Process specific data for ProcessType laserSheetCutting

interface ProcessRepContentSheetCutting {
    boundingBox: Box2;
    contourCount: number;
    contourLength: number;
    fixedRotations: undefined | number[];
    grossSheetConsumption: undefined | number;
    netSheetConsumption: undefined | number;
    sheetConsumption: undefined | number;
    sheetId: undefined | string;
    sheetThickness: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


boundingBox: Box2

Bounding box (2-dim.) of the associated part geometry

contourCount: number

Number of contours

contourLength: number

Sum of the lengths of all contours

fixedRotations: undefined | number[]

If a test report is required

Note: Property is only provided if the respective setting is enabled.

grossSheetConsumption: undefined | number

Overall gross sheet consumption

This consumption is a floating point value representing the number of sheets (net) that is consumed for the underlying part. This consumption entails the part's actual multiplicity. This consumption entails scrap.

Note: Property is only provided if there is an associated sheet node with a valid nesting.

netSheetConsumption: undefined | number

Overall net sheet consumption

This consumption is a floating point value representing the number of sheets (net) that is consumed for the underlying part. This consumption entails the part's actual multiplicity. This consumption does not entail scrap.

Note: Property is only provided if there is an associated sheet node with a valid nesting.

sheetConsumption: undefined | number

Overall gross sheet consumption

This consumption is a floating point value representing the number of sheets (gross) that is consumed for the underlying part. This consumption entails the part's actual multiplicity. This consumption entails scrap.

Legacy property; same as grossSheetConsumption.

sheetId: undefined | string

Id of the associated sheet (if any).

Note: Property is only provided if there is an associated sheet node with a valid nesting.

sheetThickness: number

Thickness of the associated sheet geometry