Scale data entries are computed for each article

[[manufacturingCosts]] and [[sellingPrice]] include an approximate material cost share for the article. The material costs are extrapolated based on the article's multiplicity.

Note: Scale data is not meaningful for articles consisting of a sheet node only.

interface ScaleDataEntry {
    manufacturingCosts: undefined | number;
    scaleCosts: undefined | Costs;
    scaleValue: number;
    sellingPrice: number;


manufacturingCosts: undefined | number

Manufacturing costs

For component-articles this value includes an approximate material cost share.

For joining-articles this value includes costs of underlying component-articles or sub-joining-articles.

Note: Value is undefined if user defined scale prices are present for any of the relevant sub-graph's nodes.

scaleCosts: undefined | Costs

Scaled [[Costs]]

For joining-articles this value includes costs of underlying component-articles or sub-joining-articles.

Note: Unlike [[LegacyCosts]] the properties material and unit do include the article's underlying multiplicity (i.e. [[scaleValue]]).

Note: Value is undefined if user defined scale prices are present for any of the relevant sub-graph's nodes.

scaleValue: number

The scale value

sellingPrice: number

Selling price

For component-articles this value includes an approximate material cost share.

For joining-articles this value includes costs of underlying component-articles or sub-joining-articles.