By default each entry is considered optional. The table is typically querried via a function that returns the default in case the value is unset.

Not to be confused with table-interface Setting which is the row-type of the associated table.

A subset of known entries is defined by a corresponding C++ wrapper. This interfaces extends this wrapper.



bendFlangeSafetyDistance: number
completionTimeMode: CompletionTimeMode
csvLocale: string
dieBendingSetupTimeDistributionEnabled: boolean
erpInterfaceVersion: null | ErpInterfaceVersion
graphRepResourcesConfig: Partial<GraphRepResourcesConfig>
laserSheetCuttingAMax: number
laserSheetCuttingVMax: number
manualMechanicalDeburringSpeed: number
sheetCuttingFixedRotationsEnabled: boolean
sheetNestingDistance: number
sheetNestingMode: SheetNestingMode
sheetScrapAreaThreshold: number
sheetTestReportCosts: number
sheetTestReportEnabled: boolean
tableMigrationVersion: number
thirdPartyErpInterfaceConfig: string
tubeClampingLength: number
tubeNestingDistance: number

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