessful


Get translation of key

wsi4.i18n.translateNodeIssueType(key: NodeIssueType): string

Input parameters:

  • key Key to look up in translation table

Return values:

  • string String representing translation for key


Get translation of key

wsi4.i18n.translateProcessType(key: ProcessType): string

Input parameters:

  • key Key to look up in translation table

Return values:

  • string String representing translation for key



Internal API

wsi4.internal.articleCostAnalysisDocument(vertex: Vertex): ((DocumentItem)[])[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex Any article vertex

Return values:

  • ((DocumentItem)[])[] Article cost analysis document


Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.

wsi4.internal.defaultNodeUserData(key: NodeUserDataKey): number|string|boolean|BendLineEngravingMode|(number)[]|(string)[]|(Attachment)[]|(SheetTappingDataEntry)[]|(UserDefinedScalePrice)[]

Input parameters:

  • key NodeUserData key

Return values:

  • number

  • string

  • boolean

  • BendLineEngravingMode

  • (number)[]

  • (string)[]

  • (Attachment)[]

  • (SheetTappingDataEntry)[]

  • (UserDefinedScalePrice)[]


Internal API; can only be used by development accounts

wsi4.internal.dummyCalcUserInputs(json: string): (AnyCalcUserInput)[]

Input parameters:

  • json Calc config json

Return values:

  • (AnyCalcUserInput)[] The default user input variables belonging to the calc config


Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.

wsi4.internal.emitGuiData(guiData: PrivateGuiData): void

Input parameters:

  • guiData Gui data

Return values:


Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.

wsi4.internal.isCompatibleToNodeUserDatum(key: NodeUserDataKey, wst: WorkStepType, pt: ProcessType, isInitial: boolean): boolean

Input parameters:

  • key Key of a node UserData entry

  • wst The WorkStepType

  • pt The ProcessType

  • isInitial If the associated node is initial

Return values:

  • boolean


Internal API

wsi4.internal.projectCostAnalysisDocument(): ((DocumentItem)[])[]

Return values:

  • ((DocumentItem)[])[] Project cost analysis document


Internal API; should not be used in third-party scripts.

wsi4.internal.settingsTableValueToString(value: AnyErpStandardInterfaceConfig): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value to stringify

Return values:

  • string


Filesystem based input and output


Extract base name from file path string): string

Example: path = "/tmp/file.step.xz"; baseName = "file"

Input parameters:

  • path The input file path

Return values:

  • string The base name


Canonize a file path string): string

Note: The resulting path does include the path’s file name. Note: If the file path does not exist, the resulting path is empty.

Input parameters:

  • path The path to canonize

Return values:

  • string Canonical version of path


Canonize a file path string): string

Note: The resulting path does not include the path’s file name. Note: If the file path does not exist, the resulting path is empty.

Input parameters:

  • path The path to canonize

Return values:

  • string Canonical version of path


Remove illegal characters from path string, replacement: string): string

Deprecated. Consider using the ts_lib counterpart in util.ts.

Input parameters:

  • path Path that sould be cleaned

  • replacement Replacement for illegal characters

Return values:

  • string path where all illegal characters have been replaced by replacement


Replace illegal characters from name by replacement string, replacement: string): string

Deprecated. Consider using the ts_lib counterpart in util.ts.

Input parameters:

  • name Name that should be cleaned

  • replacement Replacement for illegal characters

Return values:

  • string name where all illegal characters have been replaced by replacement


Remove illegal characters from path string, replacement: string): string

Deprecated. Consider using the ts_lib counterpart in util.ts.

Input parameters:

  • path Path that should be cleaned

  • replacement Replacement for illegal characters

Return values:

  • string path where all illegal characters have been replaced by replacement


Extract complete base name from file path string): string

Example: path = "/tmp/file.step.xz"; completeBaseName = "file.step"

Input parameters:

  • path The input file path

Return values:

  • string The complete base name


Create temporary directory string

Return values:

  • string Path to temporary directory


Check, if path already exists string): boolean

Input parameters:

  • path Path of directory

Return values:

  • boolean True if path already exists


Create missing sub-directories in path string): boolean

Note: Path separator is /

Input parameters:

  • path Path to create

Return values:

  • boolean True if successful


Read file from file system string): ArrayBuffer|undefined

Note: Path separator is /

Input parameters:

  • path Path to file that should be read

Return values:

  • ArrayBuffer Content of read file

  • undefined In case of an error


Remove path string): boolean

Description: Note: If path is a directory it will be removed recursively.

Note: Path separator is /

Input parameters:

  • path The path to remove

Return values:

  • boolean True if path does not exists (any more)

Create symboblic link string, linkPath: string): boolean

Note: Path separator is /

Input parameters:

  • targetPath Path of the file the link should point to

  • linkPath Path to link that should be created

Return values:

  • boolean True if successful


Write file to file system string, content: ArrayBuffer): boolean

Note: Directory the file should be written to must exist.

Note: Path separator is /

Input parameters:

  • path Path of file to write

  • content File content

Return values:

  • boolean True if successful


Write file to file system sync safe string, content: ArrayBuffer): boolean

The file is first written to filename.tmp and the moved.

Note: Directory the file should be written to must exist.

Note: Path separator is /

Input parameters:

  • path Path of file to write

  • content File content

Return values:

  • boolean True if successful

Network access via HTTP


HTTP DELETE request string): HttpReply

Input parameters:

  • url Request-URL

Return values:

  • HttpReply Result of the request


HTTP GET request string): HttpReply

Input parameters:

  • url Request-URL

Return values:

  • HttpReply Result of the request


HTTP POST request string, mimeType: string, data: ArrayBuffer): HttpReply

Input parameters:

  • url Request-URL

  • mimeType Request-Body MIME type

  • data Request body

Return values:

  • HttpReply Result of the request


HTTP PUT request string, mimeType: string, data: ArrayBuffer): HttpReply

Input parameters:

  • url Request-URL

  • mimeType Request-Body MIME type

  • data Request body

Return values:

  • HttpReply Result of the request


Access to persistent storage


Read value from persistent settings storage string): string|undefined

key is case-insensitive

Input parameters:

  • key

Return values:

  • string The value for given key if successful

  • undefined Else


Remove value from persistent settings storage string): void

key is case-insensitive

Input parameters:

  • key Key for the value in persistent settings storage

Return values:


Write value to persistent settings storage. string, value: string): void

key is case-insensitive

Input parameters:

  • key Key for the value in persistent settings storage

  • value Value that should be written

Return values:


Locale utility functions


Get character of decimal point in respective locale

wsi4.locale.decimalPoint(locale: string): string

Input parameters:

  • locale Locale to use

Return values:

  • string Get character of decimal point in respective locale


Convert number to string in the respective locale

wsi4.locale.floatToString(value: number, locale: string, precision: number): string

Input parameters:

  • value The value to convert

  • locale Locale to use

  • precision Precision to use

Return values:

  • string value converted to type string in the respective locale


Get system locale

wsi4.locale.system(): string

Return values:

  • string System locale


Read operations for a node in the graph


Deprecated. Will be removed in a future version.

wsi4.node.allowedProcessIds(vertex: Vertex): (string)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (string)[] strings representing all process identifiers the node associated with vertex can be set to


Get UserData for the associated article

wsi4.node.articleUserData(vertex: Vertex): StringIndexedInterface

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • StringIndexedInterface UserData for associated article


Get UUID for the associated article

wsi4.node.articleUuid(vertex: Vertex): string

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • string UUID for associated article


Get the Assembly for a Vertex

wsi4.node.assembly(vertex: Vertex): Assembly|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • Assembly The Assembly of the node associated with vertex

  • undefined In case the node associated with vertex does not provide an Assembly


Get scenes displaying the technical drawings of bends for a Vertex asynchronously

wsi4.node.asyncBendMeasurementScenes(vertex: Vertex, fontSize: number, resolution: Resolution): MeasurementScenesFuture

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

  • fontSize Size of measurements in px

  • resolution Resolution of techincal drawings

Return values:

  • MeasurementScenesFuture Future for an array of all possible technical drawings for the bends of the node associated with vertex


If part is a prism body (all bends are parallel) get the shadow of the profile

wsi4.node.asyncProfileShadow(vertex: Vertex): ProfileShadowFuture

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • ProfileShadowFuture Future that returns the profile shadow (if any)


Async. computation of the 2D Scene

wsi4.node.asyncScene(vertex: Vertex, config: SceneConfig): SceneFuture

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the graph

  • config Config for the Scene creation

Return values:

  • SceneFuture Future for the resulting Scene


Return true, if correction of bends of part is done

wsi4.node.bendCorrection(vertex: Vertex): boolean|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • boolean Boolean indicating automatic correction of bends if vertex is associated with a node that is of WorkStepType sheetBending

  • undefined If vertex is associated with a node which is not of WorkStepType sheetBending


Segments for each bend line (if any)

wsi4.node.bendLineSegmentsMap(vertex: Vertex): (BendLineSegmentsMapEntry)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (BendLineSegmentsMapEntry)[] Maps a BendDescriptor to an Array of segments


Get scenes displaying the technical drawings of bends for a Vertex

wsi4.node.bendMeasurementScenes(vertex: Vertex, fontSize: number, resolution: Resolution): (MeasurementScene)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

  • fontSize Size of measurements in px

  • resolution Resolution of techincal drawings

Return values:

  • (MeasurementScene)[] An array of all possible technical drawings for the bends of the node associated with vertex


Query user-defined inputs for user-input based variables

wsi4.node.calcUserInputs(vertex: Vertex): (AnyCalcUserInput)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • (AnyCalcUserInput)[] Configurations for user-input based variables


CAM Nesting mode of the underlying nesting (if any)

wsi4.node.camNestingMode(semimanufacturedVertex: Vertex): CamNestingMode|undefined

Calling this function for a non-semimanufactured node is an error.

Input parameters:

  • semimanufacturedVertex Vertex of a semimanufactured node

Return values:

  • CamNestingMode CAM Nesting mode of the underlying nesting (if any)

  • undefined If there is no nesting


Check if a node can be set to certain WorkStepTypes

wsi4.node.checkWorkStepAvailability(vertex: Vertex, workStepTypes: WorkStepTypes): WorkStepTypes

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

  • workStepTypes WorkStepTypes to check; if empty, all WorkStepTypes are checked

Return values:

  • WorkStepTypes An array of all WorkStepTypes that the node associated with vertex can be changed to


Coating area of a node

wsi4.node.coatingArea(vertex: Vertex): number

Only meaningful for nodes of ProcessType coating.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • number Net mass for the associated node


Get commands for a node of WorkStepType transform

wsi4.node.commands(vertex: Vertex): (CamCommand)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (CamCommand)[] Commands


Get BendLineDatas for the node associated to a Vertex

wsi4.node.computeBendLineData(vertex: Vertex): (BendLineData)[]|undefined

BendLineData is available for both sheetBending nodes and sheetCoutting source nodes of sheetBending nodes.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (BendLineData)[] One BendLineData for each bend line present

  • undefined In case bend line data are not available for the assocated node


Get BendLineFlangeLength for the node associated to a vertex

wsi4.node.computeBendLineFlangeLengths(vertex: Vertex): (BendLineFlangeLength)[]|undefined

This function can be used to check how long the flanges of each bend are. If they are too short, specific die choices can be eliminated to make sure parts can actually be manufactured.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (BendLineFlangeLength)[] One BendLineFlangLength for each bend line present

  • undefined In case the node associated with vertex is not of WorkStepType sheetBending


Get deduced data for a Vertex

wsi4.node.deducedData(vertex: Vertex): StringIndexedInterface

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • StringIndexedInterface Deduced data for associated node


Compute default camera for given node

wsi4.node.defaultCamera(vertex: Vertex): Camera3|undefined

Note: This function compute camera for initial node of article if possible.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • Camera3 Default camera for the associated node

  • undefined In case of inconsistent node


For each bend a list of BendDieChoices sorted according how well the die combination fits the constructed bend is computed

wsi4.node.dieChoiceAlternatives(vertex: Vertex, sheetMaterialIdOverride: string|undefined): (DieChoiceAlternativesEntry)[]

By default the node’s underlying sheetMaterialId is used (if any). Precondition: Associated node is of type sheetCutting.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the graph

  • sheetMaterialIdOverride Override for sheetMaterialId

Return values:

  • (DieChoiceAlternativesEntry)[] BendDieChoice alternatives for each bend


Return the DieChoiceMap of a vertex

wsi4.node.dieChoiceMap(vertex: Vertex): (DieChoiceMapEntry)[]|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (DieChoiceMapEntry)[] A vector of DieChoiceMapEntry, if vertex is associated with a node of WorkStepType sheetBending

  • undefined If vertex is not associated with a node whose WorkStepType is sheetBending


Not part of the official API

wsi4.node.dump(vertex: Vertex): string

Calling this function in a non-debug-build will throw an error.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • string The dumped GraphNode


The effective sheet material ID

wsi4.node.effectiveSheetMaterialId(vertex: Vertex): string|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex Sheet related Vertex

Return values:

  • string The effective sheetMaterialId

  • undefined If the effective sheetMaterialId is undefined


Find a database sheet that matches the underlying nesting

wsi4.node.findAssociatedSheet(sheetVertex: Vertex): Sheet|undefined

Precondition: Node is of type sheet. The lookup considers the nesting, sheetMaterial, sheet stock (if any), sheet priority (if any), and sheet filters (if any).

Input parameters:

  • sheetVertex Vertex of a sheet node

Return values:

  • Sheet True if associated node is based on 2D input

  • undefined If there is no matching sheet in the database


Find a database tube that matches the underlying nesting

wsi4.node.findAssociatedTube(tubeVertex: Vertex): Tube|undefined

Precondition: Node is of type tube. The lookup considers the nesting, tubeMaterial, tubeSpecification, tube stock (if any), and clamping length (if any).

Input parameters:

  • tubeVertex Vertex of a tube node

Return values:

  • Tube True if associated node is based on 2D input

  • undefined If there is no matching tube in the database


Return true, if flip side of part is used

wsi4.node.flipSide(vertex: Vertex): boolean|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • boolean Boolean indicating flip side usage if vertex is associated with a node that is initial

  • undefined If vertex is associated with a node which is not initial


Check, if ProcessType of a Vertex was forced

wsi4.node.forcedProcessType(vertex: Vertex): boolean

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • boolean True, if ProcessType of vertex was forced


Check if there are problematic geometries in the underlying input geometry

wsi4.node.hasProblematicGeometries(vertex: Vertex): boolean

Note: Experimental API. Might be subject to change in a future version.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • boolean True if there are problematic geometries


Check if a node is based on 2D input

wsi4.node.hasTwoDimInput(vertex: Vertex): boolean

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • boolean True if associated node is based on 2D input


Get multiplicity for a Vertex

wsi4.node.importMultiplicity(vertex: Vertex): number|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • number Multiplicity of an import node

  • undefined In case associated node is no import node


Internal UUID associated with terminal nodes

wsi4.node.importUuid(vertex: Vertex): string|undefined

This datum should only be utilized by internal code and not be part of any public interface.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • string The import UUID

  • undefined For non-import nodes


Get the input-Assembly for a Vertex

wsi4.node.inputAssembly(vertex: Vertex): Assembly|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • Assembly The input-Assembly of the node associated with vertex

  • undefined In case the associated node does not provide an input-Assembly


Path of the associated input file for an import node

wsi4.node.inputFilePath(importVertex: Vertex): string|undefined

There is no guarantee for this datum to be unique or non-empty in any context.

Input parameters:

  • importVertex An import Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • string Path of the associated input file (if any)

  • undefined For non-import nodes


Check if vertex is associated with the import assembly

wsi4.node.isImport(vertex: Vertex): boolean

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • boolean True, if vertex is an import node


Check if a Vertex is initial

wsi4.node.isInitial(vertex: Vertex): boolean

Being initial for a Vertex means that it is the right-most automatically generated Vertex whose inputAssembly contains a single Brep.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • boolean If the node associated with vertex is initial

wsi4.node.issues(vertex: Vertex): (AnyNodeIssue)[]

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (AnyNodeIssue)[] List of issues


Return the joining sequence of joining node

wsi4.node.joining(vertex: Vertex): Joining|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • Joining A Joining, if vertex is associated with a node of WorkStepType joining

  • undefined If vertex is not associated with a node whose WorkStepType is joining


Associated node’s layered (if any)

wsi4.node.layered(vertex: Vertex): Layered|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A profile Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • Layered The layered (if any)

  • undefined In case there is no layered for the associated node


Net mass of a node

wsi4.node.mass(vertex: Vertex): number|undefined

The net mass entails the mass derived from the actual volume and the associated density. The net mass does not entail any scrap. For semimanufactureds the net mass is defined as the sum of the net masses of all targets. In case of any component with unknown density the result is undefined.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex

Return values:

  • number Net mass for the associated node

  • undefined In case of an unknown density


Material name e.g. for GUI visualization

wsi4.node.materialName(vertex: Vertex): string|undefined

This function tries to find a meaningful name for the associated material (if any). For joinings the result is always undefined. For sheet metal parts the name is computed via sheet spec (1st prio) or the underlying sheetMaterialId (2nd prio). For tube parts the name is computed via the underlying tubeMaterialId (if any). For purchase parts the name is computed via the underlying purchasePartMaterialId (if any).

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • string A name for the underlying material

  • undefined If there is no name


Get multiplicity of a Vertex

wsi4.node.multiplicity(vertex: Vertex): number

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • number Multiplicity for the node associated with vertex


Nesting mode override for a sheetCutting or tubeCutting node

wsi4.node.nestingModeOverride(cuttingVertex: Vertex): NestingMode|undefined

By default this value is undefined and the default values applies. Calling this function for a non-sheetCutting and non-tubeCutting node is an error.

Input parameters:

  • cuttingVertex Vertex of a sheetCutting or tubeCutting node

Return values:

  • NestingMode The current nesting mode override (if any)

  • undefined Otherwise


Descriptors for the underlying nestings

wsi4.node.nestings(semimanufacturedVertex: Vertex): (Nesting)[]

Calling this function for a non-semimanufactured node is an error.

Input parameters:

  • semimanufacturedVertex Vertex of a semimanufactured node

Return values:

  • (Nesting)[] The nestings


Get the GraphNodeId for a Vertex

wsi4.node.nodeId(vertex: Vertex): GraphNodeId

The GraphNodeId of a Vertex is its unique permanent identifier. Whenever a document graph is recomputed, its changed nodes have unique new GraphNodeIds.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • GraphNodeId GraphNodeId for given vertex


Return the containers used in a packaging node

wsi4.node.packagingContainerWeights(vertex: Vertex): (number)[]|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • (number)[] An array listing the weights of all containers produced if vertex is associated with a node of WorkStepType packaging

  • undefined If vertex is not associated with a node whose WorkStepType is packaging


Associated node’s layered (if any)

wsi4.node.part(vertex: Vertex): undefined|CadPart

Input parameters:

  • vertex A profile Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • undefined If there is no Part for the associated node

  • CadPart The Part (if any)


Computes an Assembly where problematic geometries are highlighted

wsi4.node.problematicGeometryAssembly(vertex: Vertex): Assembly

Precondition: Associated node has problematic geometries.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • Assembly Assembly where problematic geometries are highlighted


Get process id for a Vertex

wsi4.node.processId(vertex: Vertex): string

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • string Process identifier for the node with vertex


Get process type for a Vertex

wsi4.node.processType(vertex: Vertex): ProcessType

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • ProcessType Process type for associated node


Extrusion length of a tube cutting node

wsi4.node.profileExtrusionLength(vertex: Vertex): number

Pre-condition: An extrusion length must be defined for the associated graph node. As of now this only holds for nodes of type tubeCutting. In this context 'profile' is considered the 2D cross section of the tube. Throws an error if called for a vertex without associated extrusion length.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A tube cutting Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • number Extrusion length of the associated profile geometry


Get the RootId of a Vertex

wsi4.node.rootId(vertex: Vertex): GraphNodeRootId

The RootId of a node is an id that persists as long as the node exists. Invalidation of a RootId happens only if the vertex is deleted or changing the attributes of a target vertex leads to recreation of its sources.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • GraphNodeRootId root id for given vertex.


Number of affected semimanufactureds regardless of the individual consumption

wsi4.node.semimanufacturedCount(semimanufacturedVertex: Vertex): number|undefined

Note that this is potentially different from both gross and net consumption. For sheet nodes (actual nesting) this returns the number of sum of the quantities of all nestings (natural number). For sheet nodes (virtual nesting) this returns the virtual number of sheets required (rational number). For tube nodes this returns the number of affected tubes.

Input parameters:

  • semimanufacturedVertex Vertex of a semimanufactured node

Return values:

  • number Number of affected semimanufactureds

  • undefined If the multiplicity cannot be computed


Gross consumption of a semimanufactured [piece]

wsi4.node.semimanufacturedGrossConsumption(semimanufacturedVertex: Vertex): number|undefined

Calling this function for a non-semimanufactured (i.e. neither sheet nor tube) is an error. The result cannot be computed e.g. if there is no associated table entry for a matching semimanufactured.

Input parameters:

  • semimanufacturedVertex Vertex of a semimanufactured node

Return values:

  • number Gross consumption

  • undefined If the consumption cannot be computed


Net consumption of a semimanufactured [piece]

wsi4.node.semimanufacturedNetConsumption(semimanufacturedVertex: Vertex): number|undefined

Calling this function for a non-semimanufactured (i.e. neither sheet nor tube) is an error. The result cannot be computed e.g. if there is no associated table entry for a matching semimanufactured.

Input parameters:

  • semimanufacturedVertex Vertex of a semimanufactured node

Return values:

  • number Net consumption

  • undefined If the consumption cannot be computed


2D bounding box dimensions for a sheetCutting node considering possible rotations

wsi4.node.sheetCuttingGrossDimensions2(sheetCuttingVertex: Vertex): (Vector2)[]

The resulting dimensions entail the nesting distance (once). The resulting dimensions can be used to query matching sheets.

Input parameters:

  • sheetCuttingVertex Vertex of a sheetCutting node

Return values:

  • (Vector2)[] The dimensions for possible rotations


Dissections for all nestings of a node

wsi4.node.sheetNestingDissections(sheetVertex: Vertex): (Vector2)[]

Input parameters:

  • sheetVertex Vertex of a sheet node

Return values:

  • (Vector2)[] The dissections


Get thickness of sheet for a Vertex

wsi4.node.sheetThickness(vertex: Vertex): number|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • number Sheet thickness for associated node

  • undefined In case the associated node does not provide a sheet thickness


Dissections for all nestings of a node

wsi4.node.tubeNestingDissections(tubeVertex: Vertex): (number)[]

Input parameters:

  • tubeVertex Vertex of a tube node

Return values:

  • (number)[] The dissections


Return the associated node’s tube profile geometry

wsi4.node.tubeProfileGeometry(vertex: Vertex): TubeProfileGeometry|undefined

Calling this function is only meaningful for tube-related nodes.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • TubeProfileGeometry The associated tube profile geometry (if any)

  • undefined If no tube profile geometry is available


Project feature onto the current 2D representation

wsi4.node.twoDimProjection(vertex: Vertex, featureDescriptor: number): (Segment)[]

Currently this is limited to throughHoles.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A profile Vertex of the current graph

  • featureDescriptor A feature descriptor of part

Return values:

  • (Segment)[] The projection of the feature


Get TwoDimRepresentation for a Vertex

wsi4.node.twoDimRep(vertex: Vertex): TwoDimRepresentation|undefined

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • TwoDimRepresentation The TwoDimRepresentation of the node associated with vertex

  • undefined In case the node associated with vertex does not provide a TwoDimRepresentation


The returned CoordinateSystem3d places the TwoDimRep's 2d coordinates into the Brep's coordinate system

wsi4.node.twoDimRepTransformation(vertex: Vertex): CoordinateSystem3|undefined

Note: The transformation is relative to the underlying Brep. Depending on the use-case additional Assembly-related transformations need to be applied.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • CoordinateSystem3 The transformation (if any)

  • undefined If no transformation is available


Get UserData for a Vertex

wsi4.node.userData(vertex: Vertex): StringIndexedInterface

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • StringIndexedInterface UserData for associated node


Get the user-defined import ID for an import node

wsi4.node.userImportId(vertex: Vertex): string|undefined

There is no guarantee for this datum to be unique or non-empty in any context. This datum should not be utilized by internal code at all besides exporting in e.g. the ERP interface.

Input parameters:

  • vertex A Vertex of the current graph

Return values:

  • string The user-defined import ID

  • undefined If there is no importId


Get Vertex corresponding to a GraphNodeId

wsi4.node.vertexFromNodeId(nodeId: GraphNodeId): Vertex|undefined

Input parameters:

  • nodeId A number

Return values:

  • Vertex Vertex with given nodeId

  • undefined If no Vertex with given nodeId exists


Get Vertex corresponding to a RootId

wsi4.node.vertexFromRootId(rootId: GraphNodeRootId): Vertex|undefined

Input parameters:

  • rootId A number

Return values:

  • Vertex Vertex with given rootId

  • undefined If no Vertex with given rootId exists


Net volume of the 3D geometry for a node

wsi4.node.volume(vertex: Vertex): number

In general the volume can be different from the associated Brep’s volume. In case of tubeCutting the net volume corresponds to a 3D geometry with corrected radii. In case of sheet the net volume corresponds to the sum of the net volumes of all target nodes (incl. multiplicity). In case of tube the net volume corresponds to the sum of the net volumes of all target nodes (incl. multiplicity). In case of