Maps node UserData entries to the associated type

Each UserData entry is optional (undefined) by default. This map defines the type for actual entries.

Note: This interface should never be instantiated. It can be considered a map of available node-UserData-entry-keys to the corresponding types



attachments: Attachment[]
bendLineEngravingMode: BendLineEngravingMode
coatingId: string
comment: string
deburrDoubleSided: boolean
fixedRotations: number[]
numCountersinks: number
numThreads: number
purchasePartMaterialId: string
sheetFilterSheetIds: string[]
sheetMaterialId: string
sheetTappingData: SheetTappingDataEntry[]
testReportRequired: boolean
tubeMaterialId: string
tubeSpecificationId: string
userDefinedMaterialCostsPerPiece: number
userDefinedScalePrices: UserDefinedScalePrice[]
userDefinedSetupTime: number
userDefinedUnitTimePerPiece: number

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