Represents one article

An article is a set of nodes.

The nodes have the following characteristics:

  • All nodes have the same multiplicity
  • All nodes besides the first node have at most one source
  • All nodes besides the last node have at most one target

multiplicity is not meaningful for nodes of WorkStepType sheet and packaging.

interface ArticleRepresentation {
    attachments: Attachment[];
    boundingBox3: undefined | Box3;
    comment: string;
    externalDrawingNumber: string;
    externalPartNumber: string;
    externalRevisionNumber: string;
    globalMaterialId: undefined | string;
    internalPartNumber: string;
    internalReferenceNumber: string;
    multiplicity: number;
    name: string;
    scaleData: ScaleDataEntry[];
    sheetMaterialId: undefined | string;
    userData?: StringIndexedInterface;
    vertexKeys: string[];


attachments: Attachment[]

Attachments associated with the article

boundingBox3: undefined | Box3

3D axis-aligned bounding box of the underlying input Assembly (if any).

The property is only available for articles with associated input Assembly.


comment: string

Comment for the article

externalDrawingNumber: string

User-defined drawing number

Note: By default this value is unused / empty.

externalPartNumber: string

User-defined part number

Note: By default this value is unused / empty.

externalRevisionNumber: string

User-defined revision number

Note: By default this value is unused / empty.

globalMaterialId: undefined | string

Material associated with the sheet article (if available)

Legacy field; same as [[sheetMaterialId]]

internalPartNumber: string

User-defined part number

Note: By default this value is unused / empty.

internalReferenceNumber: string

User-defined reference number

Note: By default this value is unused / empty.

multiplicity: number

Multiplicity of the article (use with caution)

name: string

Name of the article

Note: There is no guarantee for this value to be unique.

scaleData: ScaleDataEntry[]

Scale data for the article

Scale data is computed for component-articles and joining-articles only.

Scale data is not computed for sheet-articles.

sheetMaterialId: undefined | string

Material associated with the sheet article (if available)

Optionally configurable, custom UserData

vertexKeys: string[]

Keys of the nodes the article consists of